Monday, June 3, 2013

The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. George Washington's Slaves

The Horsemen of Apokolips are The Witch King of Angmar, Vampire Achilles, Superman, Flamebird, The Anti-Monitor, The One Above All, Oa Guardian #5, Krona, Scar, Black Lantern Thanos, Phoenix, Joseph in a Jawa Sand Crawler, (movie) Megatron, Motormaster (w/ a red lantern ring), Wildrider, Tripticon, Black Lantern Yoda, (White Suit) Anakin Skywalker and R-2 Unit #11 in a Jedi V-Wing, John McLane w/ a rocketpack, Dracula, Black Lantern Chris Artrip and Black Lantern Julie Artrip in The Pimpmobile, Laya Houslander: Young Jedi Knight (w/ a blue lantern ring) w/ Piplup and Tommy Oliver (w/ Legion Flight Ring and blue lightsaber) in The Technodrome, Sheanna, and Life Model Decoy #1-3 in Technodrome Transport Module #1-3.
George Washington’s Slaves are Zilius Zox, Tomar Tu, Mr. Miracle, Elongated Man, Catwoman, The Living Tribunal, Runner, Doppelganger, R5-D4, Cassandra Nova (w/ a Demon Rod), Zombie Master Mold, Ymir, Warlock, Sunspot, Skaar: Son of Hulk (w/ a red lightsaber), Black Lantern Han Solo on a Tron Light Cycle, Sauron The Deceiver, Prowl (w/ The Autobot Matrix of Leadership): AKA: Prowlimus Prime, Black Lantern Harry Potter, Scorpion (w/ a Heat Axe and a red lightsaber), Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez, Maverick in a F-35, Goose in a Tie Bomber, Mer-Man, Beavis (w/ a halberd) and Butthead (w/ a Sith Lavarouk) w/ Buttchunk, Gonzo the Great and Kamila, Tim Cheveldae (w/ Tron Light Suit and Disc), Paul Coffey (w/ green lightsaber), Bryan Murray (w/ green lightsaber), Steve Yzerman (w/ green lantern ring), Vampire Al Dogg, Sandworm #16 & 18, Ancient Ginaz Swordsmen #7 & 8, Head Coach George Washington, and Life Model Decoy #1.

Washington prefers to attack by night, he finds his opponents to not be prepared for the hell he is about to bring upon them. It is night now, but The Horsemen are ready… The Horsemen are always ready. Both of these teams are fully prepared for this battle, they have been here before and this rivalry is by no means a new one.
In the world of age old college sports rivalries, this rivalry I believe is best compared to The University of Michigan Vs. Notre Dame. They may not be each other’s top rivals or most hated opponents but this rivalry is extremely spirited and dates back many, many years. These two teams faced off in Universe Bowl 2, and they both have never missed the play-offs in the six year history of The FFL. Through all unwritten rules of the league, both of these teams should have had an off year by now. The sheer number of matches that they have both fought in should allow for a certain degree of team decimation, yet both of these franchises have remained at the top of the league and have both refused to stop winning their divisions and making play-off runs. Not to downplay the great drafting and general managing that has been down by both of these owners; but it would seem that it is sheer will that has kept these two teams on top. At this point only two teams have made it to The Universe Bowl twice (neither of whom made the play-offs this year or even go by the same name that they used to have). After tonight there will be three…
Both the teams have fortified their positions, they have avoided the forest and jungle areas, for they know that this will be an all full-frontal battle and neither of them have a desire for guerilla warfare against a squad of their opponent’s caliber. The Slaves control the oceans, the arctic, and the desert, while The Horsemen control the city. Space is being patrolled by several members of each squad; but is not fully controlled or being defended by either of them. Both squads are preparing their offensive strategies as they know that the comfort they have within their own bases will be short-lived.
The Witch King of Angmar was selected by The Horsemen front office as this season’s official play-off captain, although as soon as this match started, he watched his magic ring crumble away to nothing and he was returned to his original human form. For the reach of Sauron has once again grown strong and his power limitless. The Mighty Sauron merely had to will it so for the ring of his creation to disappear from existence. But despite this sorcery, The Witch King lives. He is now as he once was a bearded old man, his sword heavy in his hands, and his ethos weighted with the evil he has seen transpire throughout The Third Age. But he is far from helpless. One of the heathen kings of old, this man was once a great king of the nation of Angmar and he is still a man that craves the power that Sauron promised him all those thousands of years ago. And if that means bringing about the Apocalypse through an army of horsemen against the ender of ages himself, than he will do so. The Witch King readies a strike force, but he realizes that Sauron may come to them before they have the chance to take the offensive.
Up in the outer reaches of space, just barely within the boundaries of what we watcher’s still consider the realm of The Play-off Planet, there are two beings who both possess enough innate cosmic power to rip the very fabric of the planet apart, should they so desire such an outcome. The Living Tribunal and The One Above All, a being who shares the namesake of the only being that The Living Tribunal acknowledges as his better speak in a language long forgotten and that even I, Joshatu the Great have trouble deciphering. The Living Tribunal asks plainly: “Shall we destroy each other now, or should we wait until this match of lesser beings is coming to an end”? The leader of the mighty Celestials retorts: “I am not opposed to mutual destruction, but I find it may be more appropriate if creatures of our caliber at least leave some sort of mark on this epic battle”. “Well, what do you have in mind, for you have sparked my interest”? Says The Living Tribunal. “I say, that we both pick one member of the other’s team to wipe from this plane of existence and take with us when we take our leave of this battle. I will even volunteer to choose mine first”. Says The One who is above all. “I can live with this game, or perhaps die with it would be the better way to describe it. Please make me aware of your choice”. The Living Tribunal says. The One Above All mentally goes over every possible option on the team and how they could have an effect and then works out what is in his advanced mind the best possible choice. Just under an earth second later he reveals his choice. He says: “I will take with me one of the sandworms. For I have seen entire empires fall from the intervention of these beasts and wish to take down the chances of this happening by half”. “Interesting”, says The Living Tribunal. He continues: “Well, under that same token, I will attempt to restore the tipped scale that the sandworms provide and I will remove Sheanna from your squad. Her control of sandworms is a wild card that I do not wish for my team to be trumped with”. “So be it” the two same simultaneously. And with those three words The Living Tribunal, The One Above All, Sandworm #18, and Sheanna all are erased from existence.
The Anti-Monitor sees this happen and has no desire to deal in some sort of cosmic non-compete agreement. He decides to come down from space and make his move now, before something in space stops him, although The Runner sees him make his move and decides to run down to run some interference. The Anti-Monitor shows up in the water region where he is met by The Slaves full water squad, which consists of Mer-Man. Mer-Man shows his face above the surface, just in time to be wasted by The Anti-Monitor. The Runner sees the ease of The Anti-Monitor’s attack and decides he must take immediate action. The Runner runs straight through The Ant-Monitor, using the power primordial to make him the anti-Anti-Monitor. Although when The Runner comes out the other side of The Anti-Monitor he is nothing but anti-matter. The Anti-Monitor may no longer be there to consume him; but he still simply dissipates into the air, causing him to join The Anti-Monitor in death.
Gen. George Washington realizes that there are forces at work here that are beyond his control and orders the first wave of The Slaves attack. Jean Grey and Black Lantern Yoda foresee the troop movement before it actually even begins and mentally tell their fellow Horsemen who were already moving towards the arctic and desert regions to come back to the city, for it appears that The Slaves are going to bring the battle to them. The arctic crew comes in from the South. This mini-squad consists of Ymir, who is followed by Tim, Paul, Steve, and The Bry. Once within the city limits, the hockey greats switch from ice skates to roller blades and prepare to do battle. From the West, Powlimus Prime rolls in with Black Lantern Han Solo riding next to him in his Tron Light Cycle and Maverick and Goose covering them from above. Warlock is following behind, in the form of a strange land-ship, carrying Cassandra Nova, Sunspot, Skaar, and Elongated Man. Prowlimus has several Slaves riding in his cab and hanging in the back trailer as well, ready for dispersement. Catwoman, Mr. Miracle, Doppleganger, Scorpion, The Ginaz Swordsmen, Juan Sanchez, Beavis, Butthead, and Buttchunk, are all ready for battle within the confines of their Autobot Leader. From the East, a crew of slightly less savory (describer for most; but not all) members of The Slaves crew are following behind Sauron, who marches in with a slow; but commanding stride. He is followed by Zilius Zox, Tomar Tu, Zombie Master Mold, Black Lantern Harry Potter, and Vampire Al Dawg. With three of the four major directions covered, Washington patiently waits to execute the last segment of his attack; meanwhile, The Horsemen are mounting their counter-offensive. The Witch King, with Vampire Achilles at his side rushes to meet his former master Sauron. He and Achilles are followed by some major Horsemen powerhouses as they have no desire to take the threat of the mighty Sauron lightly. They are accompanied by Superman, Flamebird, Dracula, Phoenix, and Black Lantern Thanos. Motormaster and Wildrider in vehicle form race to meet Prowlimus Prime’s mini squad. They are followed by The Pimpmobile, Joseph in The Sand Crawler (lagging behind a bit), Tripticon, John McLane patrolling the low air space around, and The three Technodrome Transport Modules being driven by LMD’s of three of the greatest Horsemen ever: Darkseid, Charlton Heston, and Josh Houslander. Megatron patrols the air and instantly becomes locked in a dog-fight with Maverick and Goose. The actual Technodrome is nowhere to be found until it bursts out of the ground behind Ymir in The South Campaign. It was on its way to take on the Arctic crew, but now its position works out even better. The battle begins to rage but Washington hangs back, in the desert while he is being unknowingly monitored by Krona, Scar, and Oa Guardian #5. The three of them may have had their differences in the past; but they are after all from the same ancient race of people and have been able to band together for the cause of The Horsemen.
South Campaign:
Ymir turns around and begins moving towards The Technodrome; but Tommy Oliver climbs out of the top of it and dramatically grabs his knife/whistle. He blows into it, and summons the power of The Dragonzord. The robot appears out of nowhere and begins to awkwardly but fiercely battle with Ymir. The two massive power-houses trade blows with each other but eventually The Dragonzord is able to claw away Ymir and then blast him with an energy finishing move shot from his chest. Tim, Paul, Steve, and The Bry are shocked by this display of power but it does not stop them from following The Technodrome and Dragonzord as they turn around and begin heading North after the destruction of Ymir.
West Campaign:
The passengers within Prowlimus leap out, while Prowlimus transforms into his robot form and they all jump into action. Joseph floats out of the top hatch on the Jawa Sand Crawler and then gracefully floats to the ground. He then uses his powers to lift the sand crawler up into the air and launch it at the incoming Slaves. Black Lantern Han, looks up and sees the massive Sand Crawler coming at them and uses his black lantern powers to take flight with the light cycle still underneath him. He then flips the cycle up to do a mid-air wheelie and sends the black energy coated cycle into the sand crawler blowing it to pieces before it lands. Joseph begins picking up large pieces of shrapnel and sending them in the direction of Han; but it is too late. Han flies in over top of Joseph and uses his black energy constructed blaster to shoot Joseph first. Prowlimus is taking on Motormaster and his fellow and final Stunticon partner Wildrider on his own, while Megatron is locked in a fierce battle with both Maverick and Goose. Maverick flies in low but Megatron quickly transforms into his robot form in mid-air and punches Maverick’s F-35 out of the way and then promptly changes back into his Cybertronian jet form. Maverick loses control; but begins to right himself despite the damage. This wakes up R5-D4, who is attached to the side of The F-35 magnetically. R5 is able to roll over to the damaged spot and weld the damage done to the hull, all while Maverick manages to keep the fighter in the air. Maverick then swings his plane around to get back to the battle; but once he is done fixing his own problem he sees that his Goose is about to be cooked. Goose is attempting to use the wide array of weaponry on The Tie Bomber to take out Megatron; but the Decepticon leader is able to take evasive action against all of them. In the end the Tie Bomber is simply too slow to compete with the speed of Megatron who swings in behind Goose and blows his Tie Bomber out of the air. Maverick is heartbroken as the Top Gun engages Megatron next. The two fly around the city wildly doing damage to the top of every building for miles of The Play-off Planet. Megatron gets behind Maverick like he did to Goose but he is unable to land a shot to take the plane out. Maverick sustains a decent amount of damage, including R5-D4 getting blasted off of the top; but Maverick swings around the side of a skyscraper and heads towards Megatron head on. Megatron transforms into his robot form and attempts to use his arm cannons to finish the fighter jet off. The blast blow Maverick and his ship apart; but a split second later, the perfectly aimed missile that Maverick got off just in the nick of time flies directly into the mouth of Megatron to blow his head apart and send him to The Graveyard. Prowlimus spin kicks Motor Master into the side of a nearby donut shop while Wildrider leaps towards Prowlimus and hits him with a flurry of punches. Nuts and bolts fly while Prowlimus recovers from the attack and grabs Wildrider by the neck. Prowlimus puts Wildrider in a tight headlock and eventually applies enough pressure to break his metal head clean off. Motormaster is enraged to see the death of his last Stunticon and rushes Prowlimus. The Stunticon leader delivers a wicked upper-cut that would make even Kung Lao and Liu Kang proud and then coats The Autobot Leader with red plasma which melts away his Cybertronian metal covering. Black Lantern Yoda leaps out of Josh’s Transport module and becomes locked in a melee battle with Scorpion and the two Ginaz Swordmasters. Skaar jumps onto the hood of The Pimpmobile and totals the Cavalier in a few seconds flat. A furious pair of Fizzles fly out of the car and are ready for battle; but they are met by the Motley Crew riding inside of Warlock. Cassandra Nova uses her powers mixed with those given to her by The cursed Demon Rod to be rid of Black Lantern Julie; but not before Black Lantern Mrs. Fizzle outstretches Elongated Man with some wicked black energy, while Black Lantern Z blows apart Warlock with his own black energy and sends the crew within him flying. They regroup and Sunspot is able to melt Black Lantern Fizz to nothing with his solar powers. Buttchunk bumps into Butthead who then accidentally shoots himself in the face with his Sith Lavarouk. Beavis looks at Buttchunk and says: “You killed Butthead, YOU BASTARD”!!... Buttchunk then looks at him strangely and Beavis says: “What, ya gotta change with the times ya know, do what’s hip or something”. Beavis then trips over his Halberd which ignites the bolt power within it causing it to fry the circuitry in the first Technodrome Transport Module and also the Darkseid LMD inside it. Buttchunk then says: “U-huh… FUN-ney”, as LMD Heston rolls over top of both of them in his module. John McLane meets up with Doppleganger on top of a building and the two of them reignite the skirmish they had last time they met. Doppleganger rips the rocketpack off of his back and throws it off of the building while the two of them start rolling around beating the crap out of each other. McLane screams: “You know who you remind me of?? NOBODY YOU DEFORMED F&*K!! YOU GOT 4 F&(*&IN ARMS AND YOU LOOK LIKE AN A**HOLE!! Why, you ask, CUZ YOU ARE AN A**HOLE”!! The battered McLane then pulls out his Beretta 92 and barely wiggles out of the bear hug that Doppelganger has him in. He gets the gun nuzzled right under the Spider-Man clone’s neck and pulls the trigger about three too many times, before he spits on the body and walks away. Sunspot takes flight to examine where to go next in the battle; but before he can decide Tripticon grabs a hold of him and pops him in his mouth. Hey, It may not work as well as the oil based fuel, but solar energon can work (and it’s better for the environment, so all of you transformers really should give it a try). Triptcon and the two remaining Transport Modules both begin heading North to rendezvous with The Technodrome despite fighting still be carried out here on The Western Front.
East Campaign:
The Witch King rushes in bravely, but is the first casualty of The Eastern Front as Sauron promptly delivers a mace to the face of his former servant. Zilius Zox spews some red plasma onto Black Lantern Thanos who lets him know how it tickles as he blasts the rounded-red lantern into Oblivion; but that residual red energy ends up being enough to kill him once it is mixed with the massive sword construct made by Tomar Tu, which slices Thanos apart. Superman then delivers some quick retribution for his evil teammate as he uses his heat vision to melt through Tomar Tu’s green aura and then through Tomar himself. Superman then takes a second to punch the head off of Vampire Al Dizzle. Black Lantern Harry Potter casts a wicked black magic spell of Phoenix (is it black magic because he’s evil now, or is it black magic just because it is the color black from his ring?? Some things we’ll never know). But we do know this Harry did it, and Phoenix died from it. Dracula then moves in swiftly and sucks rips open Harry’s neck before he can enjoy the heart of Jean Grey. Zombie Master Mold is easily ripped apart as Superman flies through the center of him; but Flamebird and Dracula are having problems despite their double-team of Sauron. Vampire Achilles comes in to help but is brushed aside by Sauron and sent into a pile of garbage cans on the city street. Sauron picks up Flamebird by the neck and breaks it one handed as he brings his mace down hard on Dracula killing the undead like only a true Necromancer can. Superman comes up next to end Sauron’s reign of terror once and for all but Sauron knocks Superman aside on top of Achilles. Superman rises up to meet the bearer of the One Ring but Sauron raises up his massive gauntlet and crushes the skull of the Man of Steel. It is at this moment when all hope for the Horsemen is about to be lost, when the one man thought to be strong enough to kill the treacherous Sauron falls dead next to his feet that Achilles: The resurrected form of The Horsemen’s first ever draft pick, The Son of Aphrodite, and hero of Greece, takes up his re-gifted original sword and with a mighty upward swing, cuts the One Ring from the hand of Sauron. The night sky grows even blacker and cold rushes through the blood of all on the battlefield as Sauron finally falls dead.
North Campaign:
Gen. Washington knows that his team has just been dealt a massive blow; but several massive blows were dealt to The Horsemen as well, and this battle is far from over… In fact, it is just beginning. Since the epic trade with The Murderflies in Season 1, Washington has trained for this moment; and it is now the moment of truth to put his skills to the test. Washington sets his thumper on the desert sand… He waits… He waits… He sees wormsign… Shai Halud has sent The Slaves largest Maker… The massive Sandworm #16 leaps from the dunes due to the repetitive beat of the thumper and there stands George Washington, ready with his Maker Hooks, his well built 6’ 3’’ frame dwarfed by the worm. He sets his hooks and waits until the exact right second to mount the sandworm and ride it in to victory like Paul Atreides did to win himself an empire. Washington throws down ropes and hooks for his teammates who watched in awe of what only the best Fremen can do as they join him on the back of his enormous steed. Washington and The Maker will make their final stand along with his old friends Gonzo, Kamilla, and The Life Model Decoy of Henry Knox: former book store owner, military advisor to Washington during The Revolutionary War and our very first Secretary of War. All members of both teams see and feel the coming of the massive sandworm and rush towards The Northern Front where the city is already beginning to shake itself loose from the underground pressure from the worm. Motormaster rolls over Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez quicker than you can say his name in his semi-truck form on the way to the worm, but Mr. Miracle is able to get in the way of The Decepticon and end The Stunticons once and for all with The Alpha Effect. The Oa Guardian, Krona, and Scar are the first mini-squad to fly in towards Washington but the massive worm is not even slowed by them. Scar manages to get out of the way at the last second; but Krona and Oa Guardian #5 are both consumed within the maw of the sandworm. Vampire Achilles, with a bit of extra hubris in tow; is rushing towards the fight; but Mr. Miracle stops him in his tracks as well with a well aimed shot from his futuristic alien gun. Black Lantern Yoda can’t yet move towards the worm festivities, for he is still locked in a battle with Scorpion and the two Ginaz swordmasters. Scorpion is a well-trained fighter in all aspects of the trade. He has done his homework and he knows that his red lightsaber and heat axe combined are capable of killing a black lantern. The real question is, is he capable of landing a hit with both of them on the Jedi Master. The answer is no as Yoda spin attacks over Scorpion’s head and then slices it off. The 2 swordmasters of Ginaz take up Scorpion’s weapons after the fact; but they together are still no match for Yoda, who makes short work of them and then rushes off to The Northern Front. Cassandra Nova wishes to use her power to help aid the sandworm through a telepathic link; but she is targeted by Anakin’s V-Wing and killed before she can. Mr. Miracle once again uses the Alpha Effect, this time to blast Anakin’s Jedi ship out of the sky; but Anakin ejects out and lands with a flip and spin lightsaber attack that takes out Mr. Miracle and exacts his revenge (I don’t know? Do former Jedi, former Sith, now Jedi again people take revenge?..? I guess so). Anakin is now met by both Catwoman and Skaar; but McLane shows up to help. Skaar stomps McLane to the ground and Anakin puts a lightsaber through the whip and throat of Catwoman; but before Skaar and Anakin can square off they both scatter do to the incoming Sandworm. Scar contacts Tommy Oliver and tells him that it is now time to enact what they gather here for. Tommy stands on top of The Technodrome and orders the forming of Triple-techno-dragonzord attack mode. The Dragonzord forms together with Tripticon and then is inserted into The Technodrome (but in the meantime, while it is forming the sandworm has ripped through the other 2 transport modules and the LMDs). The TTD Zord is formed and it blasts the massive sandworm with its weaponry right as the worm crashes into it. The super-advanced weaponry is able to take out the worm but the crash itself takes out the dragonzord and Tripticon, while damaging the Technodrome. Washington rolls from the wreckage, the only survivor from atop the worm; but he is not done yet; and he knows as well as anybody that either side can still win this fight. Tim, Paul, Steve, and The Bry rush The Technodrome, and for the four of them: The Middle-aged-Canadian-Hockey-Players it just seems right: Stevie Y leads, and The Bry does machines (that’s a fact jack), Paul is cool but rude (gimme a break) and Timmy is a party dude!! They storm The Technodrome and use their weapons and skills to destroy what is left of it; while its drivers Laya and Piplup pop out to meet them. Piplup water attacks Tim through his Tron suit to kill him; but The Bry takes out the Penguin “I feel like I’m in Pittsburgh” The Bry says as he kills the Pokemon. Laya’s ring unfortunately for her charges up Steve’s ring, making him an impossible target for her; but she does manage to take out The Bry and avenge her sidekick Piplup before Pauly Coff-AY gets her with his lightsaber/hockey stick.
The twisted burning wreckage of Play-off City is smoldering as only Scar, Black Lantern Yoda, Anakin, and Tommy Oliver remain for The Horsemen and only Washington, Coffey, Yzerman, Black Lantern Han, and Skaar for The Slaves. What is left of the two teams waste no time clashing for the chance to end this battle once and for all. Paul uses his stick saber against Tommy after the Green Ranger used Plo Koon’s old lightsaber to quickly end Paul’s green lantern buddy Stevie Y (Why, cuz he’s The Captain). Paul, in a last ditch effort is able to use his offensive defense skills to parry Tommy’s attack; but in the end he just simply couldn’t defeat the martial arts and weapon skills of Tommy, who blocks the saberstick with his own lightsaber and then uses his green dagger to end Paul’s FFL Career. Skaar jumps in and crushes the helmet and skull of Anakin in a final rage push; and then jumps in the way of Black Lantern Yoda, keeping him busy so Black Lantern Han can take out the Jedi Master with a couple of blaster pot shots. Skaar is then finally ended by the much smaller Scar as she uses her nails and bare hands to rip through the tough skin and neck of the son of The Incredible Hulk.
…2 on 2…
General Washington is exhausted from what he has accomplished today, but he has a little more left in him. He stands tall and looks to his teammate Han and gives his last order of the match: “SOLO, YOU TAKE THE MIDGET, I’LL HANDLE THE GREEN COAT”!! Washington rushes in like a man possessed with his cutlass drawn. He knows a neck shot is the only way to get through the green ranger’s armor so he goes in close to get it… Too close… Washington delivers the blow to the neck but looks down to see the green dagger in his chest and to find out that he will be joining the Green Ranger in death. Han uses his black energy blaster once more but Scar is in mid-flight and evades it. The small former guardian rushes in with vengeance in her eyes and murder in her mind. She dodges one more attack from Solo and and then viciously bites through Han’s ring finger and the ring itself, spitting out the busted ring and then doing the same to the neck of Solo just for good measure.


Josh the Commish said...


Josh the Commish said...

Horsemen: Only Scar survives.

Slaves: All dead.

R.I.P.: Oa Guardian #5, Motormaster, Wildrider, (movie) Megatron, Mr. Miracle, Elongated Man, Catwoman, Cassandra Nova, Warlock, Sunspot, Skaar: Son of Hulk, Black Lantern Han Solo, Sauron, Black Lantern Harry Potter, Kamilla, Paul Coffey, and Bryan Murray.

Josh the Commish said...

I apologize for some errors that may be in this match. I didn't have time to proof read it entirely. This is the longest it has taken me to write a match in a long time. These were great squads, and it is a shame that one of you had to lose.

NFG Mike said...

Wow. Both line-ups kicked serious ass. I do not envy Joshatu at all. What a match! And The Middle-Aged Canadian Hockey Players? I smell spin-off!!!
Chris: Brutal loss, but only by the slimmest of margins. There is no shame in your game!
Ryan: As always, Fffff...antastic win, my man! Good luck in the UB!
FFL Grim Reaper: You got your work cut out for you this time...

Ryan said...

Damn fine match Josh. Damn fine!

Chris, old friend, that was an amazing line up you threw at me. Our rivalry certainly has been written into the pages of history with blood. I love forward to continuing it in the Consolation Rounds next year considering not sure either of us will even have enough characters to start in the bigger point weeks next year.

Just one more match......

Artifact said...


Not in a bad way. That was an Epic match. I thought Han ol' Buddy was gonna pull that one out for me in the end. Surprised it was as close as it was considering the team Ryan has.

Best of luck in the Universe Bowl sir. Keep it in the Lucas conference.

Awesome match Josh. I drop jawed when Sauron killed Superman. He put on a clinic. Great match all around.

To the 12+ characters I sent to the Graveyard, Your service as members of the slaves will never be in vain. I look forward to rebuilding and then being the first team in FFL history to lose 3 straight Conference finals next year. haha.


Josh the Commish said...

Thanks guys!! Glad you liked it.