Thursday, April 11, 2013

Team vs Disney Fags

Looks like Team finally decided to start actual teams this season. Off to their normal good start. Too bad they went up against the Grindhouse. Sif and the Warrior’s Three are able to cut the heads off of all of the Lanterns on the Grindhouse. But Nekron comes in and raises them right back up. This goes on and on for quite some time. Mogo now has appeared in the planet’s atmosphere. This causes a violent gravitational issue, which rips the entire planet apart.

Mogo wins. But the 62 different Supermen on TEAM first are able to break the neck of Ranx.

1 comment:

Krisatu said...

A "Real Man" wouldn't use such a hurtful anti-gay slur to mock my team. He'd come up with something less hateful.

You're a real jerk, Real Man.