Friday, March 26, 2021

Consortium Week 4: Super Kitties vs Be Gentle Its My Third Time

Kitties are : Apocalypse, Power Girl, Starfire, Raven, Magnus Bane, Mr. Spock and Capt. Pike in The Arc, Iko, Scarlet, Thorne, Kai, Cinder, Erland, Wolf, and Cress in The Rampion, Barack Obama and Teddy Roosevelt in a Trade Federation Droid Control Ship, Capt. Hiller, and Capt. Wilder in a Firespray 31, Raven Reyes, Monty Green, Clarke Griffin, Madi, Indra, Bellamy, Blake, Octavia Blake, John Murphy, and Lexa in Count Dookus Ship, Hawkeye in a TIE Interceptor, Princess Leia in a Z95 Headhunter, Firestorm, Space Trooper #1-2, Queen Alien, Baby Marvel Girl, Tomar Tu, Athena, The Insecticons : BombShell, Shrapnell, and Kickback, and Juliette Ferrars w/ a Red Lantern Ring

Gentle is :Full Spectrum Kyle Raynor (final death), Zombie Superman (final death), Zombie Superboy (final death), White Lantern Kyle Raynor, Plo Koon (final death) w/ a Green Lantern Ring in Porkins X-Wing with BB-8 , The Z-Fighters : Gohan (final death) , Krillin, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Yanmch, Chiaotzu, Yajrobe, and Bulma, Indigo Lantern Ray Palmer (final death), Orange Lantern Lex Luthor (final death), Yellow Lantern Scarecrow (final death) , Mako w/ a Yellow Lantern Ring, King Xeno, 2 Dwarves, Black Lantern Batman w/ Beskar Armour (final death), Black Goku ( final death ) Zeus and Hera, Halo Ring, Pick Mazda w/ gt wing.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Democracy Match Week 4: The Striders of Rohan vs The 89th Gender Little Humans

Midgets are Black Lantern Green Lantern, Atrocitus, Ganthet w/ Dwarf Ring #3 , Sayd w/ Dwarf Ring #4, Thundercracker, Bat-Mite w/ Dwarf Ring #6, Mighty Mouse, Mighty Mousette, Skywarp, Depa Billiba in a Jedi V-Wing, Hecate, Air Zonk, Power Dump, Astra, Quasar, Star Fox w/ a Blue Lightsaber in an Arwing, Star Wolf w/ a Double Bladed Red Lightsaber in a TIE Interceptor, Lando Calrissean and Lobot in Princess Leias Y-Wing, ALF and Nien Numb in a 2 seater Y-Wing, Zombie Yellow Lantern, Yellow Lantern #1a and #2a, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers both with Indigo Lantern Rings, Harambe w/ a Blue Lantern Ring, Vampire Darth Maul w/ THE Orange Lantern Ring and The Darksaber, Allia Atreides w/ a Star Saphirre Ring, Soundblaster w Decepticon Cassettes #1-3, Red Rumble, and Blue Frenzy, Sith Decepticon Cassette Josh Houslander in Josh's A-Wing, Homeslice and Artifact the Asgardian Dolemite in a 2 seater Y-Wing, OA Guardian #1-2, Powerglide, Richie Rich and Dollar Bill in a TIE Bomber, Black Lantern Vampire, and a Black Lantern Hammer Bro.

Striders are Ultraman, Superwoman, Power Ring, Steppenwolf w/ a Yellow Lantern Ring, Rage w/ a Red Lantern Ring, Morg w/ a Red Lantern Ring, Odin, Baron Mordo, IG Bounty Hunter in a X-Wing, T-2, T-3, Dion, Trail Breaker, Grapple, Chromia, Jedi Master #1a in a TIE Silencer, Mandalorian #1 in a TIE Fighter,  Mandalorian #2 in Kyles Sith Fighter,  Mandalorian #3 in a Y-Wing,  Mandalorian #4 in a Y-Wing,  Mandalorian #5 in a Stealth X-Wing, All of the following characters in The Executrix Dark Troopers #1-5, Greef Karga, Cara Dune, Death Trooper #1a and #2a, Vampire Death Trooper, Black lantern Death Trooper, Zombie Death Trooper, Storm Trooper #1a and #2a, Black Lantern Strom Trooper, Zombie Storm Trooper, and Vampire Storm Trooper - (end of characters in The Executrix) , Blue Lantern #1a and #2a, Vampire Blue Lantern, Zombie Blue Lantern, Black Lantern Blue Lantern, Metal Bender #1, Rebel Trooper #1a in a B-Wing, Rebel Trooper #2a in a X-Wing, Jedi Knight #1a in Princess Leias stealth X-Wing. 

 Vote Away! This is a good one. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

S12 W3: Dinomites vs Sith Aids

The Dinomites are: Aquaman King Of Atlantis w/GL Ring, Ice w/star sapphire ring, Vampire Larfleeze, The Aerielbots: (Silverbolt, Air Raid, Skydive, Fireflight, SlingShot), The Technibots:  (Scattershot, Strafe, Lightspeed, Afterburner, Nosecone), Quintessa, Bowser: King of Koopa, Captain Tarples, Kit Fisto, Nadar Vebb, Red Lantern Mera, A submarine containing Chirrut Inwee, Baze Malbus, Android Human Torch

The Sith Aids are: Voltron (Vehicle)1-5 (4 deaths), Sharkticon 3-7(4 deaths), Ultra man, Jet Jaguar, Suki, Sukka, Ty Lee, Gnaw, Sludge (4 deaths), Swoop(4 deaths), Weapon H, Cosmic Spiderman, Hancock, Amon, Unsullied #1 (4 deaths), Unsullied #2 (4 deaths)

Ready for the Artifact “Turd of the Week”? Good. Don’t bother buckling up. This ride will be short.

The water runs red with the blood of Tarples, Kit Fisto and Nadar Vebb who unsuccessfully tried to swim away from the Sharkticons. Baze Malbus sends all 5 of them to the graveyard with a few well placed torpedoes. 

Nearby, Quintessa with Bowser riding on her shoulder is taking on Ultra man and Jet Jaguar. Bowser is able to blind Jet Jaguar with a fireball to the eye while Quintessa obliterates his skull. Ultra man is trying to hold his own. He is able to rip the King of Koopa off her shoulder and drown him but Quintessa is almost too much. Swoop “swoops” in and finishes the job but involuntarily kills his teammate in the process. Swoop, Gnaw and Sludge then team up with Voltron who has just gone on a killing spree finishing off the Arielbots thanks to a little help in the sky from Hancock. The Technibots prove a tougher match and in the end all Technibots and Voltron are defeated. Gnaw, Sludge and Swoop were able to blow up the submarine for the Dinomites as well but the Human Torch was able to evacuate before the explosion and with the help of Ice, did a hot and cold number on the remaining robots. 

The two unsullied try to throw their spears at Aquaman but the attempt is easily thwarted as he knocks them aside with his trident and then kills the two. He then shoots a jet of water into the air as Hancock is swooping by and Ice hits the water, freezing it into an icicle of death impaling the guy who looks like The Fresh Prince. 

Amon uses some Avatar trickery that I couldn’t be bothered to google and with the help of Weapon H they avenge their comrade and Ice is defeated. Mera and Aquaman use their combined Lantern power as well as their command of the ocean to put an end to Amon and Weapon H just as they finish the job. At some point in this skirmish, the turbulent waves proved too much for Suki, Sukka and Ty Lee and they faced an unceremonious death at the hand of a lazy writer who is already behind schedule. 

Cosmic Spiderman spins Mera into a cosmic web and before he has a chance to kill her, Vampire Larfleeze bites his neck and drinks up some of that good cosmic blood. Spidey uses a web to grab a nearby tree and while wrapping Larfleeze in a bear hug, propels the two of them into a giant limb that impales both their bodies killing them both. Get it? I used a stick to kill the immortal Larfleeze because he is a vampire. I thought it was funny. 

Consortium Week 3: House Elves vs Be Gentle

House Elevs are Emperor Joker. Godzilla (last life), BlackBolt, Seaworm #1a, Black Lantern Seaworm, Vampire Seaworm, Zombie Seaworm (last life), Ron Weasely, Ginny Weasely, Sirius Black, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Alpha, Zordon, Goldar, Fenster, Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Huey, louie, Duey, Shaak Ti, The Monkguin, Jar Jar Binks, Lucca Brazzi, Liono, and Waterbender #1, 2, and 3. 

Gentle is Zilla, Plo Koon w/ green lantern ring, The Terracons: Hunger, Ripsnapper, Blot, Sinnertwin, CutThroat, Cindersaur, Namorita, Full Spectrum Kyle raynor, Dr Strange, Wong, The Tigersharks : Mako w/ a yellow lantern ring, Walro, Dolph, ocavia, Lorca, Bronc, Angel, and Gupp, Chuck Norris in a penguin suit, Indigo Lantern Ray Palmer, Orange Lantern Lex Luthor, Yellow Lantern ScareCrow, Kratos, Black Lantern Batman in Beskar Armour, Maggi, and Cave Troll #1 (last life).

Charles Barkleys Turrible Decisions vs The Striders of Rohan

 Barkleys Turrible Decisions are Omniman, Invincible, Battlebeats, Thrag, and Allen the Alien, Nautilator, Snaptrap, Overbite, Seawing, Skalor, and Tentakil, Killer Croc, Princess Laya of the Salad Kingdom, Pokemon Trainer Scarlet, Piplup, Eevee, and Detective Pikachu, Resplendent Man, Kitana w/ a frog suit, Kano, Sonja Blade, Jax, Al Capone w/ Power Ring, Venom (Flash Thompson) , HotSpot, Blades, Streetwise, Groove, and First Aid, T-X Terminator, The Whither.

The Striders of Rohan are Power Ring, Earth 2 Batman w/ a Green Lantern Ring, Rage w/ a Red Lantern Ring, Morg w/ a Red Lantern Ring, Arwen Evenstar w/ a Blue Lantern Ring, Zombie King Kong, Submarine with Death Trooper #1a and #2a, Storm Trooper #1a and #1b, and Literally Your old Lady (end of submarine characters), Blue Lantern #1a and #1b, Black Lantern Blue Lantern, Vampire Blue Lantern, Zombie Blue Lantern, Thorin Oakenshield, Bifur, Bofer, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Ori, Nori, and Dori, Spinasaurous #1a, Spinasaurous #2, Vampire Spinosaurus, Zombie Spinasaurous, and Black Lantern Spinosaurus, Decpeticon #1a and #1b, Black Lantern Decepticon, Vampire Decepticon, Zombie Decpeticon, Cybertronian #1a and #1b, Black Lantern Cybertronian, Vampire Cybertronian, Steve Yzerman, Paul Coffey, Tim Chevaldae, Bryan Murray, Alan Trammel, Literally ur ol’ lady, Gondor Soldier #3, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, Fedayeen #5 (last life), Jedi Knight #1a and 1b, Zombie Jedi Knight, Vampire Jedi Knight, Black Lantern Jedi Knight, and Swamp Bender #1 and 2. 

Before the match even stars can we get some rips in chat for : Laya, Scarlett, Piplup, Eevee, Detective Pikachu, Kano, Sonja Blade, Jax, Steve Yzerman, Paul Coffey, Tim Chevaldae, Bryan Murray, Alan Trammel, Gondor Soldier #2, 12, 15, 18, 19, and 20, Fedayeen #5, Jedi Knight #1a, Jedi Knight #1b, Thorin Oakenshield, Bifur, Bofer, Bomber, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Ori, Nori, and Dori, Spinasaurous #1a, Spinasaurous #2,  Vampire Spinasaurous, and Zombie Spinasaurous and Black Lantern Spineasaurous

Now,,on to the match. This takes place in Atlantis.

As soon as they drop in the water the troopers and literally your old lady in the submarine notice Resplendent Man as a huge threat, so they fire every missile they can possibly shoot at him but he takes it like a champ. Then punches the submarine into oblivion killing the troopers and literally your old lady, before Resplendent Man receives a Green Lantern made Axe to the neck from Earth 2 batman, in Resplendent Man's last breath he shoots heat vision through the head of Earth 2 batman.

Zombie king kong seemed intimidating, but as soon as the seacons realized he couldn't swim they immediately rush to him and tear him apart. The Jedi Knights rush towards the seacons to avenge Kong but as soon as they turn on their lightsabers they see that they don't work here, and before they can even look back up there dead as the seacons burnt them to death with lasers. 

Arwen Evanstar watching from afar away sees the dominating of the seacons and contacts Power Ring, Morg, Rage, Baron Zemo, and Berry Sanders through telepathy to warn them. With Barry Sanders shooting the seacons with ice balls this allows the lanterns to blow through their metal skin with lantern blasts, Leaving Berry Sanders and Rage alive after defeating the seacons. Killer Croc then comes from behind and grabs them both by the neck and rips their heads off with his teeth. 

Swamp Bender #1 and 2 see that they don't have any vines to work with, and don't like their chances with just water, so they form bubbles around them and retreat.

Venom swims towards the 2 cybertronians thinking he might have a slight advantage but his mobility suffers greatly as the Transformers rip him apart.

Striders see that they are greatly overmatched and outnumbered to this point, and know that all that can save them is hope. Arwen, Black Lantern Blue Lantern, Blue Lantern #1a, Blue Lantern #1b, Vampire Blue Lantern, and Zombie Blue Lantern use all the hope they've got and combine the power to create the biggest blast you'll ever see, destroying  Omniman, Invincible, Battlebeast, Thrag, and Allen the Alien. This power disintegrated all of the blue lanterns and Zombie Decepticon, Vampire Decepticon, and Grapple who got caught in the range. 

The protectobots go after trail breaker and ultimately overpowering the durable transformer. The remaining protectobots, hotspot and groove, take out Vampire Cybertronian. 

Killer Croc, Bobbing and weaving through the water at high speeds smacks Black Lantern Cybertronian to the ground which sets up T-x Terminator to blast him to dust with her plasma cannon. Killer Croc then moves onto the 2 decepticon and is just way too fast, ripping them both apart and standing triumphantly over the metal floating through the ocean. 

Dion, being the only strider left, tries to avenge his strider brothers by sneaking up on killer croc, but in sacrifice, kitana breaks out of her frog suit and throws her to fans in the cracks of his metal skin then ripping them out thus killing dion and resulting in kitana drowning herself.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Week 3: TEAM vs Crack Danks

 TEAM: Sharkticon #1-10, Jack Lalane, Emerald Weapon, Morg, Trypticon (Brunt and Full-Tilt as part of Trypticon), Superboy, Iron Hide, Leader One, Cy-Kill, Crasher, Cop-Tor, Hot Rod, Ultra Magnus, Perceptor

Crack Danks: Jaws 2, Jaws 3, The Planteers (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Heart), Dr. Manhattan w/ White Lantern Ring, Green Lantern Penguin, Leonardo w/ Katana Blade (-4), Incredible Hulk (-4), Krampus, Whitmore Bludd, Sheeana Brugh, Jolee Fishdo, Obi Wan Kenobi w/ Force Saber, Knuckles, Wario, King Hippo, Goldmember

So what had happened was, Elon Musk was supposed to be rich and donate a bunch of breathing apparatuses, but then the bovid said not happening. Soooo Jack Lalane, Krampus, Whitmore Bludd, Sheeana Brugh, Knuckles, Wario, and Goldmember basically drowned off the start. Obi Wan is a badass jedi so he has his own breathing apparatus and King Hippo, while being a human and only nicknamed hippo, was somehow able to survive underwater like a normal hippo.

After leaving the dead bodies, Crack Dank advances towards the lost city of Atlantis where TEAM has already taken control. The Sharkticons keep watch along the borders of the city, anxiously waiting for their next prey. Superboy attempts to devise a defense plan as he knows an enemy is coming. The various transformers and go bots await next to Superboy for a glorious battle in the sea. As for Crack Dank’s advance, Dr. Manhattan, having foresight, already knows how this encounter will end… and continues anyways towards the city leading his friendlies.

Leonardo wants to create a sneak attack plan, but Jaws 2 and 3 go straight for the 10 sharkticons and devour them. The final three sharkticons are able to kill Jaws 3 but are quickly finished themselves by Jaws 2. This movement awakens Emerald Weapon who is sitting dormant at the bottom of the ocean and he attacks Jaws 2 destroying the massive shark to pieces. Upon seeing Emerald Weapon, Leonardo advances with his katana blade and slices and dices the final fantasy boss. TEAM hears the fighting occurring at the edge of Atlantis and the transformers move towards the action. Trypticon approaches Crack Danks with pure hatred as it is the only thing he can feel. He annihilates the Planteers along with Green Lantern Penguin. Hulk becomes enraged seeing his teammates be killed so easily and one punches Trypticon into a million pieces. Hulk continues his raging attack and grabs Leader One and throws him into Cy-Kill and Crasher while quickly moving towards Cop-tor and ripping the “transformer” in half.

Meanwhile, Jolee Fishdo and Obi Wan have been swimming around the battle to come up behind Morg and use their light sticks to easily cut through Morg. Unfortunately for the two Jedi, Superboy heard Morg’s outcry when being killed. The young Superboy quickly moves towards the two Jedi and Superboy uses his freeze breath to freeze the two and then punch them into a million pieces each. As Superboy was preoccupied, Hulk continued his frenzy of rage and obliterated Hot Rod, Ultra Magnus, and Perceptor. In his destructive wake, Hulk accidently killed his own teammate King Hippo. Superboy has had enough of Hulk and throws him straight up out of the water and into space, where Hulk slowly moves towards the sun with no more control on his movement in the vacuum of space.

On his own adventure on the ocean floor, Leonardo finds a green unknown substance resting on the ocean floor… 

From what Superboy and Iron Hide can see, it is just them two versus Dr. Manhattan. Iron Hide shoots missiles at the glowing being to which no harm is taken by Dr. Manhattan. Dr. Manhattan responds, “There is no use in that, I already know how this encounter ends. It is trivial to even try to stop the future from occurring.” Superboy replies, “Oh really? And how exactly do you see this ending, because it’s not looking too good for you.” Dr. Manhattan says “I know.” To which Superboy has had enough and approaches Dr. Manhattan to punch him into last the milenia, Dr. Manhattan quickly crushes Iron Hide into the size of a smart car and accepts Superboy’s attacks. He continues to take hits until he is finally receiving pain and begins to die, at the same time Superboy finally becomes tired. Superboy winds up to give one last final blow to Dr. Manhattan and kill the all powerful being. Dr. Manhattan says in his final breaths “Thank you for making me feel human again” and with a smile Dr. Manhattan is defeated by the final punch. Dr. Manhattan’s foresight has played out exactly as here foresaw it. Superboy, tired beyond his own belief, believes he has won the battle, but Leonardo comes forth with a green tainted blade and stabs the young kryptonian through the heart.

FFL 2021 Week 3: Acrobats vs. Evil Midgets

 *-4 denotes 4 deaths*

Acrobatic Assassins: Martian Manhunter -4, Miss Martian -4, Poseidon -4, Jaws, Avatar Korra, Katara w/ Blue Lantern Ring, Desna, Eskam John Stewart w/ Green and Blue Lantern Rings, Indigo-1, Munk, Vampire Dr. Manhattan, Elf #9-11, Orc #30-50, and Uruk Hai #6-11

Evil Midgets: Seaspray, Abe Sapien, Mimic, Water Bender #2, Allicon #1-5, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Joan Jett in a Frog Suit, OA Guardian #1-2, Yellow Lantern #1A and 2A, Michelangelo, Toad, Blue Toad, Yellow Toad, Combaticons consisting of Onslaught, Brawl, Blast-Off, Swindle, Vertex, and the Stunticons consisting of Motor Master, Breakdown, Wildrider, Dead End, and Dragstrip

This match takes place in the City of Atlantis.

We start with Ashoka’s Acrobatic Assassins as they spawn into Atlantis, immediately three Elves, twenty Orcs and six Uruk Hai realize that they are underwater and immediately start swimming up to the surface to breathe. The Orcs and Uruk Hai aren’t able to hold their breath long enough and drown before they can reach the surface. The Elves are able to hold their breath long enough to make it to the surface but then succumb to Decompression Sickness as their bodies are not used to such high pressures of the deep sea. They reached sea level too quickly, thus causing Nitrogen Bubbles to form in their brain and death.  

The Midgets spawn in and Mimic realizes he’s under water, thankfully his mimic abilities give him gills from Jaws. The Combaticons and Stunticons immediately combine to become Bruticus and Menasor. Avatar Korra, Katara, Desna and Eska work together to take on Menasor, while John Stewart, Indigo-1, and Munk work together to combat Bruticus. 

The water benders first try to combat Menasor by freezing trying to freeze the giant transformer in place but that does not work as it just easily breaks the frozen water every time. Menasor is annoyed with the frozen water and takes a slash at the benders with his sword killing both Desna and Eska. Korra becomes enraged after seeing her cousins killed and becomes enraged as she attacks Menasor with a flurry of water bending attacks. Katara also does the same. Martian Manhunter sees the water benders struggling with the large transformer. Then out of the corner of his eye he sees a trident laying on the ground, so he grabs it and goes to help out the benders. He comes speeding across the back of Menasor and slashes the Trident across the back of the transformer causing significant damage. Then Katara starts hitting Menasor with Blue Lantern energy blasts while Martian Manhunter hits the Mechanical Beast with more and more attacks from his trident. Eventually the damage it has taken has become too critical and the beast is slayed.

Michelangelo sees this naked glowing blue dude and convinces Toad, Blue Toad, and Yellow Toad to come help him take him on. Michelangelo’s convincing argument was “it’s just a glowing blue dude, what’s the worst he could do”. The group confronts the dude not realizing it’s Dr. Manhattan. Michelangelo makes some jokes about Dr. Manhattan. He is thoroughly annoyed by the group so he just decides to vaporize Michaelangelo, Toad, Blue Toad, and Yellow Toad.  

Mimic sees what Vampire Dr. Manhattan does to his teammates and decides to mimic his abilities. Mimic then begins to try and vaporize Dr. Manhattan but the doctor pushes back and is trying to defend his vaporization. The OA Guardians and Yellow Lanterns see Mimic struggling and decide to hit Dr. Manhattan with energy blasts and eventually it is just too much energy for Dr. Manhattan perishes to the squad.

Water Bender #1 sees Katara across the battlefield (or whatever it’s called underwater) and decides to attack Katara. Though the attack was futile as Katara is a much better bender and basically toys with the bender before making a sharp spear shaped chunk of frozen water and propelling it through the chest of the Water Bender.

Jaws is hungry so it decides to eat Joan Jett. 

Jaws is still hungry so it decides to eat the two OA Guardians.

Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian team up to attack Mimic. Mimic is able to copy all of the Martian's abilities but is also able to increase his intelligence by being in range of Martian Manhunter. At first the wombo combo of the two martian’s struggled with Mimic but eventually overpowered Mimic as Martian Manhunter's proficiency with a Trident was just too much for the power hungry Mimic.

As that was going on John Stewart, Indigo-1 and Munk are still trying to defeat Bruticus but they are struggling as the Transformer is just too large. The lanterns are getting tired and the Stunticons notice, so they grab Munk and rip him in half. Bruticus then shoots Jaws with an energy blast from their gun killing Jaws.

The 5 Allicons, Thundercracker, Seaspray and Skywarp start attacking Avatar Korra, Katara, Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian. The transformers are too much right off the bat for Katara and kill her immediately by a large chomp from one of the Allicons. Korra uses her water bending to hit one of the Allicons with a powerful water strike that blows it up. Miss Martian rips the jaw open of another Allicon, killing it, while Martian Manhunter speeds through the rest of the Allicons with his Trident and destroys them all. Miss Martian then uses her super speed to swim right through Seaspray with immense power and blow the transformer up. Thundercracker and Skywarp then team up to shoot their blasters at Miss Martian and kill her as she was slightly weakened from the fire from the explosion that she caused of Seaspray. 

While Martian Manhunter was fighting the transformers Abe Sapien has stealthed behind Avatar Korra and uses a B.P.R.D. issued underwater rifle to shoot Avatar Korra in the back of her head.

Martian Manhunter, now outmanned, has to face Thundercracker and Skywarp by himself. At first he struggles against the two Transformers, but his intelligence is just too high as he is able to easily predict every move the transformers make. The Transformers just keep shooting energy blasts from their built in blasters and eventually Martian Manhunter is able to get them facing each other with himself in between them and he dodges at the last second and the Transformers shoot and kill each other. Martian Manhunter then goes to help the remaining Acrobats with Bruticus.

Indigo-1 and John Stewart are clearly exhausted at this point as they have been battling with Bruticus for quite some time. Indigo-1 is so tired that she’s struggling to keep her force field up just so she can breathe underwater. Abe Sapien notices this and sets up upon an underwater hill to line up the shot with his rifle. Indigo-1’s force field keeps having little holes show up in her force field and Abe Sapien times up the shot and shoots at Indigo-1 and strikes her in the back killing her. Abe Sapien is now 2 for 2 on shots in this match. Martian Manhunter sees the trail from the rifle shot and flies up to Abe Sapien and stabs him with the Trident. 

Now it’s just John Stewart and Martian Manhunter left versus the Combaticons. John Stewart has become even weaker now and can’t defend himself anymore against Bruticus as the large Transformer hits John Stewart with a shot from it’s blaster and kills him. 

Martian Manhunter is all that’s left to face Bruticus. Just as he’s about to attack the Transformer, the sea currents begin to move violently as Poseidon has awakened to help Martian Manhunter. Poseidon uses all of his power to control the currents and pick up the Combaticons and throws them violently into a large rock formation, destroying Bruticus. This much power used by Poseidon kills him.