Friday, September 19, 2014

Hey, I hope that everyone enjoyed the Universe Bowl this year. I know it took a while for everything to get posted but I really wanted the story to be as good as it could possibly be. Congrats again to both Layanderlet's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family and the Sisterhood of Traveling Midget's. Both of you put up great squads this year that played perfectly into my goofy story that I had been planning since late April. 

I first and foremost would like to thank every single person who helped me write this year's Universe Bowl. Every time I felt like the story just wasn't adding up, all I had to do was read one of your post's and it completely energized me into writing more. I really appreciate the fact that we were all able to write out of our comfort zones and come up with something that was much different then anything we have done in the past.

On a more selfish note, I would like to thank the Commish for starting Zufa Cenva. I still wasn't quite sure how I was going to end this thing but as soon as I received both team's rosters and saw her name,  I knew who my workhorse was going to be in this match.

I do hope everybody enjoyed it and my hope for whoever writes next years Universe Bowl is that they have as much fun as I ultimately ending up having with it this summer.

I will see everybody this Sunday at the Commish's house and for now, this is it!

See everybody on the site in 2015.



Sunday, September 14, 2014

Universe Bowl VII: Epilogue


The once fiery planet had since calmed to silence. The Chaos and Mayhem that used to occupy this space was now filled with dormant tranquility. As Mr. Mxyzptlk stared down at the now peaceful planet he wondered how Zufa and Yoda had done it. Wondered is a strong statement to credit the Imp with, more of an amused complacency that came over him as he looked down at his ring. “A fun little guy indeed. Okay then, nothing more to see here.”

He spent one more moment looking down at the planet before saying, “Kltpzyxm”, thus disappearing for good.

Universe Bowl VII: The Principium...

Scorched earth…that would be an understatement to say the least.

Despite the warnings I have read about the state of this place, nothing could have prepared me for what I have seen with my very own eyes. Destruction beyond anything I have ever imagined, a true to life Apocalypse unfolding right before me.

What I first took as unseen attacks turned out to be nothing more then the planet coming apart. How it has lasted this long I do not know.

The first combatant I see is the Beast itself; a Dark Cloud emitting all colors of the spectrum in every direction imaginable. It knows this battle is almost over and yet; it shows no signs of slowing down. The Eradicator flies above, firing down energy blasts at a consistent rate. The Beast fires back with blasts of Red and Yellow energy at times, though it does not seem to be taking the attacks very seriously.

This scene goes on for a while until a tiny spec of white light appears right next to the Artifact of Krypton. The spec spends a good minute keeping up with the Midget but after a while, the spec continues its climb until it is well out of the planets quickly deteriorating atmosphere. The Eradicator continues it attacks on the Beast, yet still stays high in the sky.

This constant and almost muted fight continues between the flying Midget fighter and the Beast, but all at once, this calm comes to an end. A bright White Light appears from what is left of the ground below, a light so bright that it is impossible to see what is going on. The Beast makes no sudden movements but is plenty aware of the incoming force.

The light wanes slightly but is still clearly holding the Beast at bay for the moment. It is obvious that the Eradicator has been joined by someone else high in the sky, someone that I have to assume can be no one other then Supergirl. The Artifact does not seem pleased with the company though as he instantly changes his attack trajectory from the Beast below to his fellow Kryptonian. Supergirl whose experience in this match has been non-existent up until this point is having little difficulty fending him off.

She continues her flight around her opponent, clearly trying to avoid him, though I am not quite sure how long she will keep this up.

On the ground the light stays bright, though with the Beast not far off, I have to wonder who is going to go on the offensive first. Suddenly the ground shakes and an eruption of lava shoots straight into the sky, covering everything within what has to be a fifty-mile radius. This temporarily blinds my visibility, turning this place into nothing more then a living hell.

After several minutes the planet calms down a bit only to see the Beast making its first move towards the Light. Red, Yellow, and Green you name it; they are all firing at the Light with everything they have. The Beast is not holding back as it sends everything in its power at the Light. Yet despite the intensity of the attacks, the light does not seem to be wavering.

Up above, Supergirl and the Eradicator continue their stale mate, as the Midget does not seem to be cooperating with whatever Kara Zor-El is trying to accomplish. One has to wonder how long she will attempt this strategy before a counter-attack is made on her behalf.

The Beast’s blasts toward the Light are not subsiding in the least despite the strong hold that it is keeping. This all changes in an instant though as it seems Kara’s patience has run out as she finally makes contact with the Kryptonian Artifact, sending him into a free-fall towards the ground. Supergirl is no longer holding back as she sends blast after blast into the Midget as he careens directly into the belly of the Beast.

It is unclear whether or not this was her plan the whole time, as the Eradicator continues his decent until he is completely engulfed in the black cloud below. Supergirl slows her flight but does not waver her attacks, which are now pointed only at the center of the Cloud. Though the Beast continues blasting the White Light, it is obvious that the Kryptonian has diverted at least a small amount of attention.

The blasts originally concentrated solely on the White Light now begin to erupt towards Kara Zor-El, putting her on the defensive despite her continued attacks on the Beast. She flies higher up into the sky, attempting to keep as much distance between herself and the obvious enemy of this battle.

What happened next is still unclear, though the outcome became immediately apparent.

Out of nowhere, the White Light disappeared. This sent all of the Beast’s multi-colored projections deep into the planet’s core, creating a chain reaction that caused a planet-wide earthquake to begin. Volcanic eruptions are the consequence of this action, which now cover nearly everything in sight. This is the first time the Beast has shown any sign of faltering, despite its onslaught on the Kryptonian high up into the sky. Regardless of this action’s planned design, the blasts fired upon Supergirl were just too much for her to take as her defenses were not strong enough to handle them, killing her in the process.

The White Light appears once more, though this time it is much smaller in appearance. It is now obvious that it is Yoda harnessing this light, with Zufa Cenva right next to him. The Beast was still on the attack at this point; yet regardless of its incredible size, it is clear that the remaining combatants in the fight know its vulnerability.

Which is where the Beast’s ultimate flaw came into play. Despite its incredible ascent to power over the last couple of months, the Beast like so many Omnipotent beings before it, failed to realize its faults. Sure the Beast or “Thing” commanded the full color spectrum, it had harnessed the residual power of the Chaos King and up until this point, no creature in this fight had made a dent in its armor. All of these things lead it to believe that it was invulnerable to attack, which is exactly where its weakness lied.

The Demigod that Bill Duer had become could never understand the power behind the White power ring. Instead of wondering why it could not harness its power, it just left it alone. Assuming that if it could not take control of it, it was not worth having. A flaw, as simple as it may be, is the reason behind its failure.

The Beast continued making its violent attacks in every direction, bringing the planet’s destruction closer to its finality. Though the attacks were relentless, it never saw what Zufa had in store for him all along. Through her immense Physic abilities and Yoda’s understanding of the White power ring, they discovered something that Bill Duer never saw coming.

With the full use of Zufa’s Physic Attack, she pulsed every ounce of it towards the White Ring in which Yoda had been living through since his spirit had been reanimated. Through multiple trial and error tests of this power, Yoda was able to extend her attack via the rings power. Once this compounded action took place on a full-scale attack, the Beast was left defenseless despite its great power. The explosion from this was so great that the white light extended outside of the planet’s atmosphere, being contained only by the White Power ring being wielded by the fifth dimensional Imp.

Once everything subsided and the event had finished, a calm came over the planet. The eruptions that once consumed the entire planet had stopped. The body of the Supreme Sorceress of Rossak lied dead next to the now dormant White Ring that once kept Yoda alive.

For the first time in ages, this planet knew peace. The calming silence filled the air with the possibility of a future, a future that only moment’s prior did not exist. The silence seemed to breathe new life into the world, a world that become alive once more with the footsteps of a man whose perseverance had not only given this place a future, but the chance at a new beginning.