Welcome everyone to episode number, well not really an episode now but a breaking news segment,I am your host and new FFL correspondent -the WWE Internet Champion! "Long Island Iced Z" Zack Ryder. I'll be replacing the Cotton McKnight and Pepper Brooks, who unfortunately will be unable to report on this year's activites due to the fact that they've both decided to leave the announce booth and head in to the battle field this year. Wait, the newcasters are fighting this year? ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO??!!!
Anyway, we've just received word that Logical Genocide has replaced the Champion of the Universe as the general manager of their team and has given the position to new member "Fear Lantern" Bryan Beckerman. Logical Genocide owner Chris Seeney was quoted as saying "Based on the pedigree the recently disbanded 'Beckerman's Backyardigan Beeyatches' has within this league, how could I not put Mr Beckerman in the position of General Manager? He brings with him a wealth of knowledge, plus a sentient city and a planet sized green lantern to say the least. Mr Beckerman was a true champion in this league, unlike another alleged 'Champion' we have around here, and I look forward to seeing what he and his fellow teammates can do for us here."
This news from the Logical Genocide main office, is just the beginning. According to a spokesman for the team, the acquisition of the various former Backyardigans, along with Mr Beckerman's acceptance of the team position of General Manager has come with a few conditions. The most game changing of which is that the franchise can no longer be named "Logical Genocide". We have been told that the team will from here on our be known as "Beckerman presents: The Mickey Mouse Grindhouse" both to honor Mr Beckerman's past accomplishments and because "It just feels wrong to not have a franchised named after Beckerman in the FFL". Hopefully this new Beckerman fronted team will show the same amount of poise, brutality and drug addled kiddie show characters as the Backyardigans gave the league over their legendary run.
Well, that's all the time we have this week. Don't forget to like this update, subscribe to our channel or give a comment down below. Go back and watch all our other episodes! And like me on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter! Buy all the Zack Ryder merchandise on WWEShop dot com aaaannnnnd take care. Spike your hair.
Woo woo woo. You know it!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Survivor Series: A (Not-so Optional) Tournament
To kick off the season we are going to have a little Pre-Season Tournament.
Every team must put up one character that is under 40 points and can fit in a wrestling ring. This character will be one fourth of the team that will represent your division in combat.
There will be only three matches in the whole tournament, two to determine the winners from each league and one final. Only the survivors of the two matches will go on to the final round. Each team on the winning side of the first round will recieve 3 additional Graveyard Points. Each team from the divivsion that wins it all will recieve 5 more (total of 8 possible).
This tournament is not optional, but any character less than 40 points is acceptable, so if this is something that does not interest you that much, than you can feel free to send a character that is not exactly "the cream of the crop".
Have Fun...
Every team must put up one character that is under 40 points and can fit in a wrestling ring. This character will be one fourth of the team that will represent your division in combat.
There will be only three matches in the whole tournament, two to determine the winners from each league and one final. Only the survivors of the two matches will go on to the final round. Each team on the winning side of the first round will recieve 3 additional Graveyard Points. Each team from the divivsion that wins it all will recieve 5 more (total of 8 possible).
This tournament is not optional, but any character less than 40 points is acceptable, so if this is something that does not interest you that much, than you can feel free to send a character that is not exactly "the cream of the crop".
Have Fun...
Season 6 Schedule
Week 1
200 Points
Setting: Football Stadium of the Watcher's Choosing.
Prize: 10 Graveyard Points
**In this match, the two teams will not actually be “fighting” but will be playing football against each other. You must play exactly 11 characters (no more, no less) and they must not total more than 200 points. There is no cap on how much any individual character can cost, but they must be able to fit in a stadium and line up at the line up with their 10 teammates (sorry... no Unicron or Mogo).
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Transfoamers (Edwin the Bard)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Special Guest Watcher)
-Better Than All of You Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's: Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (Josh)
-Logical Genocide Vs. The Empire (Josh)
-TEAM Vs. The Royal Highness (Seney)
-Griswold's Nut Busters Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Griffin)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyer's Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Fizz)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Landerlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (NFG)
Week 2
250 Points
Setting: The Fantasy Fantasy Graveyard
Prize: 13 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (NFG)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. The Transfoamers (Special Guest Watcher)
-Better Than All of You Vs. The Empire (Robimus Prime)
-Logical Genocide Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Griffin)
-TEAM Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Josh)
-Griswold Nut-Busters Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Seney)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. The Royal Highness (Fizz)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Josh)
Week 3
300 points
Setting: Naboo's Planet Core
Prize: 15 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Empire (Seney)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (Griffin)
-Better Than All of You Vs. George Washington's Slaves (NFG)
-Logical Genocide Vs. The Transfoamers (Special Guest Watcher)
-TEAM Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Fizz)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Edwin the Bard)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers Vs. Xavier's Annihilation Squad (Josh)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Josh)
Week 4
400 Points
Setting: A Series of large Arctic Icebergs.
Prize: 20 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Josh)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. The Empire (Seney)
-Better Than All of You Vs. The Transfoamers (Fizz)
-Logical Genocide Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (Ed)
-TEAM Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (NFG)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. The Royal Highness (Robimus Prime)
-Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Josh)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Griffin)
Week 5
900 Points
Setting: The Play-off Planet
Prize: 45 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Robimus Prime)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (NFG)
-Better Than All of You Vs. The Royal Highness (Seney)
-Logical Genocide Vs. TEAM (Fizz)
-Former Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. Griswold's Nut-Busters (Griffin)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Edwin the Bard)
-The Empire Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Josh)
-The Transfoamers Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Josh)
Week 6
700 Points
Setting: Space: The Final Frontier
Prize: 35 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Fizz)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Griswold's Nut-Busters (Seney)
-Better Than All of You Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Josh)
-Logical Genocide Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Josh)
-Former Pop-Superstar and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (NFG)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Robimus Prime)
-The Empire Vs. The Royal Highness (Edwin the Bard)
-The Transfoamers Vs. TEAM (Griffin)
Week 7
550 Points
Setting: Downtown Detroit, Mi in July of 1928
Prize: 28 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Better Than All of You (Special Guest Watcher)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Logical Genocide (Robimus Prime)
-Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Josh)
-The Transfoamers Vs. The Empire (NFG)
-TEAM Vs. Griswold's Nut-Busters (Josh)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Seney)
-Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve Vs. The Royal Highness (Fizz)
-Team Sleeping Pussy Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Griffin)
Week 8
400 Points
Setting: The Jundland Wastes
Prize: 20 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets (Fizz)
-Better Than All of You Vs. Logical Genocide (NFG)
-Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commands Vs. The Transfoamers (Seney)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. The Empire (Griffin)
-TEAM Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Robimus Prime)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Special Guest Watcher)
-Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Josh)
-Team Sleeping Pussy Vs. The Royal Highness (Josh)
Week 9
75 Points
Setting Arkham Asylum
Prize: 4 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Logical Genocide (Griffin)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Better Than All of You (Edwin the Bard)
-Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. The Empire (Fizz)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. The Transfoamers (Josh)
-TEAM Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (NFG)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Josh)
-Team Sleeping Pussy Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Seney)
-The Royal Highness Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Special Guest Watcher)
200 Points
Setting: Football Stadium of the Watcher's Choosing.
Prize: 10 Graveyard Points
**In this match, the two teams will not actually be “fighting” but will be playing football against each other. You must play exactly 11 characters (no more, no less) and they must not total more than 200 points. There is no cap on how much any individual character can cost, but they must be able to fit in a stadium and line up at the line up with their 10 teammates (sorry... no Unicron or Mogo).
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Transfoamers (Edwin the Bard)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Special Guest Watcher)
-Better Than All of You Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's: Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (Josh)
-Logical Genocide Vs. The Empire (Josh)
-TEAM Vs. The Royal Highness (Seney)
-Griswold's Nut Busters Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Griffin)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyer's Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Fizz)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Landerlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (NFG)
Week 2
250 Points
Setting: The Fantasy Fantasy Graveyard
Prize: 13 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (NFG)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. The Transfoamers (Special Guest Watcher)
-Better Than All of You Vs. The Empire (Robimus Prime)
-Logical Genocide Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Griffin)
-TEAM Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Josh)
-Griswold Nut-Busters Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Seney)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. The Royal Highness (Fizz)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Josh)
Week 3
300 points
Setting: Naboo's Planet Core
Prize: 15 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Empire (Seney)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (Griffin)
-Better Than All of You Vs. George Washington's Slaves (NFG)
-Logical Genocide Vs. The Transfoamers (Special Guest Watcher)
-TEAM Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Fizz)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Edwin the Bard)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers Vs. Xavier's Annihilation Squad (Josh)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Josh)
Week 4
400 Points
Setting: A Series of large Arctic Icebergs.
Prize: 20 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Josh)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. The Empire (Seney)
-Better Than All of You Vs. The Transfoamers (Fizz)
-Logical Genocide Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (Ed)
-TEAM Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (NFG)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. The Royal Highness (Robimus Prime)
-Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Josh)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Griffin)
Week 5
900 Points
Setting: The Play-off Planet
Prize: 45 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Robimus Prime)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (NFG)
-Better Than All of You Vs. The Royal Highness (Seney)
-Logical Genocide Vs. TEAM (Fizz)
-Former Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. Griswold's Nut-Busters (Griffin)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Edwin the Bard)
-The Empire Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Josh)
-The Transfoamers Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Josh)
Week 6
700 Points
Setting: Space: The Final Frontier
Prize: 35 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Fizz)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Griswold's Nut-Busters (Seney)
-Better Than All of You Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Josh)
-Logical Genocide Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Josh)
-Former Pop-Superstar and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (NFG)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Robimus Prime)
-The Empire Vs. The Royal Highness (Edwin the Bard)
-The Transfoamers Vs. TEAM (Griffin)
Week 7
550 Points
Setting: Downtown Detroit, Mi in July of 1928
Prize: 28 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Better Than All of You (Special Guest Watcher)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Logical Genocide (Robimus Prime)
-Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Josh)
-The Transfoamers Vs. The Empire (NFG)
-TEAM Vs. Griswold's Nut-Busters (Josh)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Seney)
-Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve Vs. The Royal Highness (Fizz)
-Team Sleeping Pussy Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Griffin)
Week 8
400 Points
Setting: The Jundland Wastes
Prize: 20 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets (Fizz)
-Better Than All of You Vs. Logical Genocide (NFG)
-Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commands Vs. The Transfoamers (Seney)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. The Empire (Griffin)
-TEAM Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Robimus Prime)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (Special Guest Watcher)
-Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Josh)
-Team Sleeping Pussy Vs. The Royal Highness (Josh)
Week 9
75 Points
Setting Arkham Asylum
Prize: 4 Graveyard Points
-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Logical Genocide (Griffin)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Better Than All of You (Edwin the Bard)
-Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. The Empire (Fizz)
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. The Transfoamers (Josh)
-TEAM Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers (NFG)
-Griswold's Nut-Busters Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Josh)
-Team Sleeping Pussy Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Seney)
-The Royal Highness Vs. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (Special Guest Watcher)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Season 6 Draft Order
As always, this draft order was chosen by the picking of random draft balls of varying number; depending on how your team finished in Season 5.
The draft will be serpentine, and will go in this order:
1. The Transfoamers
2. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murdeflies
3. The Royal Highness
4. The Horsemen of Apokolips
5. George Washington's Slaves
6. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family
7. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve
8. Better Than All of You
9. Team Sleeping Pussy
10. TEAM
11. The Empire
12. The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets
13. Griswold's Nut-Busters
14. Logical Genocide
15. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers
16. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both World's Touring Battalion of Commandos.
The draft will be serpentine, and will go in this order:
1. The Transfoamers
2. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murdeflies
3. The Royal Highness
4. The Horsemen of Apokolips
5. George Washington's Slaves
6. Layanderlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family
7. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve
8. Better Than All of You
9. Team Sleeping Pussy
10. TEAM
11. The Empire
12. The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets
13. Griswold's Nut-Busters
14. Logical Genocide
15. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers
16. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's Best of Both World's Touring Battalion of Commandos.
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