Sunday, April 10, 2022

Week 4: The Famous Indy Red Garter Guardians VS. TEAM

The Famous Indy Red Garter Guardians: The Guardians of the Galaxy: Starlord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, & Groot in a CEC YT-2400, The Q Continuum: Q, Q2, Lady Q, Colonel Q, Naruto Uzimachi (final death), Grand Moff Tarkin & General Veers in a First Order TIE Fighter, Padawan Anakin Skywalker (final death) & Mark Dantonio in a First Order TIE Fighter, Hancock (final death), Kyle & Conner in a First Order TIE Fighter, Dinobot, Cosmic Spiderman (final death), Raiden, 4-LOM in a TIE Bomber, Zuckus in a TIE Bomber, Dengar in a TIE Bomber, Iggy Koopa in Spence’s TIE Interceptor, & Storm Trooper #31-34

TEAM: Galactus, Nova, Morg, Primus, Thor, Thanos w/ the Infinity Gauntlet w/ the Power Stone, Soul Stone, Space Stone & Reality Stone attached, Hot Rod, Ultra Magnus, Black Lantern Magneto, Gestalt Team Leader Ed Zacharski, Autobot Sarah Zacharski, Autobot Edwin, Autobot Abby, & Autobot Logan, Brightburn, & Nekron

Location: The Moon

To start this match, TEAM arrives at The Moon before the Guardians and begins to set up their defenses. A flash happens in the surrounding atmosphere of The Moon, behind this flash comes a group of starships flies through and just starts blasting on TEAM. Q used his immense powers over the laws of physics to teleport The Guardians to The Moon. 

Immediately Kyle & Conner’s TIE FIghter crashes into The Moon, Kyle and Conner are arguing in the TIE Fighter (because the BEEF is still on) so Kyle (the pilot) decides that death is a better option then being stuck in a ship with Conner so he just crashes the TIE Fighter into the surface of The Moon. Black Lantern Magneto separates his own teammate Hot Rod into a million pieces and uses his body as ammo to take out the many Guardian starships. Magneto starts shooting various pieces of metal all over the atmosphere of The Moon. In this gauntlet of metal thrown, the Mutant takes out Storm Trooper #31-34, Zuckus’ TIE Bomber, & Iggy Koopa’s TIE Interceptor. Magneto then tries and focuses on taking out the Guardians of the Galaxy (GOTG) ship, but Starlord’s pilot skills prove to be too much to handle for Magneto’s aim. The GOTG ship tries to take out Magneto with its blasters on the ship but Magneto is using pieces of Hot Rod’s body as a shield to block the blasts. 

While the battle between the GOTG and Magneto is going on, the rest of The Red Guardians float towards The Moon using the various sarships as a diversion and land safely on the surface of the space rock. We start out with a big robot fight as there are many Transformers in this battle (minus the Zacharski Autobot family). Primus walks out victorious, there are no other Transformers left in this battle (minus the Zacharski Autobot family). Speaking of the Zacharski Autobot family, Raiden uses his lightning powers, he hits the whole family with a strike of lightning, shorting out their circuits and rendering them useless. Brightburn immediately retaliates and hits Raiden with laser vision, killing him. Brightburn then hits General Veers & Grand Moff Tarkin’s ship. As Brightburn is flying in space Hancock then flies into Brightburn and begins punching Brightburn repeatedly as they are flying towards the surface of The Moon. They then crash into The Moon and this creates a large crater on the surface. Hancock is repeatedly punching Brightburn until he then grabs Brightburn’s head and snaps his neck, as Hancock proves that he is the better Superman ripoff character. 

Nekron then uses his Dark Lightning ability to shoot 4-LOM & Dengar’s TIE Bombers and short circuits their ships causing them to crash into The Moon. Nekron then begins to fight Hancock, he tries to hit Hancock with his Dark Lightning but can’t seem to land a shot as Hancock is too quick for his lightning. Hancock eventually gets close enough to Nekron and begins to throw punches at the Lord of the Unliving. But Nekron’s fatal touch is starting to slow down Hancock as it is weakening him. Eventually Hancock is too weak to even move, as it looks like he is about to die, a large blast is heard in the distance and Nekron disappears. Nekron was using Black Lantern Magneto as his mortal link to exist in this universe, Young Padawan Anakin Skywalker had just hit Magneto with a blast from his TIE Fighter. Black Lantern Magneto’s death causes Nekron to not have a mortal link to this universe anymore, thus not allowing him to exist in this universe. With Nekron’s Fatal Touch not affecting Hancock anymore, he begins to regain his strength. 

While all of this battling has been going on Galactus has begun consuming The Moon itself to feed his Cosmic Hunger. Cosmic Spider Man flies up to The Q Continuum asking them to do something about Galactus, informing them that if he eats the whole Moon then Galactus would be undefeatable. The Q Continuum uses their power over space and reality to teleport this whole battle to the Negative Zone so that Galactus cannot feed. 

All of the battle participants are stunned that they were just teleported to a new dimension with such ease. Padawan Anakin takes advantage of this and hits Morg with multiple shots from his TIE Fighter, killing the Galactus sidekick. Thor immediately retaliates by hitting Anakin’s TIE Fighter with his hammer and kills both pilots of the ship. Cosmic Spider-Man and Naruto team up to try and take out the Titan Thanos. Naruto uses his sage powers to summon his Giant Toad Gamabunta, who is a master in martial arts who also carries a sword on him to help the Red Guardians. Gamabunta, the GOTG, and Hancock team up to take on Primus. The GOTG in their ship fly around Primus hitting the Transformer with various blasts to distract him. Hancock flies towards Primus and hits him with a punch on his left arm, causing Primus’ arm to be damaged severely. Gamabunta then immediately cuts off the left leg of Primus. Primus then hits Hancock with his right arm and weakens Hancock significantly. The GOTG flies behind Primus and Rocket Raccoon attaches a nuclear device to the back of Primus and detonates it. This nuclear explosion kills Primus but also kills Hancock, Gamabunta was able to escape in time.

Gamabunta and the GOTG then team up to take on Thor. Thor begins by shooting multiple blasts of lightning from his hammer at the CEC YT-2400 but is not able to land any shots. Gamabunta begins to engage in battle with Thor. The giant Toad’s MMA abilities are proving to be difficult to handle for the norse god, but eventually Thor is able to rip the Toad’s sword out of his hands and stab it through the Sage warrior’s chest. Starlord is angered to see his teammate die and decides to kamikazee Thor and kill him. 

It is now time for the battle between Naruto & Cosmic Spider-Man vs. Thanos. Naruto uses his powers of the Nine Fox Tails to summon a thousand clones of himself to confuse the Titan. Naruto uses his thousand clones to land multiple strong punches on Thanos to hurt him. Naruto then uses his clones to try and grab the infinity gauntlet off of Thanos’s hand. Multiple Naruto’s have a grip on the gauntlet, pulling, while other Naruto’s are punching Thanos. Thanos uses his gauntlet to summon multiple asteroids to start falling on them. Cosmic Spider-Man uses his ability to affect Gravitons to pull all the asteroids off of Thanos. This stuns Thanos as he did not know this version of Peter Parker was able to do that. The Naruto clones then rip the Gauntlet off of Thanos. Cosmic Spider-Man then shoots multiple energy blasts at Thanos and kills him. Galactus retaliates and kills Cosmic Spider-Man and Naruto with one fell swoop.    

Now all that is left is The Q Continuum and Galactus & Nova. Galactus is weak as he has Cosmic Hunger has increased and there is nothing for him to feed on in the Negative Zone. The Q Continuum combine their powers to destroy Galactus and his sidekick Nova. This combining of their powers caused all but Q himself to die in this Galactus killing effort.


Striders of Rohan said...

Red Garter Guardians are Victorious!!!!

Red Garter Guardians: Q
TEAM: None

Josh the Commish said...

Good match Kyle!! And what an upset!! TEAM goes down in Space!! Doesn't happen very often.