Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 9: The Tijuana Taco Benders vs The Transfoamers

The Tijuana Taco Benders are:
Weird Wolf and Monzo
Duncan Idaho Ghola #10
Force Adept - #6
Krayt Dragon #4
Count Hasmir Fenring
Mike Huckabee
Bill O’Reilly
Cordelia Chase
Night Brother #7
Mon Mothma

The Transfoamers are:
Artemis w/Magnaguard Electrostaff
Fedayeen Assassin #1
Nexu #1
Acklay #2
Riik #1
The Expendables- Barney Ross, Yin Yang, Lee Christmas, Toll Road, Hale Caesar, Gunnar Jensen, & Tool

The Stadium is empty.
The floor is stripped of all sporting related activity, bare cement, littered with corpses, the large headless body of a burning reptile still twitches alarmingly.

The mostly broken giant screen lays sparking in the seats, it still somehow has a video feed.
The image wavers, but shows a single combatant covered in blood.

“This... this is not the worst thing I’ve had to deal with.  Everything is cool... I am not going to freak out.... it’s just a little Goddess blood... nothing to freak out about...  and Hey! We won! We totally Won!”

The lone combatant then screams until the scream becomes silent,  a triumphant fist raised in the air.

But let’s go through the unlikely story of how we got here.

The Expendables had set up an elaborate kill box on the bare floor of the stadium using the seats as cover.

They waited patiently for as many of the enemy’s number to enter the stadium as possible.  

They finally can wait no longer.  Waluigi, Weird Wolf and Monzo, Mike Huckabee and Bill O'Reilly are immediately cut down by gunfire.   Count Fenring attempts to clear the killbox by sprinting across the floor but a claymore mine set in advance triggers and sprays him with shrapnel.

Unfortunately for the trained killers their bullets bounce harmlessly off the giant robot Ninjor.

Ninjor crushes one half of the soldiers, their lifeless bodies mangled in the surrounding plastic shrapnel of seats.    The other half opens up looking for a weak spot.  

The noise attracts the attention of Krayt Dragon #4 who proceeds to scramble through the seats sending them flying into the air.  The huge dragon sets on the soldiers, triggering a small explosion as their explosive munitions detonate in its mouth.  The flaming body of the severely injured lizard rolls down the seats into the stadium.    

Still on fire the lizard wheels looking for another meal.  Unfortunately for the dragon, killing monsters is what Beowulf does best.   The warrior thrusts his mighty sword Hrunting into the dragon, severing its head from its body.

Beowulf is blindsided by Sy-Klone who whirls into him, bashing his head open with his shield, killing him instantly.  Sy-Klone then slams into Riik #1 and Nexu #1, the two tear into the cyborgs legs but his torso continues whirling off into the ceiling of the stadium.

Cyclone’s still dying torso manages to unhinge the giant screen from its supports, it slams down, flattening the Acklay, Riik, and Nexu who were at that moment closing in on Cordelia.

Ninjor flings the still flipping giant screen out of its way saving Cordelia and sending it crashing into the stands.

As the dust cleared Mon Mothma was in a standoff with Artemis.

“Aren’t you the goddess of childbirth?  trust me, these pipes have been rusted shut for years lady” Mon Mothma taunted the goddess.  The goddess responded by jamming her magna guard staff into Mothma’s stomach.    The Fedayeen Assassin was working his way up to kill Cordelia when the Night Brother of Dathomir killed him.  The assassin froze between steps and simply fell over when his heart stopped.     Artemis spun to kill Cordelia as she was obviously being protected by her teammates and must be important.

Unfortunately for the goddess she was exactly right, Cordelia was being protected.  Ninjor brings his giant robotic fists down in an attempt to crush the goddess,  the blows land, severely weakning her.  She dismantles the robot with great effort.  The distraction was all Madman needed.  He uses his limited ability to see the future to avoid all of Artemis’ blows and land a few of his own.  It also gives Night Brother #7 the chance to loosen a tile in the dome using his force powers.  The tile comes slicing down from the ceiling and cleaves the goddess neatly in two, spraying Cordelia with blood.


Archr5 said...

The Taco Benders are Victorious!

Cordelia, Nightbrother #7, Force Adept #6, Madman and Duncan Idaho Ghola survive!

Josh the Commish said...

Congrats to The Tacos!! I knew you could win one!! Better luck to both of these squads next year. I am rooting for you both!!

Krisatu said...

Way to go Adam. I knew you could get yourself a W.

NFG Mike said...

Awesome. The begining is the end is the begining... Good stuff. And congrats to the TTB! Today I am a Bender.

Artifact said...

Good work, Goof.

Nice win Adam. Your squad is better than your record.