The Horsemen of Apokolips are Darkseid, Supergirl, Superboy Prime, The Sentry, Exitar, The One Above All, Sinestro, Achilles, Tripticon, Polaris, Parasite, Luke Skywalker Grand Jedi Master in an F-22, Starscream, Sunstorm, Mara Jade & Astro-Droid #11 in an X-Wing, Saeese Tiin & Astro-Droid #12 in a Y-Wing, Plo Koon in a Tie Bomber, Cable & Charlton Heston in a Stealth Bomber, Cloud Strife in the Blue Falcon, Stitch in an Arwing, & Josh Houslander on the Bat-Cycle.
TEAM is Superman, Comet, Streaks, Unicron, Set, Thor, Thunderstrike, God Emperor Leto II, Voltron, Luke Skywalker & R2-D2 in a Y-Wing, Jengo Fett & Young Boba Fett in Slave 1, Lando Calrissean, Nien Numb, & C-3P0 in the Millennium Falcon, Space Ghost, Jan, Jace, Blip, Adi Gallia in a Tie Interceptor, Yarael Poof in The Sith Infiltrator, Nyobi in a Tie Bomber, Seraph, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, The Shining Force, Godzilla, Ryan in a Hovercraft, & Dozer #7.
I am amazed to hear how much the little brown laser is still being discussed amongst these 2 teams when what is really at stake here is the Universe Bowl and the A.L. Championship, but I guess that shows how deep-rooted this rivalry really is. These teams waste no time attacking one another as their battle plans were both well laid out in the locker room. Luke GJM leads Starscream & Sunstorm against Voltron while many other ships zip around the airways as well. After witnessing what TEAM did to The Backyardigans Darkseid has ordered that all Horsemen stay on the planet because he is not sure that even a team as powerful as The Horsemen can beat TEAM in an all out space battle. Everybody on the team follows Darkseid’s orders, except for The One Above All who naturally does not take orders from anyone. The One Above All instantly flies into space to go have a conversation with Unicron. TEAM has no desire for their massive squad to be split up so once they see that The Horsemen are not biting on the space bait Gen. Calrissean leads his entire space squadron back into The Play-Off Planet’s atmosphere where they are just as formidable a team in the terrestrial air. Supergirl & Achilles question this course of action by Darkseid, now that they know they will have to face the entire TEAM squad without it being anyway split up (except of course for Unicron who is still in space, but about to be met by The One Above All). Exitar is above listening to Darkseid’s order as well, but Darkseid believes he does because the order that The One Above All gave to his fellow Celestial was a similar one. Exitar the Exterminator stays within the planet’s atmosphere so he can do battle with Set amidst the watery section of the planet. Supergirl, Superboy, & The Sentry fly into the desert area to search out The God Emperor Leto II, while Tripticon & Godzilla do battle in the center of the city. As expected, much of the battle takes place within the atmosphere, but high above the ground, with Luke Skywalker Grand Jedi Master leading Starscream, Sunstorm, Mara Jade, Saeese Tiin, Plo Koon, Cable & Heston, & Stitch in their vehicles for The Horsemen against Voltron, Lando & crew in the Falcon, Luke, the Fetts, Adi Gallia, Yarael Poof, & Nyobi. Luke GJM gets ready for his attack run on Voltron when Starscream assures him via com link that he has a plan to take out Voltron if Luke will just lead the way toward the powerful cosmic fighter. Starscream did not actually come up with this plan himself but is just following specific orders that were given to him and him alone by Darkseid who has formulated plans for much of this match. Luke GJM pushes the F-22 to its absolute speed potential shooting .50 caliber rounds at Voltron that just bounce off of his powerful metal body. Luke and Starscream pull ahead of Sunstorm and then each bank in a different direction flying directly underneath Voltron’s armpits. As soon as this is accomplished Starscream transforms and turns around in mid-air and then shockingly targets his own teammate and fellow Decepticon Seeker Sunstorm. Starscream blows up his own teammate setting off Sunstorm’s unstable nuclear spark which works to take Voltron completely off guard and blow up both of them. In space The One Above All flies up next to Unicron, who is still in his planet form. Unicron waits until the Celestial is right in front of him before he begins the amazing looking transformation process into robot form. The language that is spoken between the 2 enormous beings is an extremely ancient one that cannot be understood by anyone on the normal astral plane of existence, luckily though I am a Watcher and I am like super-duper smart so I can translate for you. Basically the conversation went a little something like this: Unicron says to The One Above All “Although we have both been a part of this Universe for a long time and have taken many forms throughout the millennia, I am fairly certain that we have never crossed paths before”. The One Above All laughs at such a statement and says: “No one could possibly imagine the experiences I have had or the Universe’s I have seen created and destroyed in my life. Such trivial experiences as meeting up with another cosmic being do not even rank amongst my life’s trials. Who are you to insinuate that you would know who I have ever witnessed or encountered”. Unicron then replies with “I do not mean to offend, I am simply saying that if you have a name such as “The One Above All”, than you have obviously never met me”. With this being said, Unicron rears up his mighty arms and brings them down hard on the shoulders of The One Above All, not only breaking thru the near impenetrable hull of the lead Celestial but also pumping him full of so much cosmic energy that The One Above All actually implodes in upon himself. Unicron, who from my perspective made this look easy but after the attack is done the massive Transformer is visibly tired as he slumps into a state that can best be described as sleep. Unicron will be ready to fight, but if he had any plans of breaking thru the planet’s atmosphere to battle with The Horsemen on the planet, than his plans have changed. Each time Set has been defeated in the past, his 7 heads have been more like 7 different enemies than simply appendages of one greater being, but with an opponent as powerful as Exitar the Exterminator fighting him, he can actually be looked at as one massive opponent. Exitar flies in over top of Set to gain what we humans would call a strategic advantage with a simple punch, he knocks off one of Set’s heads on his way in to attacking the center of Set. Exitar, thru his extensive, near omnipotent knowledge of destruction & killing instantly knows where he must hit Set to destroy him. He goes in for the kill but as he does Set wraps 3 of his massive snake like appendages around Exitar. Two of the heads lead their snake body around the chest of Exitar while the other tightens its grips around The Celestial’s neck. Set is working on pure animal instinct as he pulls the huge Celestial under the water with him to make his murderer join him in death. An amazing, and extremely fast-paced multi-player dog fight is still taking place in the skies, with some of the most skilled pilots in all of Fantasy Fantasy going at it. Yarael Poof enjoys the spaciousness of The Sith Infiltrator, but he doesn’t quite feel right flying it do to the strong sense of the dark side that he still feels within it. Plo Koon flies in toward the Infiltrator in his Tie Bomber to try and lay down some serious fire power, but before he can Jengo and Boba race in in Slave 1 and blow him to pieces. Below them, in what is left of the city Godzilla has been enraged by the ongoing attacks of Tripticon. Godzilla, obviously hit the point in all of his movies where he gets really pissed off and starts kicking butt because he made that weird noise and start flailing his hands around and next thing ya know….. Tripticon is on the ground all busted up. K.O. Nothing unusual here, except for the fact that a couple of minutes after he died Tripticon popped back up off of the ground and started flying over top of Godzilla, which is something I didn’t even know that he could do. The reason this looked so strange is that Tripticon never could do that, even when he was alive (which he is dead by the way). In actuality Polaris is simply using her magnetic powers to lift the massive Decepticon up into the air. She then releases the mutant hold that she is straining so much to control and drops Tripticon down on top of Godzilla to kill him off. Polaris then uses her mutant magnetic powers to take control of Slave 1. Jengo completely loses control of the ship as Polaris causes it to crash into The Sith Infiltrator. Yarael Poof runs to one of the escape pods and jettisons out safely but Jengo struggles to get his son Boba into some sort of ejection module. Jengo cannot work fast enough to save his son as the ship blows apart. Jengo, who was wearing his jet pack manages to get away from the wreckage, but he is beside himself with grief at the loss of his perfect clone. Polaris then brings the wreckage of the 2 medium sized ships down on top of where the Shining Force were setting up camp. Only Max, Gort, Luke, Tao, Anri, Pelle, Yogurt, & Zylo were able to escape the carnage. Polaris also grabs a hold of Ryan’s hovercraft and takes it out of the water and crashing in to the ground but Ryan jumps off just in time to save his own life (good thing he was wearing his ankle supports). Saeese Tiin in his Y-Wing gets behind Nyobi and takes advantage of the 1 Star Wars fighter that is slower than his. Master Tiin blasts Nyobi’s shieldless Bomber out of the air killing her in the process. Cable with Chaz Heston in his co-pilot seat reluctantly begin to target their nukes, but before they can they are taken out by Adi Gallia in her much faster Tie Interceptor. Both Cable & Heston parachute to safety. Luke Skywalker & R2-D2 are blazing a path thru the air with some incredible moves, but unfortunately for them, there is one guy on the Horsemen who knows all those moves as well. Luke GJM flies up behind his younger counterpart and despite having not as good a ship takes out Luke’s Y-Wing, knowing exactly where to hit it. Luke ejects out in time, and R2 uses his jets to get away from the crashing ship as well. Polaris then takes control of Adi Gallia’s Tie Interceptor and starts to throw it into The Millennium Falcon. Nien Numb sees it coming and warns Lando, who reluctantly targets his own teammate out of the sky before Polaris can kill them both. Lando sees what this one sole mutant is doing to his squadron and decides that she is now the primary target. Lando flies low toward Polaris who begins throwing anything metal that she can get her powers on at the Falcon. Lando is able to take some evasive maneuvers to avoid the debris and then allow C-3P0 to get off a great shot from the side cannon to take out Polaris once and for all. Cloud Strife picks up so much speed in The Blue Falcon that when he hits the curb just right, he flares up and goes airborne. Strife aims the futuristic car into the area where Space Ghost and his crew were chillin. Cloud Strife takes out both Jan & Jace before he jumps out of the car and lands on top of one of the shorter buildings. The 0 death Space Ghost lands in front of Cloud with Blip and says: “Space Ghost cannot be killed by a Horsemen! I ran in to 5 Horsemen today at Breakfast and killed them all without putting down my fork. I don’t consider it a full day’s work unless I bury 10 Horsemen. I ate 2 Horsemen on the way over here today and I still haven’t pooped them out yet”. Cloud Strife decides that despite this eloquent Speech from Space Ghost that instead of replying he’ll just pull out his sword and cut Blip in half. “You should not have done that” the self-proclaimed Horsemen killer says as he presses the middle button on his left sleeve and disintegrates Cloud Strife. Superman punches thru Starscream on his way to do battle with Darkseid. Darkseid says “So we meet again Superman”. “That we do Darkseid, you have been pretty unsuccessful so far against me. Ironic that I gave you your first death, and now I understand that you’ll be in the Graveyard shortly”. “I am not there yet”. Darkseid replies. The 2 of them then clash with each other like they have done so many times before. Comet & Streaks show up to lend Superman a hand but just then Parasite pops in to help out Darkseid. Parasite grabs a hold of the necks of both Comet and Streaks and begins absorbing their super-powers. He sucks not only the powers from the 2 super animals but he also sucks the life out of them as well. Superman leaves his brawl with Darkseid to try and help out his 2 animal buddies but he is too late. This move also proves to be a poor one for another reason, because as soon as Superman leaves the fight Darkseid takes immediate advantage of the situation. While Superman is turned the other way Darkseid unleashes the full force of the Omega Beams on his age old enemy which fries the Man of Steel, killing Superman. Thor attacks Parasite and sends them both crashing to the ground but Thor does not realize that Parasite is more super-powered then ever before. Thor swings Mojinir downward toward Parasite, but Parasite catches Thor by the wrists and brings him down underneath him. Parasite then uses all of the strength he can muster to crush the neck of Thor with his bare hands. Parasite tries to take a moment to regain his composure but before he can Seraph, Jet Li, & Jackie Chan all hit him with 3 straight drop kicks. These moves do little more than stun Parasite, but a few extra seconds were all they were trying to buy, so Yarael Poof could come in with his lightsaber drawn and take off Parasite’s head. Supergirl, Superboy, & The Sentry locate God Emperor Leto II and send in The Sentry to draw him out of the sand. The Sentry flies low thinking that once Leto pops out of the sand he’ll be able to escape in time but he is wrong. Leto instantly grabs The Sentry out of mid-air and consumes him, but Supergirl then flies in next to Leto and punches him hard enough to knock him out of the desert. Leto gains his composure on the cement and gets ready to defend himself but once he is out of his element and has Supergirl and Superboy to deal with he finds himself fairly mismatched even with his healthy size advantage. Supergirl and Superboy are able to pound the mighty half man half worm into Sand Trout. Seraph, Jackie, & Jet regroup with The Shining Force, but Achilles rushes in to the fray and instantly takes out Jackie Chan, Pelle the Paladin, Luke the Gladiator, & Zylo the Werewolf. Josh then comes racing in on the Bat-Cycle and pops a cap from his Glock 27 in Yogurt’s dome before he has Achilles jump on the back and get out before they are overwhelmed. Josh starts racing toward Ryan who is talking with Dozer #7. Ryan says about the oncoming Motorcycle: “Oh God, I know this guy, he’s a total punk”. “Who’s that riding on the back” Dozer #7 asks Ryan. “I can’t tell yet” Ryan responds. “Oh crap! That’s Achilles! That guy rules. If I had a team, I would so pick him in the first round. He is so hot in Troy”. Seconds after this Achilles slices off Ryan’s head, but Dozer #7 sticks a twig into the wheel of The Bat-Cycle and flips it over. Achilles and Josh dust themselves off, but a pissed off Josh takes out his Glock and blows away Dozer #7 (that’s not that easy of a shot you know. Those guys are tiny). Sinestro and Cable move against Thunderstrike. Thunderstrike swings his hammer of the same name at Cable to blast Cable’s head right off but Sinestro uses the full power of his yellow power ring to completely wipe out Thunderstrike. Supergirl & Superboy regroup with Darkseid and ask “What is the situation”? Darkseid says: “We are doing O.K. on the ground but unfortunately The One Above Some, or whatever his stupid name is couldn’t listen and got himself killed. Which means we are still going to have to go into space and kill Unicron to finish this fight”. Superboy replies with “yes sir, I will rally all available space forces”. As Supergirl and Superboy fly away Supergirl says to him: “I have no idea why you are kissing his butt. It will be a miracle if he is actually alive after today”. Supergirl and Superboy work to spread the word that the space offensive is about to start while the unlikely pairing of Luke Skywalker and Jengo Fett have what is left of TEAM form up in the desert. (young)Luke, R2-D2, Jengo Fett, Space Ghost, Yarael Poof, Seraph, Jet Li, Max, Tao, Gort, & Anri form a defensive circle while Lando takes The Millennium Falcon back in to the space orbit. Luke GJM flies dangerously close to Mara Jade in her X-Wing and says to her over the comlink: “have your droid take over piloting for a second”. “Why”? A confused Mara Jade asks. “Because you and I are about to switch ships. This F-22 can’t go into space, and they are gonna need me to take on Unicron. Now do what you’re told”. Mara allows Astro-Droid #11 to take over the controls while she hops out of the cockpit and then hops on to the F-22. Luke begins to climb out of the seat so he can switch over the controls but as he does Lando in the Falcon flies by and blows the F-22 apart. Luke tries to shield them both with the force but he is only able to save himself. Mara Jade dies, but Luke GJM accomplishes an amazing force leap onto the back of Mara’s X-Wing. Luke thinks to himself “now that is more like it, as he takes over the controls and begins following The Falcon into space. Supergirl flanks Luke on his way to battle Unicron while Superboy flies alongside Stitch in his Arwing. Darkseid, who doesn’t quite have the speed capabilities of the Kryptonians, hitches a ride on the back of Saeese Tiin’s Y-Wing. The 3 ships then head toward Unicron in what could be the deciding factor of this match. As crazy as it sounds Achilles is actually pissed that they didn’t bring him up into space to fight Unicron, but he gets over it and begins mounting the ground offensive toward Commander Skywalker’s TEAM survivors. Achilles stands in front as Sinestro, Josh, & Charlton Heston form up behind him. Luke GJM leads the attack against Unicron who awakens from his quasi-slumber to defend himself. Lando and the boys in the Falcon fly out to draw their fire but Darkseid yells: “Supergirl! Swat that fly” which sends Supergirl flying after the Falcon. Unicron moves in to close for comfort against The Horsemen, but amazingly enough even to the eyes of Darkseid Luke actually force pushes Unicron back from inside the cockpit of the X-Wing. Unicron regroups and starts heading back toward the battle. Unicron swats Saeese Tiin’s Y-Wing out of existence, killing both the Jedi master and Astro-droid #12. Supergirl dodges the laser blasts from the Millennium Falcon, and then flies over top of the ship and drives herself right thru the center like a hole punch. With this hit The Falcon is completely destroyed causing Lando, Nien Numb, & 3P0 to jump into escape pods and try to get back to the planet. The 3 of them successfully get into the pods, but in true Horsemen fashion Supergirl sees the pods flying back down to the Play-Off Planet and destroys them with her heat vision. Unicron grabs a hold of Superboy with one hand and Darkseid with the other. Unicron focuses the most strength on Superboy and crushes his bones as if he were a dead bird. Unicron tries to do the same to Darkseid but before he can Luke shoots 2 proton torpedoes at his hand which makes Unicron loosen his grip enough for Darkseid to get free. Darkseid is now very banged up by this but he fights thru the pain and flies in toward Unicron’s face. Unicron blasts Darkseid with laser beams from his eyes which just about kills Darkseid. Darkseid uses his last breath to unleash what is left of his power out thru his Omega Beams. Darkseid puts a hole roughly the size of Arizona in the upper chest of Unicron, which gives Luke and Stitch a good spot to aim for. Luke targets the hole in Unicron with everything his X-Wing has got left which just about destroys the massive Transformer, but for good measure, the near insane Stitch, who is capable of surviving thru the rigors of space ejects out of his Arwing after he aims the ship right for the hole that Darkseid made in Unicron’s chest. Luke swings by Stitch with incredible swiftness to grab him and head back to the planet with Supergirl not far behind while Unicron lights up the sky as he explodes. Space Ghost and Sinestro are locked in an intense air battle when Sinestro gets a little cocky. The former green lantern unleashes his power ring toward the host with most but Space Ghost dodges out of the way just in time and then blasts Sinestro with his heat lasers to destroy him. “The only good Horsemen is a dead Horsemen” Space Ghost yells to no one in particular. Achilles ducks under the lightsaber swing of the 4 armed Yarael Poof but then pops up around the other side of him and takes him out at the stomach with his sword. As Supergirl, Stitch, and Luke get back down to the planet they are attacked by what is left of The shining Force. Tao casts Blaze Level 4 which completely destroys Luke’s X-Wing. Luke ejects in time but Astro-Droid #11 cannot be saved. Supergirl flies down and takes out Tao before she can cast another spell and then takes out Anri before she can cast one at all. Supergirl overpowers Gort, but then Max uses the Chaos Breaker and sticks it into the back of Supergirl. Supergirl is filled with the power of the Chaos Breaker, but once the power is released max cannot let go of the mystical sword (ya know, like at the end of the game. Except this time I’m not crying). This sacrifice kills Supergirl, but Max dies with her. Stitch picks up a fallen blaster (I think it was Mara Jade’s) and blows away R2-D2, while Jet Li punches Josh in the throat to kill him with a single hit. Josh is choking to death but in his last breath he yells “CHUCK”! And Josh throws Heston his Glock 10mm knowing that Heston was out of ammo and that he could use the extra fire power. Achilles rushes in and kills Jet Li before he can do any more harm and then in one swift motion takes out the young Luke as well, but he is then shot repeatedly by both Seraph and Space Ghost until he finally falls. Luke GJM is surrounded by both Jengo Fett & Space Ghost. The 2 TEAMmembers attack but Luke force pushes Space Ghost down and then takes off Fett’s head with his lightsaber. He then jumps in toward Space Ghost before he can recuperate and deals him his first ever FFL death. An exhausted Luke is then taken off guard as Seraph leaps in behind the Grand Jedi Master and unloads the last of his bullets into his back. Heston stands in amazement as he watches Seraph kill their #1 Draft pick and begins to unload Josh’s 10mm at Seraph. Seraph dodges every bullet and continues to move in toward Heston. Stitch, a weapons expert at heart see Luke’s lightsaber hit the ground, and just needs to get some of that Jedi technology in his hands. Stitch grabs the lightsaber just as Seraph runs up to Heston and kicks the Glock out of his hand. Seraph grabs the Glock out of mid-air and spins around to take a pot shot at Stitch, blowing his furry little leg clean off. Heston returns the favor of kicking the gun out of Seraph’s hand and sending it about 5 yards away. Heston then finds himself in the dangerous predicament of having to fight Seraph in hand to hand combat. Seraph quickly knocks Heston to the ground, jumps on top of Chaz, and begins strangling the life out of him. Heston is near death but in Charlie’s last breath he sees the green tip of the lightsaber thrown by the one-legged Stitch poke thru the front of Seraph’s chest.