Monday, June 16, 2014

Consolation Round 3

Setting: The Pie Level from Donkey Kong
Prize: 5 Resurrection Points and a Double Dash Mario Kart
Points: 24


-Charles Barkley's Turrible Decisions Vs. TBD (The loser of The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Traveling Sisterhood of Evil Midgets). (FIZZ)
-The Empire Vs. Team Sleeping Pussy (Dave)
-Beckerman Presents: The Mickey Mouse Grindhouse Vs. President Barack Obama and Miley Cyrus' "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos (NuFagTu)
-The Royal Highness Vs. George Washington's Slaves (Josh)
-The Luminous Tentacle Warriors Vs. team. (Ryan)
-Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies Vs. Real Man's Rabble Rousers (Becks).


Please have these squads turned into your respective Watcher by Thursday June 19th at 8:00 pm. The matches should be posted by Saturday June 28th, which is also the 100th year anniversary of World War 1!!


Ryan said...

HAHA. I love that you've taken away the capitalization of "team."

Artifact said...

Thanks for the history lesson...