Monday, March 17, 2025

Darkseid's Horsemen of Apocalypse Vs. The Sigmas

 Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips are Darkseid, Megatron, Decepticon #5, Apocalypse, Ultron (w/ The Infinity Gauntlet, Power Stone, & Time Stone), He-Man, Battle Cat, Amazo, Gannondorf, Dante, Alexander, Dinobot, Ancient Ginaz Swordmaster #10, and Neo-Cymek #10

The Sigmas are Duncan Idaho (w/ green lightsaber), Fremen #1-15, Sardakur #1-20, Gurney Halleck, Chani, Moneo Atreides, Bene Gesserit #1-10, Rhombur Vernius, Mad Cour, Zan Nooret, Nar Trig, Ecazi Soldier #1-15, Starscream, Ttanus, Melkor, Mr. Sinister, Super Giant, Aatrox, Vampire Sardakur, & Zombie Sardakur.

The Sun beats down hard on the ground of this place.  It feels somewhat like the Arrakis I have visited so many times in my long history as a Watcher for this league.  It is like a Arrakis; but not quite.  The air does not quite hurt the lungs as bad, the sand not as terribly dry.  One who has been on the true Dune knows the difference.  The sand is dry; but bare hands can still tell that it once contained moisture, or perhaps even just a memory of moisture is what is felt by these fingers as it runs through them.  Just a memory of rain that once fell here less than a few lifetimes ago.  Or is it just a memory, an acceptance of the knowledge that this place is a mere copy of the true home of Shai Halud??  

Only a sandstorm separates the two squads that have come here this day to do battle on this dune and give water to it.  As of now they are not yet fighting one another, just fighting their environment, fighting to find the fight, and fighting against the fear that their footsteps could bring forth a Maker, perhaps not a Maker the likes and size of which some here have seen to end them; but a Maker nonetheless that could still easily swallow the entire squad whole before they even have an opportunity to combat their enemy.

     A small break in the storm reveals figures in the distance making it just clear enough for both teams to realize that their enemies are not nearly as far away as they had thought.  They huddle together closely with their allies, knowing that battle is upon them.  

The teams converge around one another and several skirmishes instantly come to light.  The Vampire Sardakur isn't doing too good in this hot sun and the Zombie Sardakur is also not fairing too well with one of the metal tentacles of Neo-Cymek #10 through his head.  The Neo-Cymek, then joins with his even larger Titan Cymek brethren Dante and Alexander, along with Dinobot who have placed themselves in a defensive circle under orders from Megatron himself.  The four massive Horsemen (pun intended) eagerly await their challengers as they become surrounded by much smaller foes.  The battle begins as The Fremen, led by Chani and The Bene Gesserit, with whom she has a special relationship as well hang back a bit, intending full well to use their combined knowledge to make for an ultimate home field advantage scenario for The Sigmas.  Rhombur Vernius is moving slowly through the Dunes in his half metal, composite body but still takes on a leadership role in the charge against these abhorrent looking thinking machines.  He leads his family's lifelong allies The Ecazis, a man well-versed in the destruction of large robots Swordmaster Nar Trig, Super Giant, and of course the massive metal behemoth of their own Ttanus against the Titans and their allies.  This epic battle commences as something we are going to return to soon.

On the other side of the battlefield, The Horseman Megatron receives a secret communique from Sigmas member Starscream across a secret line wired directly into their sparks known only to high ranking Decepticons.  Starscream, who is secretly pledging his loyalty to The Decepticon cause is asking for a secret rendezvous with his former Commander.  Nearby, Darkseid and Melkor have found each other near a large rock outcropping.  As if their souls or whatever evil is in place of their souls has drawn them together.  They engage in a long staredown as they quietly move towards each other, both knowing that an epic battle of evil vs. evil is about to begin.  And, Hey........  Don't worry guys, we are going to come back to this and I'm not gonna do that thing I do sometimes where the two most powerful dudes from each squad get locked in a battle with each other and then join each other in death at the end.  I know that I have written a lot of matches for this league and that I have done that too many times.

Mord Cour stands at the ready, with his Harkonen blade drawn; but is caught by a powerful Power Stone laden blast from Ultron before he can properly put his talents to use.  

He-Man and Battle Cat find themselves surrounded by Sardakur.  The emperor's elite terror troops move in very slowly against The Eternian Prince.........

Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister get into a one on one skirmish to decide who the second best X-Men Villain truly is (don't worry, Magneto isn't here).  A pitched battle begins where it is decided early that telepathy isn't going to give either combatant an upper hand.  The resort to brute force which is something they both excel at as well.  Sinister holds his own for quite some time; but once Apocalypse grows to twice the size of his fellow mutant opponent he is able to come down on the neck of Sinister with a massive elbow to snap it in two.  

Ancient Ginaz Swordmaster #10 feels honored to do battle with the famous Ancient Ginaz Swordmaster Zan Noret.  It is a decent battle; but Zan proves himself to be one of the finest ever and defeats him.  Noret asks the swordsmen his name before he dies and then assures Gary that he will be remembered.  

Amazo stands confident even though he senses that he is surrounded by several human opponents.  They move stealthily around him as he attempts to gain a count of who and how many combatants are present.  Duncan Idaho along with his old friend Gurney and his future frenemy Moneo move swiftly and stealthily around Amazo tricking his sensors into thinking that there are more fighters than just three.  With no true powers to steal, only skill, speed, and their wits about them the three loyal members of House Atreides are able to dispatch The FFL Rookie.  

On a distant plain of Wallach IX, Starscream finally has his rendezvous with his Decepticon Leader Megatron and his lackey Decepticon #5.  Megatron speaks to his second in command saying:  "I am glad to see that you have come to your senses and that you wish to rejoin The Decepticon cause and pledge allegiance to The Horsemen.  We shall take you before Darkseid right away to get your orders.  "Of course Mighty Megatron, you know my programming could never betray what is best for the cause  of The Decepticons.  Lead the way".  Megatron, knowing that Starscream is speaking the truth in regards to Decepticon programming believes his Captain and starts flying towards the battle with Starscream behind him.  Starscream then transforms into his F-15 jet form and unleashes everything he has in his arsenal, perfectly aimed at Megatron.  Starscream, who has studied his leader for centuries, knows exactly where his weak spots are and takes down Megatron.  Megatron falls back to the ground screaming about Starscream's programming and that an absolute betrayal is impossible; but in the robot mind of Starscream, the best thing for the Decepticons is a deceased Megatron with Starscream himself at the helm of leadership.  Starscream finishes off Megatron as he lie on the ground with a double arm cannon laser blast to the face.  Decepticon #5 transforms into his attack helicopter mode to attack Starscream; but the former Cybertronian scientist quickly and easily dispatches the chopper.  

We now move to Gannondorf who approaches Aatrox just outside the rock outcropping where Darkseid and Melkor are still doing battle.  Now......  I realize that these are the two team owners very favorite O.P. baddies and that I could never possibly do a good enough job describing how epic the battle would be between the bane of Runeterra and the bane of Hyrule.  But please trust me when I tell you that it was basically the most epic video game cut scene fight that anyone has ever seen.  It was the ultimate video game commercial/trailer that made anyone and everyone who saw it just wish that somehow, someway the gameplay could actually be just like that visual.  In its conclusion, the former champion of Shurima lay dead next to the once King of Gerudo.  Their bodies only several yards away from the battered corpses of Darkseid and Melkor.  

Of Darkseid and Melkor...........

<<<The Neon Master Pogo Enters the chat>>>


Whoa, whoa, whoa......  Hey Joshatu the Long-Winded.  You specifically said you weren't going to do that this match.  That is just lazy writing; and now you are going to do it twice?!!?  You need to re-write that.


Damn IT Pogo!!  Who let you in here?!!?  Go back to your room.  The Survivor Series is over, you are done until next season.  You're off the roster.


What??  You get lazy at Watching and I get the boot??  That's not even the least bit..........

<<<The Neon Master Pogo has been removed from the chat>>>.

 He-Man, despite being physically stronger than his opponents by quite a bit finds himself knocked off of Battle Cat, who is quickly gutted by the fierce group of Sardakur that surround him.  The Terror Troops converge on He-Man who is quickly put on the defensive.  In the recorded history of Princess Irulan, only one man ever was able to defeat 19 Sardakur at once.  That man was Duncan Idaho in defense of the lover and son of his Duke.  He gave his life in sacrifice for them by achieving this amazing feat.  It was 20 Sardakur sent here to defeat He-Man this day, but despite suffering cuts, bruises, and some other minor injuries The Masters of the Universe hero was able to stand victorious against them all.  Although technically, Battle Cat took out two of them with his razor sharp teeth while he was being killed, bringing He-Man's Sardakur kill total up to 18 today (we can't have him beating Duncan's record now can we).  

As the massive MCU-Esque battle rages on with all the giant robots, Chani, Fremen #1, and Bene Gesserit #1, whom have sent the other Fremen and Bene Gesserits into battle are having a sidebar in hopes to try and formulate a plan of attack against the metal monstrosities.  Chani speaks up saying:  "We have some great fighters here; but I sure wish we had a guy on this roster that grew up on a sand planet, hated sand, and could use his hate to make him powerful".  B.G. #1 nods her head and replies:  "I agree completely, it would really be nice if we could send someone in right now who would kill them all.  And not just the men, but the women, and the children".  "He could really HATE THEM" adds Fremen #1.  

The battle begins to change and tighten up; when Ttanus unleashes a fiery blast from his mouth towards Neo-Cymek #10 which melts his hull, killing the human brain inside.  The two Titans see this fearing that this could be their fate as well.  Dante and Alexander then combine all their firepower on the neck of Ttanus to take out the ancient Zord.  With The Sigmas big man out of the way, the smaller combatants move in close to swarm the Predacon and the two remaining Cymeks.  Dinobot uses his metal chompers to take a chunk out of the strangely named super-villain Super Giant and then goes to work on The Ecazi Soldiers.  The Fremen and The BGs (not the brothers Gibb, but the robed chicks) all converge on Alexander along with Nar Trig and Zan Noret who has just arrived to help out.  With fierce fighting and heavy losses, The Sigmas are able to break the brain canister of Alexander and kill the mighty Titan.  Nar and Zan both robot killing experts leap off the top of the now dead Alexander and move towards Dinobot who they double team and dispatch with perfectly placed vibro-blades into the spark of The Predacon.  The two swordmasters of Ginaz then finally meet their glorious end in battle when they are hit by a large, exploding projectile from Dante.  Rhombur is defeated by Dante as well when a razor sharp blade from the side of the Cymek slices him in two.  Chani, now the only remaining member of The Sigmas from The Four Horsemen skirmish begins to fall back into the Dunes from Dante as she notices Duncan, Gurney, and her descendant Moneo approaching.  Knowing that The Sigmas will have to regroup if they are going to take the day.

Apocalypse and He-Man join the scene of the battle to find only Dante left of their giant robot defense team.  While this is going on Ultron and Starscream are locked in a pitched dog fight in the sky above.  Duncan, Gurney, Moneo, and Chani decide that their is no time like the present to rush in and see what they can do hand to hand in a final skirmish against The Horsemen.  Starscream from the skies sees what his teammates are running into and decides to be a bro.  He flanks right, doubles back and fires all of his Cybertronian missiles into Dante, making contact with his brain canister and taking the Titan Cymek out of the equation.  Although this leaves Starscream open for attack as he is blasted to pieces by Ultron and the Gauntlet.  Ultron flies back down to the scene, landing in front of both Apocalyose and He-Man as if to protect the two muscle bound Horsemen from the four much smaller humans (more likely to take the glory for himself).  Chani and the boys move at break neck speed towards Ultron, surrounding him and working as an unmatched fighting unit.  Ultron moves towards the fastest of the four Moneo first and is able to catch him by the throat, squeezing until the neck cracks.  Ultron then delivers a metal foot to the face of Chani, while Gurney blasts out the knee of the robot with his Maula pistol allowing Duncan to remove the head of Ultron with his green lightsaber.  

The exhausted Duncan and Gurney still stand tall as the two remaining Sigmas ready to do battle against the two remaining Horsemen.  The Atreides loyalists fight bravely; but are simply mismatched, especially in their current state.  With relative ease, Apocalypse takes out Duncan and He-Man finishes Gurney.Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips are Darkseid, Megatron, Decepticon #5, Apocalypse, Ultron (w/ The Infinity Gauntlet, Power Stone, & Time Stone), He-Man, Battle Cat, Amazo, Gannondorf, Dante, Alexander, Dinobot, Ancient Ginaz Swordmaster #10, and Neo-Cymek #10

The Sigmas are Duncan Idaho (w/ green lightsaber), Fremen #1-15, Sardakur #1-20, Gurney Halleck, Chani, Moneo Atreides, Bene Gesserit #1-10, Rhombur Vernius, Mad Cour, Zan Nooret, Nar Trig, Ecazi Soldier #1-15, Starscream, Ttanus, Melkor, Mr. Sinister, Super Giant, Aatrox, Vampire Sardakur, & Zombie Sardakur.

The Sun beats down hard on the ground of this place.  It feels somewhat like the Arrakis I have visited so many times in my long history as a Watcher for this league.  It is like a Arrakis; but not quite.  The air does not quite hurt the lungs as bad, the sand not as terribly dry.  One who has been on the true Dune knows the difference.  The sand is dry; but bare hands can still tell that it once contained moisture, or perhaps even just a memory of moisture is what is felt by these fingers as it runs through them.  Just a memory of rain that once fell here less than a few lifetimes ago.  Or is it just a memory, an acceptance of the knowledge that this place is a mere copy of the true home of Shai Halud??  

Only a sandstorm separates the two squads that have come here this day to do battle on this dune and give water to it.  As of now they are not yet fighting one another, just fighting their environment, fighting to find the fight, and fighting against the fear that their footsteps could bring forth a Maker, perhaps not a Maker the likes and size of which some here have seen to end them; but a Maker nonetheless that could still easily swallow the entire squad whole before they even have an opportunity to combat their enemy.

     A small break in the storm reveals figures in the distance making it just clear enough for both teams to realize that their enemies are not nearly as far away as they had thought.  They huddle together closely with their allies, knowing that battle is upon them.  

The teams converge around one another and several skirmishes instantly come to light.  The Vampire Sardakur isn't doing too good in this hot sun and the Zombie Sardakur is also not fairing too well with one of the metal tentacles of Neo-Cymek #10 through his head.  The Neo-Cymek, then joins with his even larger Titan Cymek brethren Dante and Alexander, along with Dinobot who have placed themselves in a defensive circle under orders from Megatron himself.  The four massive Horsemen (pun intended) eagerly await their challengers as they become surrounded by much smaller foes.  The battle begins as The Fremen, led by Chani and The Bene Gesserit, with whom she has a special relationship as well hang back a bit, intending full well to use their combined knowledge to make for an ultimate home field advantage scenario for The Sigmas.  Rhombur Vernius is moving slowly through the Dunes in his half metal, composite body but still takes on a leadership role in the charge against these abhorrent looking thinking machines.  He leads his family's lifelong allies The Ecazis, a man well-versed in the destruction of large robots Swordmaster Nar Trig, Super Giant, and of course the massive metal behemoth of their own Ttanus against the Titans and their allies.  This epic battle commences as something we are going to return to soon.

On the other side of the battlefield, The Horseman Megatron receives a secret communique from Sigmas member Starscream across a secret line wired directly into their sparks known only to high ranking Decepticons.  Starscream, who is secretly pledging his loyalty to The Decepticon cause is asking for a secret rendezvous with his former Commander.  Nearby, Darkseid and Melkor have found each other near a large rock outcropping.  As if their souls or whatever evil is in place of their souls has drawn them together.  They engage in a long staredown as they quietly move towards each other, both knowing that an epic battle of evil vs. evil is about to begin.  And, Hey........  Don't worry guys, we are going to come back to this and I'm not gonna do that thing I do sometimes where the two most powerful dudes from each squad get locked in a battle with each other and then join each other in death at the end.  I know that I have written a lot of matches for this league and that I have done that too many times.

Mord Cour stands at the ready, with his Harkonen blade drawn; but is caught by a powerful Power Stone laden blast from Ultron before he can properly put his talents to use.  

He-Man and Battle Cat find themselves surrounded by Sardakur.  The emperor's elite terror troops move in very slowly against The Eternian Prince.........

Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister get into a one on one skirmish to decide who the second best X-Men Villain truly is (don't worry, Magneto isn't here).  A pitched battle begins where it is decided early that telepathy isn't going to give either combatant an upper hand.  The resort to brute force which is something they both excel at as well.  Sinister holds his own for quite some time; but once Apocalypse grows to twice the size of his fellow mutant opponent he is able to come down on the neck of Sinister with a massive elbow to snap it in two.  

Ancient Ginaz Swordmaster #10 feels honored to do battle with the famous Ancient Ginaz Swordmaster Zan Noret.  It is a decent battle; but Zan proves himself to be one of the finest ever and defeats him.  Noret asks the swordsmen his name before he dies and then assures Gary that he will be remembered.  

Amazo stands confident even though he senses that he is surrounded by several human opponents.  They move stealthily around him as he attempts to gain a count of who and how many combatants are present.  Duncan Idaho along with his old friend Gurney and his future frenemy Moneo move swiftly and stealthily around Amazo tricking his sensors into thinking that there are more fighters than just three.  With no true powers to steal, only skill, speed, and their wits about them the three loyal members of House Atreides are able to dispatch The FFL Rookie.  

On a distant plain of Wallach IX, Starscream finally has his rendezvous with his Decepticon Leader Megatron and his lackey Decepticon #5.  Megatron speaks to his second in command saying:  "I am glad to see that you have come to your senses and that you wish to rejoin The Decepticon cause and pledge allegiance to The Horsemen.  We shall take you before Darkseid right away to get your orders.  "Of course Mighty Megatron, you know my programming could never betray what is best for the cause  of The Decepticons.  Lead the way".  Megatron, knowing that Starscream is speaking the truth in regards to Decepticon programming believes his Captain and starts flying towards the battle with Starscream behind him.  Starscream then transforms into his F-15 jet form and unleashes everything he has in his arsenal, perfectly aimed at Megatron.  Starscream, who has studied his leader for centuries, knows exactly where his weak spots are and takes down Megatron.  Megatron falls back to the ground screaming about Starscream's programming and that an absolute betrayal is impossible; but in the robot mind of Starscream, the best thing for the Decepticons is a deceased Megatron with Starscream himself at the helm of leadership.  Starscream finishes off Megatron as he lie on the ground with a double arm cannon laser blast to the face.  Decepticon #5 transforms into his attack helicopter mode to attack Starscream; but the former Cybertronian scientist quickly and easily dispatches the chopper.  

We now move to Gannondorf who approaches Aatrox just outside the rock outcropping where Darkseid and Melkor are still doing battle.  Now......  I realize that these are the two team owners very favorite O.P. baddies and that I could never possibly do a good enough job describing how epic the battle would be between the bane of Runeterra and the bane of Hyrule.  But please trust me when I tell you that it was basically the most epic video game cut scene fight that anyone has ever seen.  It was the ultimate video game commercial/trailer that made anyone and everyone who saw it just wish that somehow, someway the gameplay could actually be just like that visual.  In its conclusion, the former champion of Shurima lay dead next to the once King of Gerudo.  Their bodies only several yards away from the battered corpses of Darkseid and Melkor.  

Of Darkseid and Melkor...........

<<<The Neon Master Pogo Enters the chat>>>


Whoa, whoa, whoa......  Hey Joshatu the Long-Winded.  You specifically said you weren't going to do that this match.  That is just lazy writing; and now you are going to do it twice?!!?  You need to re-write that.


Damn IT Pogo!!  Who let you in here?!!?  Go back to your room.  The Survivor Series is over, you are done until next season.  You're off the roster.


What??  You get lazy at Watching and I get the boot??  That's not even the least bit..........

<<<The Neon Master Pogo has been removed from the chat>>>.

 He-Man, despite being physically stronger than his opponents by quite a bit finds himself knocked off of Battle Cat, who is quickly gutted by the fierce group of Sardakur that surround him.  The Terror Troops converge on He-Man who is quickly put on the defensive.  In the recorded history of Princess Irulan, only one man ever was able to defeat 19 Sardakur at once.  That man was Duncan Idaho in defense of the lover and son of his Duke.  He gave his life in sacrifice for them by achieving this amazing feat.  It was 20 Sardakur sent here to defeat He-Man this day, but despite suffering cuts, bruises, and some other minor injuries The Masters of the Universe hero was able to stand victorious against them all.  Although technically, Battle Cat took out two of them with his razor sharp teeth while he was being killed, bringing He-Man's Sardakur kill total up to 18 today (we can't have him beating Duncan's record now can we).  

As the massive MCU-Esque battle rages on with all the giant robots, Chani, Fremen #1, and Bene Gesserit #1, whom have sent the other Fremen and Bene Gesserits into battle are having a sidebar in hopes to try and formulate a plan of attack against the metal monstrosities.  Chani speaks up saying:  "We have some great fighters here; but I sure wish we had a guy on this roster that grew up on a sand planet, hated sand, and could use his hate to make him powerful".  B.G. #1 nods her head and replies:  "I agree completely, it would really be nice if we could send someone in right now who would kill them all.  And not just the men, but the women, and the children".  "He could really HATE THEM" adds Fremen #1.  

The battle begins to change and tighten up; when Ttanus unleashes a fiery blast from his mouth towards Neo-Cymek #10 which melts his hull, killing the human brain inside.  The two Titans see this fearing that this could be their fate as well.  Dante and Alexander then combine all their firepower on the neck of Ttanus to take out the ancient Zord.  With The Sigmas big man out of the way, the smaller combatants move in close to swarm the Predacon and the two remaining Cymeks.  Dinobot uses his metal chompers to take a chunk out of the strangely named super-villain Super Giant and then goes to work on The Ecazi Soldiers.  The Fremen and The BGs (not the brothers Gibb, but the robed chicks) all converge on Alexander along with Nar Trig and Zan Noret who has just arrived to help out.  With fierce fighting and heavy losses, The Sigmas are able to break the brain canister of Alexander and kill the mighty Titan.  Nar and Zan both robot killing experts leap off the top of the now dead Alexander and move towards Dinobot who they double team and dispatch with perfectly placed vibro-blades into the spark of The Predacon.  The two swordmasters of Ginaz then finally meet their glorious end in battle when they are hit by a large, exploding projectile from Dante.  Rhombur is defeated by Dante as well when a razor sharp blade from the side of the Cymek slices him in two.  Chani, now the only remaining member of The Sigmas from The Four Horsemen skirmish begins to fall back into the Dunes from Dante as she notices Duncan, Gurney, and her descendant Moneo approaching.  Knowing that The Sigmas will have to regroup if they are going to take the day.

Apocalypse and He-Man join the scene of the battle to find only Dante left of their giant robot defense team.  While this is going on Ultron and Starscream are locked in a pitched dog fight in the sky above.  Duncan, Gurney, Moneo, and Chani decide that their is no time like the present to rush in and see what they can do hand to hand in a final skirmish against The Horsemen.  Starscream from the skies sees what his teammates are running into and decides to be a bro.  He flanks right, doubles back and fires all of his Cybertronian missiles into Dante, making contact with his brain canister and taking the Titan Cymek out of the equation.  Although this leaves Starscream open for attack as he is blasted to pieces by Ultron and the Gauntlet.  Ultron flies back down to the scene, landing in front of both Apocalyose and He-Man as if to protect the two muscle bound Horsemen from the four much smaller humans (more likely to take the glory for himself).  Chani and the boys move at break neck speed towards Ultron, surrounding him and working as an unmatched fighting unit.  Ultron moves towards the fastest of the four Moneo first and is able to catch him by the throat, squeezing until the neck cracks.  Ultron then delivers a metal foot to the face of Chani, while Gurney blasts out the knee of the robot with his Maula pistol allowing Duncan to remove the head of Ultron with his green lightsaber.  

The exhausted Duncan and Gurney still stand tall as the two remaining Sigmas ready to do battle against the two remaining Horsemen.  The Atreides loyalists fight bravely; but are simply mismatched, especially in their current state.  With relative ease, Apocalypse takes out Duncan and He-Man finishes Gurney.