Thursday, June 11, 2015

Destiny averted?

HeRe we Are. At the final momEnTS. WiTH the rosTEr that TEAm has, of course they'rE big gAMbiT against the HorseMEN would be the "KRYPTON OFFENSIVE"

The Delorean fires up. It screeches off. It's destination, a few hours into the future. After the Planet has exploded and finished off the remaining Horsemen. The timing must be precise. Nothing can be left to chance. They know the Black Hand will stir and raise an army. That's why they must follow in the insane footsteps of their fallen foes, the Sleeping Pussies. This isn't just a match, the is THE match.

 The driver races forward. The combined powers of Thor and Zues crackle forth, as the time machine accelerates to it's desired 88 MPH. The lighting blasts strike their target...

ALong WIth an prEVIOusly unsEEn foRCe blast.

The time machine doesn't just break thE timesTReaM.

It desTRoyS it.

 PlayERS from botH teams find ThemselvES in A place thet don't RECognIZe. IN battLEs they arEN't prepAREd for.

The Universe Bowl is over. And iT haS trulY beeN the APOCALYpSe!!



The Universe BOWLS have begun.

And I WiLl clAIm my ULtimate PRIze.

DadDy's HOME! See yOu sooN!!


Universe Bowl VIII: The War to Settle the Score

Horsemen of Apokolips vs TEAM
1500 points
Prize: 30 resurrection points and a Trade Federation Command Ship