Saturday, March 2, 2013

FFL Rule Changes and Discounts for Season 6

When taking Black Lanterns, Zombies, or Vampires a character from The Graveyard is no longer limited to only being one of them. i.e. just because somebody already has Vampire Achilles, doesn't mean that you cannot have Zombie or Black Lantern Achilles.

Commons will now only have 5 deaths, and will no longer be available for any kind of resurrection. All commons drafted from previous years will be grandfathered in, and there death count will not change.

Characters on the waiver wire will be given yearly deaths in an attempt to lessen the amount of commons floating around being unused. They will never die on the waiver wires, so feel free to snipe 9 death characters as they pop up.

The Team discount has been slightly changed in an attempt to make it easier and more usable (see below).

You may choose one character that you drafted and that died on your team that is less than 40 points to be your “franchise character”. This character cannot be brought back from The Graveyard by anybody, but you.

All of these rules are up for friendly discussion and can be subject to change if that is what members of the league desire.


Sidekick Discount: -5 points for any sidekick, apprentice, padawan, son, or daughter. Even if they are a “grown-up” or former version of said “sidekick”. i.e. Nightwing would still get the 5 point discount with Batman.

Partners: If two characters are partners, whether they are “partners in crime”, or partners in marriage, they receive a 2 point discount. i.e. any version of Chris and Julie Artrip would receive this, even if it is Star Sapphire Julie Artrip with Black Lantern Chris Artrip.

Team Discount: Once you play three characters from any given team you subtract 5 points from the total. You then subtract 5 more points for each additional member of that team you play. Recognized teams are; but are not limited to: The X-Men, The Avengers, The Defenders, The Justice League, The Outsiders, and The Teen Titans. If you have another team you think should be included in this mix please bring it up; but most comic book teams fall under one of these larger teams. i.e. a member of X-Force counts as an X-Man, and a member of The Ravagers would count as a Teen Titan.

Commons: Commons are buy 5, get 1 free. i.e. Storm Troopers cost 5 points each, but to play 6 it would only cost 25. The player you get for free must always be a common, but the 5 characters you play initially do not always have to be. For instance, if you were to play Yoda, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Mace Windu; along with 2 common Jedi than you have played your 5 Jedi and are entitled to a free one.
Here is the original post for Week 1. You may also pick a head coach for the field that does not count towards your point total. Also, if you wish to assign positiions to your characters you may do so; not that I can promise what the watchers will do with them.

**In this match, the two teams will not actually be “fighting” but will be playing football against each other. You must play exactly 11 characters (no more, no less) and they must not total more than 200 points. There is no cap on how much any individual character can cost, but they must be able to fit in a stadium and line up at the line up with their 10 teammates (sorry... no Unicron or Mogo).

-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Transfoamers (Edwin the Bard)
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Special Guest Watcher)
-Better Than All of You Vs. Former Pop-Superstar Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama's: Best of Both Worlds Touring Battalion of Commandos (Josh)
-Logical Genocide Vs. The Empire (Josh)
-TEAM Vs. The Royal Highness (Seney)
-Griswold's Nut Busters Vs. Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Griffin)
-Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyer's Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Fizz)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Landerlett's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family (NFG)

Season 6 is Underway!

Good luck to all in the coming season.  I have updated the links on the right by adding the Season 6 schedule as well as a link to this post which contains the new watcher email addresses (see below).  Try to send your team to the watcher as well as to the almighty commish.  If I spelled your name or got your email address wrong, let me know and I will fix it.

Thanks all,

Watcher Email addresses
Josh - joshhouslander [at] gmail [dot] com
Seeney - tragichero182 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Griffin - griffin.poteracki [at] gmail [dot] com
NFG - mgwell79 [at] gmail [dot] com
Fizz - cbartrip6 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Rob - robbartlett22 [at] gmail [dot] com
Ed - thisisntmyemailaddress [at] yahoo [dot] com

Watcher Hall of Fame
Ryan - ryanpoteracki [at] gmail [dot] com
Bryan - bandtbeckerman [at] wideopenwest [dot] com
Goof - archr5 [at] gmail [com]
Nick - nickhouslander [at] yahoo [dot] com