Grayson's Goobers are Shadow the Hedgehog (w/ The Chaos Emeralds), Espio the Chameleon, (Legends) Luke Skywalker (w/ a blue lantern ring), R2-D2, Alan Scott, Red Hulk, Black Knight, Sub-Zero, Samurai #8, and Eternian Soldier #8.
Bill Cosby and Scarlett Johanson's Leather Pansted Trash Pandas are Rauru, Mineru, Johnny Quick, War Turtle, Zygarde, Old Man Willow, Jack Baur, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Chester Cheetah, and Guardian #1-5.
***The following takes place between 6 pm and 7 pm in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time. My name is Jack Bauer, and this is the story of the 12 hour terrorist siege of Rito Village.***
<<Phones Rings in a small hut>> "Who's this. Nobody is supposed to have this number?? Asks Jack Bauer abruptly.
"Jack, it is me Luminara. We need you to come in. We have intel that The CTU Outpost in Rito Village is going to be hit".
"I've stepped down as head of CTU Lumi, you know this. I can't help you. I still need time after what happened on Kashyyyk". Jack responds.
"Jack..... Listen. You are the only one who knows this system. Plus, Mr. Rauru and Madame Mineru specifically asked for you Jack. You aren't really going to turn down a direct request from the last of The Zonai are you?? They want you here right away and they want you to take point on this mission". states Unduli with authority. She adds: "And Jack, I was right by your side running ops for you on Kashyyyk. I don't think I can do this without you".
Jack sighs deeply and answers: "Have a tactical kit, comms, and a team ready for me. I am hold up on the shore of a lake in Tabantha. I'll be there in fifteen minutes".
....... 6:16 pm.......
"General Offee, it's good to see you again. I'll need to see Luminara right away" Jack says as he marches swiftly into The Swallow's Roost.
Barris replies: "Actually Jack, it is still Commander. I turned down the promotion after Kashyyyk; so I could stay under General Unduli's command here in The Wild's Frontier. We don't have a lot of good help here Jack. Not after you left and we lost our funding from The Triforce DOGE Auditors".
"I understand" Jack says solemnly.
"I will bring you directly to Luminara; but Mr. Rauru and Madam Mineru are on Zoom in the briefing room. They want to bring you up to speed directly". Says Barris.
Jack finally enters the open air window laden room in The Wild's Frontier where he and Luminara stop to stare at each other for a brief second before somewhat awkwardly embracing one another. Luminara speaks: "The Zonai are ready whenever you are Jack. This is of the utmost importance".
The two of them walk into the room, where Rauru and Mineru are already waiting on the telcom screen which is positioned at the center of a large round table. War Turtle, Zygard, and Old Man Willow are already there, seated at the table.
"Thank you for coming Jack" Rauru states authoritatively.
"Of course Mr. Rauru. I have taken an oath and I owe you and Madam Mineru my life after you saved my men on Moritani in The Grumman War. Your Honored Zonai, after learning of how serious this threat is I am glad to see that you are far away from Rito Village and safe from what may happen here". Says Jack humbly.
"Actually Jack, Mineru and I have decided to come back to Rito Village. This situation is too vital and we must be present to execute our plan to save the people from this terrible threat". exclaims Rauru.
Jack speaks up: "Mr. Rauru, I must advise you against that. The timing could not possibly be".....
Interupting Jack Rauru says: "Our mind is made up Director Bauer. Make the adequate preparations for our arrival. We will be there in less that two hours".
"Yes Sir" replies Jack.
......... 6:59 pm .........
***The following takes place between 7 pm and 8 pm in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.
Jack shifts gears into crises mode, knowing full well that time is of the essence. "DAMNIT LUMI. This is a terrible play by The Zonai. What are they thinking?? What kind of Tac teams do you have running from this location?? And the main thing I need to know is any intel you have on the specific people who are mounting this attack".
Luminara responds: It's General Ross Jack. And his nickname The Thunderbolt has more meaning now then ever. He has gone rogue Jack and his abilities are off the charts".
"I know all about his Gamma emitting powers and his Red Hulk form Lumi. I worked with him in Krakoa before he went dark. Even before his rogue actions, he was a wild card. Either way, we need to fortify this position before The Zonai arrive and especially before Rulk and his men commence an attack. Who else is he working with"?? says Bauer.
Luminara responds: "He has put together a group of pretty unsavory rebels that are not to be trifled with. All top notch, all ex-special ops and military. Commander Skywalker, Colonel Scott, several other enhanced field assassins, and he has even taken control of The Chaos Emeralds. Our intel points to the idea that he wants control of Rito Village so he can use it as a conduit center for the use of his unified emeralds. It seems that he wants to infuse the chaos energy with his Gamma Radiation and the natural power of this place to tap into the Hyrulian ether and simulate an existence that be controlled indefinitely from this location".
"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. CIA and NSA have been trying things like that for years. CTU exposed it before DOGE shut them down. The technology isn't there". Says Jack.
Luminara shakes her head and retorts: "That's what we thought too; but with some mastery of The Force on their side and the ability to create schematics with green lantern energy, we are showing intel that what was once impossible for science could be possible after all".
"DAMNIT LUMI !!!!! How could Joints Chiefs and The High Council let this happen?!!? Yells Jack.
Jack pauses for a moment and asks: "Who has been running field ops, since I left?? I hope it is somebody fast. We are going to need men on their toes for this operation".
Luminara smiles and responds: "We have our top agents available Jack. And if you want guys quick on the draw, we have got you covered. Johnny Quick has been running field operations and tac teams ever since you went dark and Chester Cheetah, whom I know you worked with in Kenya has been heading up the squad of Guardians we have protecting the outer perimeter. Everyone is ready and they will be working directly under you during this operation. Your full status as a field agent has been reinstated and you will be provided with tactical teams and equipment. Agent Quick and Chester are both on comms and can be spoken to directly through your earpiece".
Jack sighs:..... "Thanks Lumi, we need to get this place completely secured. Bring the Guardians in close to the perimeter and lock down all areas of The Wild's Frontier structure. The only thing we want left open temporarily is the single rear entrance so Rauru and Mineru can make their way in and gain full protection once they arrive. They will need full access to all power structures and coms when they arrive. Lumi, I want you to put Barris on that directly and have Agent Quick and Chester Cheetah meet me at the front briefing room near The Brazen Beak. From there we will move to The Rito Stable where we will set up a counter offensive".
Luminara looks at Jack wide eyes and says: "Jack..... that could be suicide. You can't just move against General Ross from that vantage point right when he arrives".
Jack speaks authoritatively: "I know that Lumi. And Ross knows it too. The counter-offensive is nothing more than a diversion. It's the only way to make sure Rauru and Mineru can make it into Rito Village CTU Headquarters safely. It has to be done. Now let's make it happen.
"And Lumi, good luck".
***The following takes place between 8 pm and 9 pm in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time***.
"General Ross, this is Sub-Zero. We have reached the outskirts of The Tabanthan Forests. Shall we hold here"??
"This is Ross. Yes Sub-Zero. Hold there, we are almost ready for the full frontal assault on Rito Village CTU headquarters. Is Colonel Scott in position"??
Alan Scott interrupts over the com: "Of course I am in position. All soldiers are ready to go. Although I have no idea why we are waiting here to start the attack when we know full well that they know we are coming".
Rulk replies in an annoyed tone: "Not that it is of your concern Colonel Scott; but we cannot and WILL NOT commence our attack until Commander Skywalker sends word that we have positive confirmation of Rauru and Mineru's arrival. The entire operation is useless with them being present. Once they have arrived, our forces will move in for the kill.
The forces of General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross move about the forest stealthily while Jack Bauer and his elite group fortify Rito Village for the impending attack. Commander Offee personally meets The last Zonai themselves Rauru and Mineru outside The Wild's Frontier secret passage where they are swiftly brought inside the compound. Old Man Willow himself protects and fortifies the entrance they use by returning it to a full wooded enclosure to make sure that they cannot be followed in and that Rauru and Mineru can reach the most fortified possible areas at the center of Rito Village.
"The package has been delivered safely". Luminara says to Jack over the com.
"Good to know Lumi, because this attack is about to start any second. Make sure everyone is ready. This is what we were trained for". Replies Jack.
***The following takes place between 9 pm and 10 pm in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
General Ross personally moves into position, as he himself intends to be the initial onslaught into Rito Village. Commander Skywalker hangs back with not only his R2 Unit, but also his Samurai and Eternian friends attempting to allow The Force to show him the way of the future through meditation and patience; while the majority of the troops, namely Shadow, who has been trusted with The Chaos Emeralds, Espio, Sub-Zero, and Black Knight under the command of Colonel Alan Scott have regrouped and are prepared for a secondary assault that is executed properly will break through The Rito Village Command Center after Red Hulk's initial strike.
Jack Bauer has taken note that General Ross and his men have moved into position; which has caused him to move his people accordingly as well. The Guardians are in position as the first line of defense, while Jack, Johnny Quick, and Chester Cheetah move about the stables with full tactical gear and surveillance equipment. Rauru and Mineru are held up along with Barris Offee in the Rito Village Command Center, while War Turtle and Zygarde protect the only entrance in or out of the area. Luminara reunites with Old Man Willow and takes up position near the Slippery Falcon.
Why do all the cliff hanger moments always seem to happen right at the end of the hour??
***The following takes place between 10 pm and 11 pm in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
The Red Hulk comes red hulking out of the forest as the solo first wave of the attack. The Red Goliath starts to power through the five Guardians without being slowed down by them much at all. "I'm going to get in this fight" Johnny Quick says over the com to the rest of the tactical squad.
"NO" barks Jack. "Stick to the plan".
But Johnny starts to run out of the stable at insane speeds towards the not so jolly red giant.
"I don't know Jack. He has gone off com". Answers Luminara from inside the secured village.
"He's a wildcard Jack, but I need to help him. You know how it is for guys like us. It ain't easy being cheesey" says Chester Cheetah in a defiant, yet heroic set of last words.
"Chester.... CHESTER... NOOOOOO!!!!!". Yells Bauer as Chester Cheetah both meet their demise head on as they run into Red Hulk full speed where they are both met with immediate opposition causing their cheese to go crunch one final time.
As Jack moves back to regroup with the others, Colonel Scott and his men move up the right flank to begin their siege.
With the CTU Center at Rito Village now in complete lockdown Rauru and Mineru gain the attention of the entire Rito Village defense team. They announce that they will now reveal "the true intent of why they have come".
***The following takes place between 11 pm and Midnight in the Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
Knowing that time is of the essence and that Gen. Ross and his team of Goobers by Grayson will inevitably break through the defences of Rito Village, Rauru and Mineru speak to their defenders and say that they did not actually come here to allow themselves to be targeted for capture or destruction by terrorist elements against The Village of Rito. Instead; they, as the last remaining Zonai must end the line of The Hyrulian deities and pass their power on to a young woman who can protect their power and protect it through the centuries. They look over at the young Jedi Knight in the room who they have hand chosen for this honor. "We have selected you to be our standard bearer Barris Offee". Says Mineru with a quaint smile.
Jack jumps into action as he looks over at General Unduli and states: "LUMI.... We are going to have to fortify this position if we are going to give The Zonai enough time to finish this ceremony. We cannot allow Ross's men to break through here before that time. We need everyone inside protecting the Hyrule royalty".
Old Man Willow speaks up and says: "Someone is going to have to go outside the barrier and hold them off. I can become solid once more, regain my original tree form and block off the entrance".
"It's too dangerous Willow". answers Jack.
Zygarde jumps into the conversation to say: "It is the only way Agent Bauer. And we are going to go with him". War Turtle nods in agreement.
........11:54 pm........
They seal the entrance and Jack thanks Old Man Willow, Zygarde, and War Turtle for their bravery and heroism as they fortify their defensive positions outside the room, meanwhile the ceremony of ending The Zonai and the impending battle both simultaneously approach.
***The following takes place between Midnight and 1 am in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
"DAMN IT LUMI. How long is this going to take"?? Asks Jack.
"We can't rush the ceremony Jack. Everything must be done perfectly if this is going to work". Luminara says in response.
Jack shakes his head: "I wish they would have told us what their plan was. We could have talked The Zonai out of this. We could have fallen back to Bareeda Naag Shrine and protected them there".
Luminara puts her hand on Bauer's shoulder in a familiar way and says: "It was their choice Jack. Who are we to question the will of The Zonai"??
.........12:32 am............
As the ceremony continues a ruckus can be heard outside as Old Man Willow and the Pokemon defend against the likes of Colonel Scott and his crew. The Suicide Squad engage under the orders of Colonel Scott, even though Luke and his men, as well as General Ross have not yet arrived.
The Black Knight, Avengers staple in the 80s comes in swinging, still mad that he was not included in any of the MCU Avengers movies; but he is taken off guard by War Turtle and Zygarde and consumed within the Zygarde Cells. Although the two pokemon find themselves mismatched against the Sonic frenemies Shadow and Espio. As everyone knows, base Espio can move at 792 times the speed of sound and has already mapped out the scenario with his detective and computer skills. He dispatches Zygarde, while War Turtle, the fully evolved version of Squirtle is confronted by Shadow (actually Super Shadow for he is in possession of all The Chaos Emeralds). Even at base power Shadow can move at 843,000 miles per second; but as confirmed by previous feats, Super Shadow can actually run at over 3 Trillion miles per second, while causing inter-dimensional time rifts going in opposite directions through multi-multiverses, actually moving so fast that everything ceases going slow, but actually causes the universe around him to move as fast as base Knuckles can backward through time. Once War Turtle is dispatched, all of Alan Scott's tactical team focus on Old Man Willow who is conjuring all power possible in his last stand to buy as much time possible for The Zonai transfer ceremony. Willow reaches out in his physical form with branch like arms. He powers through the freezing cold blasts from the hands of Sub-Zero to strangle the Lin kuei ninja on his left side while doing the same to Espio on his right. Despite taking these two out simultaneously, Old Man Willow is eventually overpowered by the combined forces of Shadow and his emeralds and Alan Scott and his magical green lantern ring.
..............12:57 am.............
From inside the protected room, as the defenses start to break: "I believe the transfer ceremony is about complete Jack". states Luminara with a slightly trembling voice.
"It better be"..... He replies
***The following takes place between 1 am and 2 am in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
The organically reinforced CTU-Rito Command Center begins to give way to the terrorist attackers led by Colonel Scott, who have now finally been joined by General Ross and the rest of The Goobers.
"GET READY" Jack screams as he pulls out his Glock 19 which makes a clicking noise as if he is pulling the hammer back even though it is double action only.
***The following takes place between 2 am and 3 am in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
As the defenses come down, Jack and Luminara begin to flip over the organic conference table they were using as one last line of defense for Rauru and Mineru, who are saying the last few words in their ceremony. As the two final Zonai fade away and become one with the Hyrulian Ether, Barris Offee, the young Jedi Knight becomes imbued with an incredible amount of power.
.........2:46 am.......
The Walls come down
............2:58 am...........
Everyone left alive is present in the Wild's Frontier Conference Room.
The following takes place between 3 am and 4 am in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
A lengthy and pitched battle commences as Jack rolls into action moving towards R2-D2 first. He slips a thermal detonator into the top hatch on R2 and kicks him over to create a diversion for Luminara who draws her lightsaber and moves towards Luke; but not before relieving Samurai #8 of his head after a brief fencing spar. Agent Bauer puts a hollow point between the eyes of the laser rifle wielding Eternian Soldier; and then the entire natural structure begins to collapse down on itself after the violent stress being applied to it. The battle rages on.....
***The following takes place between 4am and 5am in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
Jack and Luminara hold their own; but are losing ground in the chaotic battle taking place before them. When Barriss takes flight, while igniting her lightsaber and using her new found abilities as well as her Force powers. She first delivers a spin kick to Super Shadow who is knocked to the ground and separated from his Chaos Emeralds which spread across the leaf laden ground in every direction. While Shadow begins to collect his emeralds, Offee moves towards Red Hulk who is not showing a single sign of fear as the thin young woman flies at his massive frame. But this is folly on the part of the aging General who is knocked to the ground with ease by Barris and turned back into his human form with a mere waive of her petite hands before she drives her lightsaber through his chest. Luminara, sees this and is overcome with emotion as to how proud she is of her former padawan and her ability to master such great power. Master Unduli is still locked in lightsaber combat with Grand Master Luke; and despite putting up quite a fencing match holding off his Form 5 attacks with her Form 3 defensive mastery, she does inevitably fall to the much more powerful Jedi and son of The Chosen One.
***The following takes place between 5 am and 6 am in The Village of Rito. Events occur in real time.***
With death and destruction running rampant in this final hour of the story; Grand Master Luke in his wisdom knows that although they may win this skirmish that their mission of Ether domination and great power combination has failed. Their plans thwarted by the brave CTU Agents of Rito Village.
............5:14 am.............
As Shadow runs full speed at the power laden Barris Offee, both Alan Scott, and Luke Skywalker focus their full power at The Zonai Jedi Knight. They do this for forty-five minutes until they reach a level of unbelievable exhaustion. Expecting that if they should win this contest of raw power that it will end in a massive explosion, they find this hypothesis to be incorrect.
The Legend of Barris is that she simply disappeared from time and space. Perhaps to occupy a different time and space elsewhere, where others can continue her adventures and restore the power to Hyrule. But although the power of The Zonai lives on, that story is for another day.
...............5:58 am..................
Luke, Shadow, and Green Lantern leave the scene of this sad confrontation and return home both victorious and unsuccessful. But if you don't think anybody escaped from The Trash Pandas......... Than you don't know Jack.