Sunday, July 14, 2024

FFL 2024 NL Finals: Washington Redskins VS. The Sigmas

Washington Redskins: Yoda w/ Dwarf Ring, Professor X, Sinestro w/ White Lantern Ring, Black Lantern Larfleeze w/ Orange Lantern Ring, Indigo One, Monk, Saint Walker, Star Sapphire #1, Sodam Yat, Romat-Ru, Dex-Tar, Power GIrl, Scar w/ Black Lantern Ring #19-20, OA Guardian #1-2, Sando Aqua Monster, Namor, Aspen, Asajj Ventress in a Jedi Starfighter (Final Death), Star Wolf in a B-Wing, Wolverine (Final Death), Haldir, X-23, Colossus, Cable, Chuck Norris w/ Houslander Katana, Balin, Quasar, Daken, OG Arc Trooper Squad, Thufir Hawet, Yaddle, Dobby & Wicket in a Land Speeder, Black Dragon #1.

Sigmas: Melkor, King Manwe, Varda, Tulkas, Nessa, Ancient Balrog, The Blob, The Black Order: Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive, & Super Giant, Sleepwalker, Morpheus, Titanus, Lord Zed, Goldor, Ki Adi Mundi, Qui Gon Jinn, Yareal Poof, Jhin, Tree Sentinel #1-10, Marth, Aatrox, Malania, Little Boy, Han Solo in Geo Starfighter, Elrohir, Elros Elrohir, Witch King of Anmar on Fell Beast, Legolas, Bane, Deadshot, Huntress, Sardukar #1-5

To paraphrase the great Jim Brandstatter…



Washington Redskins: Sinestro, Black Lantern Larfleeze, Indigo One, Monk, Saint Walker, Dex-Tar, Scar #19-20, OA Guardian #1-2,Asajj Ventress in Jedi Starfighter, Star Wolf in B-Wing

Sigmas: Han Solo in Geo Starfighter

We begin this match in space and unfortunately it’s extremely one sided. 

Han Solo does his best to put up a fight, but it of course wasn’t enough. His flight skills keep him alive longer than expected and he’s even able to take out the Scar’s, Star Sapphire #1, Star Wolf, Dex-Tar and the OA Guardians but eventually Sinestro takes out Han’s ship with a blast from his Lantern Ring. 

The remaining members of the Washington Football Team will join the rest of their teammates on the Playoff Planet. 


Washington Redskins: Yoda w/ Dwarf Ring, Professor X, Power Girl, Wolverine, X-23, Colossus, Cable, Quasar, Daken, Thufir Hawet, Dobby and Wicket in a Land Speeder and the OG Arc Trooper Squad

Sigmas: Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive, Super Giant, Mr. Sinister, Darkhawk, Morpheus, Lord Zedd, Goldar, Titanus, Bane, Deadshot, Ki Adi Mundi, Qui Gon Jinn & Huntress

We start this match with the Sigmas set up in a defensive position at the biggest skyscraper on Playoff Planet.

The Black Order & Mr. Sinister have set up base in the penthouse of the skyscraper. Deadshot is set up on the roof with his sniper rifle. Darkhawk is patrolling the skies. While the rest of the Sigmas are set up at the base of the skyscraper.

The Washington Commanders are posted up a couple blocks away to set up their offensive plan of attack. Yoda and Professor X are huddled up with Thufir Hawet to come up with a plan of attack. Once they finish their plan of attack they break their huddle and Professor X gives the orders to the rest of the team.

The OG Arc Trooper Squad lead the attack with the Arc Trooper Captain in the Batmobile, 2 Arc Trooper Lieutenants in the Dodge Viper and the Arc Trooper Heavy Weapons Expert and the 5 Arc Troopers with the rest of the Redskins in the Travel Bus. Darkhawk flies down to attack the Commanders but gets absolutely blind sided by Power Girl. Power Girl hit Darkhawk from the side at Mach 1 speed. She continued their momentum and tackled him through multiple skyscrapers and then ripped his body in half.

While Power Girl is dealing with Darkhawk, Deadshot uses his expertise shooting skills to help defend the Sigmas. Deadshot shoots Dobby in the Landspeeder causing the Landspeeder to lose control and crash into a building and explode. Deadshot then shoots the tire of the Travel Bus causing it to flip. Thufir Hawet dies in the crash while the rest of the Commanders in the bus are just minorly bruised and battered.

The rest of the Sigmas that are posted up at the bottom of the skyscraper go on the offensive and attack the Redskins. 

Arc Trooper Captain is driving head on towards Goldar with the Batmobile. Goldar gets in a defensive position ready to play the game of chicken. But the Batmobile is not slowing down, in fact it's even picking up speed towards the Power Ranger villain. Goldar is visibly nervous but stands his ground. Just as the Batmobile is about to hit Goldar. The Arc Trooper Captain ejects out of the seat and the unmanned Batmobile crashes into Goldar, killing him in a fiery explosion.

The OG Arc Troopers meet up and the Captain gives his orders to his squad using his hand signals. They shoot harpoon guns to the top of the skyscraper and begin the long ascent to the top. 

Huntress uses her crossbow to shoot X-23 through the chest thinking she just killed the girl. But instead this only enrages Laura Kinney, she rips the arrow out of her chest, licks the blood off the arrow and charges the Huntress. Huntress keeps shooting arrows at X-23 but they don’t slow her down. X-23 jumps on Huntress with her claws out and stabs her multiple times in the chest.

Wolverine and Daken team up with X-23 to create a trio team of clawed mutants. They start running towards the lobby doors of the skyscraper but Ki Adi Mundi and Qui Gon Jinn jump in front of them and draw their lightsabers to attack. Dakenn charges Qui Gon while Wolverine and X-23 team up against Ki Adi Mundi. The aggressive style of Qui Gon’s Form IV lightsaber stance made for a great fight against the aggressive fighting style of Daken. Eventually Qui Gon is able to stab Daken through the chest but Daken just responds with a smile and pulls Qui Gon closer to him by grabbing the handle of his saber. Qui Gon pulls the saber out of Daken’s chest and cuts his head off in one fell swoop. Kinda like how Aragorn kills Lurtz in Fellowship. Ki Adi Mundi also has the Form IV fighting stance but is not able to hold his own against X-23 and Wolverine. Wolverine and Laura Kinney then turn around and do the same to Qui Gon, avenging their mutant teammate. 

While Wolverine and X-23 were handling the jedi, their mutant teammate Colossus (Natty) was having a hell of a strongman fight against the steroid using Bane. Colossus was able to eventually defeat Bane as Bane was not able to do any real damage against the steel clad mutant. 

After finishing off Darkhawk, Power Girl joins back with the rest of her team and teams up with Cable and Quasar to attack TItanus. Quasar uses the energy blasts from his Quantum bands to damage the legs of Titanus while Power Girl uses her heat vision to slowly melt into his abdomen. Once Titanus’ abdomen opened up, Cable threw two grenades inside of Titanus blowing the brachiosaurus shaped robot from the inside.

Cable and Quasar then change their focus on Morpheus and Lord Zedd, but just as Cable is about to charge he gets his head blown off by a sniper shot from Deadshot. Quasar, visibly shaken, but still charges Morpheus and is able to take him out with ease using his Quantum Bands. He then turns around and does the same to Lord Zedd. 

Proxima Midnight looks down and sees how outnumbered the Sigmas are after the Redskins took out their street level defense rather unscathed. Proxima takes a deep breath and calls out an order to Corvus Glaive “Corvus, call in Little Boy. We are too outnumbered to win this battle. But the Sigmas can still win the war.” Corvus nods his head and says in a somber voice “Yes sir.” Suddenly the elevator door rings and Wolverine, X-23, Quasar, Colossus, Professor X and Yoda charge out of the elevator. Then the windows opposite of the Elevator explode and the Arc Trooper Squad jumps in and immediately starts blasting. The Sigmas are heavily pinned down but try their best to hold their own. Corvus Glaive was taken out by a rocket blast from the Heavy Weapons Expert Arc Trooper. But just as the Redskins from the elevator were about to reach the remaining Sigmas, Little Boy was dropped on the city. Many minutes later after the dust settles from the nuke, all that remained was Power Girl, Wolverine, X-23 and Colossus.

It may take them a little while to fully recover but they will join the rest of their team in the Forest.


Redskins: Sinestro w/ White Lantern Ring, Black Lantern Larfleeze w/ Orange Lantern Ring, Indigo One, Monk, Saint Walker, Sodam Yat, Romat-Ru, Power Girl, Sando Aqua Monster, Namor, Aspen, Asajj Ventress in a Jedi Starfighter, Wolverine, Haldir, X-23, Colossus, Chuck Norris w/ Houslander Katana, Balin, Black Dragon #1 and Yaddle.

Sigmas: Melkor, King Manwe, Varda, Tulkas, Nessa, Ancient Balrog, The Blob, Sleepwalker, Yarael Poof, Jhin, Tree Sentinel #1-10, Marth, Aatrox, Malenia, Elrohir, Elros Elrohir, Witch King of Anmar on a Fell Beast, Legolas, & Sardaukar #1-5.

Alright Folks, this is it. Whoever’s left standing at the end of this gets to go the granddaddy of them all. The FANTASY FANTASY LEAGUE UNIVERSE BOWL!!!

The Sigmas have set up camp on the beach of a small lake surrounded by the trees of the forest. If you were to look at the forest from space, the lake would stick out like a black dot on a blank piece of paper. 

The Washington Football Team knows the location of the Sigmas as Asajj Ventress was able to locate them from her Jedi starfighter. Wolverine has instructed the Redskins to split up into four groups to attack the Sigmas simultaneously. One group will attack from the front, two groups will attack from the left and right flank of the beach and then the last group which consists of Namor, The Sando Aqua Monster and Aspen are hiding in the lake and will attack from there. The three groups on land are set up in the trees just out of sight from the beach and are patiently awaiting the signal. 

We now shift our focus to Asajj who is currently coasting around in the mesospheric atmosphere of the planet. She gets a call from Wolverine “Asajj, nose dive the enemy and attack them with your blasters from your starfighter. That will be the signal for the rest of us to attack.” Asajj responds “Yes sir, will do.” Asajj then begins her nose dive from the heights of the mesosphere. She is rapidly picking up speed and the starfighter is beginning to set on fire once she gets into the Troposphere she shoots blasts from her starfighter and then instead of pulling up she ejects out of the ship into the lake at the last second and lets the unmanned ship crash into the Sigmas camp. The ship and its blasters cause significant damage to the Sigmas team. It took out the Sardaukar, Yarael Poof, The Tree Sentinel’s, Jhin, Malenia and Aatrox.

The rest of the Redskins then attack. The Sando Aqua Monster gulps up The Blob from below as he was floating in the Lake trying to cool off from the heat. Melkor and the rest of Maiar were able to protect the rest of the Sigmas before this match got out of hand. The Maiar and the rest of the Sigmas then go on the offensive. Melkor calls down a firestorm that takes out Balin, Asajj and Chuck Norris, The Witch King takes out the Black Dragon with his Fell Beast and his sword, Tulkas uses his immense strength to rip Yaddle in half and smash Haldir, and Nessa, Varda, and the Ancient Balrog team up to attack Larfleeze. Nessa uses her speed to take Larfleeze’s Orange Lantern Ring off, then Varda uses her light abilities to blind Larfleeze which then allows the Ancient Balrog to stab Larfleeze through the back.

Namor and Aspen use their water powers to take out the fires from the firestorm that Melkor brought down.

All of a sudden this match seems to be a lot closer than it was a few minutes ago and the Sigmas are on the path to make one of the biggest comebacks in FFL history.

Wolverine, X-23, and Colossus have seen enough of this attempted comeback and have decided to put an end to it. X-23 goes on her normal screaming rampage and attacks the Elrohir brothers. She leaps onto the chest of Elros Elrohir and stabs him multiple times in the chest. Elrohir slashes her back with his sword but all this does is enrage her as she turns around and slits his throat with one of her claws. Wolverine charges the swordmaster Marth. Marth is able to parry and counter a couple of Wolverine’s attacks but in the end Wolverine’s brute strength and regenerative properties were too much and he is able to take out the swordmaster. Colossus attacks the fiery Ancient Balrog. The Balrog’s flames and sword weren’t able to do any damage to Colossus' steel clad body and he was able to defeat the ancient Maiar with ease. Just as the mutants of the Redskins thought they were stopping this comeback from the Sigmas, Tulkas rips X-23’s head clean off of her body and then he uses his god-like strength to snap the neck of Colossus. This enrages Wolverine and he goes on a rampage, running and screaming through the forest like the end of Logan. In a matter of seconds he kills Legolas and Sleepwalker. He is then even able to kill the Maiar Varda. But unfortunately his rampage was short lived as Melkor takes him out and ends his rampage. 

Romat-Ru, Saint Walker and Sodam Yat team up to try and avenge their fallen mutant brethren by attacking Tulkas but his strength was just too much as the lantern rings were not able to do more than just annoy him. Nessa comes to Tulkas' side to help him and they together are able to take out the three lantern bearers. King Manwe goes into the lake and takes out the Sando Aqua Monster as he was the bigger fish. Aspen and Namor attack Melkor using the water of the lake to help them but they are not successful as Melkor is just too powerful. Melkor grabbed Aspen by the head and melted her head using the Flame of Anor. He then turned around and punched Namor so hard that his heart exploded inside of his chest. 

As things begin to look dire for the Redskins, Power Girl and the rest of the remaining Lantern Ring bearers counter attack to attempt to prevent this impressive comeback by the Sigmas. Power Girl flies through the air, rips the wings off of the Fell Beast and snatches The Witch King off of his Fell Beast, sets him on fire using her heat vision and then drops him as he falls hundred of feet to his death. Sinestro, Indigo One & Monk use their lantern ring powers to take out Nessa and King Manwe. But their small victory does not last long as Melkor and Tulkas take out Indigo One and Monk. 

Now all that’s left standing between the two teams is Sinestro and Power Girl for the Redskins and Melkor and Tulkas for the Sigmas as they stand apart from each other ready for battle. Unfortunately for the Sigmas, Power Girl and Sinestro immediately tema up and take out Tulkas. Sinestro hits him with a blast from his White Lantern Ring while Power Girl hits him with her Heat Vision. The two beams were just too powerful for the Maiar as they caused his soul to leave his body. They go to try and do the same thing to Melkor, they are able to damage his armor but are not able to take him out. Melkor goes on the offensive and calls down a fireblast onto Sinestro but he uses his Lantern Ring to cast a shield to block the flame. Melkor uses the shield and flame as a distraction to get closer to Sinestro. Once the flames and shield dwindle away, Melkor is within inches of Sinestro and punches him in the face with a right hook strong enough to create craters in the earth. This punch smashes Sinestro’s skull to a pulp. 

Melkor then goes to try and finish off Power Girl but she is far too quick for the evil Maiar. She dodges, parries and counter attacks with ease. She hits Melkor with multiple punches to many different locations on his body. She then hits Melkor with a combo similar to a multi hit combo performed in a Street Fighter game. Blasting him with her Heat Vision where his armor was previously weakened on his chest. Then immediately hits the same location with her frost breath which causes extreme shock to Melkor’s body. She then upper cuts him into the air, flies above him and punches him down into the planet causing a small crater in the ground. Melkor is on the ground visibly weakened and very beaten. Power Girl flies up into the air and then nose dives down onto the Maiar hitting him with Heat Vision on the way down before finally punching him in the face with all of her might. Ending the evil Maiar’s life and sending the Washington Redskins to the Universe Bowl. 

The Horsemen of Apokolips VS. The Underhills

 Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips are:  Darkseid w/ The Infinity Gauntlet and all stones (space, power, time, reality, mind, & soul), Granny Goodness and The Female Furies: Bloody Mary, Stompa, Lashina, & Mad Harriet, Orion, Kalibak, Desaad, Supergirl, Agent Smith (w/ 2 white lightsabers), Zombie Superboy, Megatron, Poseidon, Seaworm #7-10, The Flash (w/ a blue lantern ring), The Juggernaut, Shazam, Apocalypse, He-Man & Battle Cat, Ultron, The Eradicator, Nekron, Black Lantern #3-5, Wedge Antilles in his X-Wing, Biggs Darklighter in his X-Wing, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Erasmus, & The Chimera Crew:  Pilot, Co-Pilot, Gunner, and Crew Member #1-5 in a Heavy Star Cruiser.

The Underhills are General Zod, Matrix (Supergirl), Neo (w/ 2 blue lightsabers), Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Abomination, Excalibur:  Captain Britain, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Meggan, Shadowcat, Lockheed, Widget, & Kylun, Norma Cenva, Tamerlane, Mogo, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Radaghast the Brown (w/ a green lantern ring), Samwise Gamgee (w/ a blue lantern ring), The Aerialbots:  Silverbolt, Skydive, Fireflight, Air Raid, & Slingshot, Revan Reborn in Anakin Skywalker's Jedi V-Wing, Mera, Black Manta (w/ a Halberd), Percy Jackson, Namora, Seaworm #5-6, Ent #1-3, Maiar #1-5, & Xenomorph #1-4.

Is it too bold a statement to say that these two squads are the best to face off against one another in the entire history of The FFL??   Perhaps it is; but I also don't mind being the guy to make it.  

I feel like a match consisting of two squads so excellent as these should be a fantastic story, one for the ages; but I fear it will not.  No room for banter, witty quips, or toilet jokes from The Neon Master Pogo.  This match is serious; and the tone will reflect that.  

The first wave of battles takes place in the capitol city of The Playoff Planet.  A city I fear will soon be little more than a pile of rubble after these two powerhouse teams have their ways with it.  Skyscrapers and Old World Buildings fall like dominoes as the two squads converge on the concrete.   The vicious and vile Zombie Superboy moves towards Captain Britain; but The Excalibur leader evades his initial attack and manages to get the cloned, zombified Kryptonian in a headlock.  Britain can tell that the zombie is physically stronger than he; but Britain is smart and still has his wits about him.  The Captain manages to muster every bit of strength he has to crack the decaying neck of Superboy clean off his shoulders.  A salty Supergirl, dressed in a tight black outfit; being manipulated by her team leader Darkseid smirks with disgust as she sees Matrix-Supergirl wearing a uniform similar to that which she used to drip with.  She attacks the imposter, screaming about true Kryptonian power and how "she think, she cute".  Supergirl grabs Matrix by her hair and left leg, takes flight and bashes her into a nearby building until the bricks atop the spire and every bone in Matrix's body are completely shattered.  The Eradicator in another showing of sheer Kryptonian derived power takes to the air where he meets Kyle Rayner.  The Eradicator delights in challenge and waits until he sees Kyle Rayner has fully surrounded himself with a green aura shield before he unleashes his heat vision at full potency to watch it slowly burn through first the aura, then the shield, and lastly through Kyle himself.  Nekron does not seem to like the idea of a large gilded being parading around as a self-appointed Dark Lord; so he leads his trio of Black Lanterns towards Sauron who is emerging from a pile of rubble that was once a place of worship for citizens of The Playoff Planet.  Nekron moves swiftly towards Sauron; but the Lord of Mordor does not flinch as he cleaves his mace into the head of Nekron as if he were swatting a fly.  Sauron then lifts up his arm as if to reach out to the three black lanterns whom he simply absorbs into his own evil self as if they were a snack.  General Zod has taken a liking to his teammate Abomination, whose mindless destructiveness reminds him of his old friend Non after his lobotomy.  The two Underhill powerhouses mow through the four female furies with smiles on their faces stomping and lashing out against the four making them mad and bloody as Bloody Mary, Mad Harriet, Lashina, and Stompa fall to their might.  On the other side of the city, The Incredible Hulk is beginning to rage.  He sees a worthy opponent in Kalibak in the distance and they begin to do battle.  Kalibak is known to be able to take a punch from Superman; so therefore he was not killed by the first building leveling punch to the face from The Hulk.  It was the next three dozen that did it.  Banner in his large green form then used the lifeless body of Kalibak as weapon to crush the skull of his partner Desaad.  Darkseid is not happy to see some of his henchmen defeated so easily; so he decides to make a few statements of his own.  He sees the enormous mech known as Tamerlane who has come to battle in a giant oval tank form.  Darkseid, with his fully powered, stone laden Gauntlet comes down hard from the sky on the center of Tamerlane sending debris from the mech flying and stomping the brain of the Titan inside.  Meggan, with near god-like powers of her own rushes towards the freshly landed Darkseid, who glances down at his Gauntlet and smirks before deciding not to even tap into that power yet.  He shoots a glare at Meggan and then takes her out the old fashioned way with a quick omega beam blast, that continues through her body and then torches the wizard Radaghast as well before diminishing.  Kylun caught a punch to the face from The Flash that he certainly did not see coming.  He-Man rides through the three Ents atop Battle Cat with his axe in hand and cuts the three of them down as if he were slicing a trio of candles, while the unlikely team up of Shazam and Ultron combine their powers to make short work of five Maiar.  During this time Apocalypse takes a moment to dissect the four, acid blood Xenomorphs he has recently killed to be used in future experiments.

It is not simply that the city storyline is complete; but that the city itself is no more.  

Deep within the sea of the Playoff Planet at the very crust of the core two powerhouse water teams square off.  These two water teams are so formidable that they almost seem as a microcosm of the full squads themselves.  The Underhills outnumber The Horsemen; but the greatest water warrior of either side:  Poseidon belongs to Darkseid's batch of brawlers.  The territorial Seaworms do battle amongst themsleves while Poseidon handles the rest.  The heroic Percy Jackson sees what must be done and knows that he cannot allow Poseidon to be victorious here and join his fellow Horsemen on the surface.  Percy, flanked by Mera and Namora grabs the Halberd from the grips of his teammate Manta and combines it with his own powers as he uses the Halberd to Cast Bolt 2 frying the depths of the Sea with magic lightning killing himself, The Seaworms, his own partners, and even Poseidon the King.  

We now move to the desert.  Actually, this was once the beautiful green forest of the Playoff Planet, it just appears as a desert now after the destruction these two squads have done.  Several of the combatants from each side, some with vehicles some without have taken high to the sky above the arctic areas, as well as some residing outside the atmosphere in space.  But the majority are here in the nearly destroyed forest area as previously mentioned.  It is that ground battle that continues to rage that we will return to briefly.  

Thrawn and Erasmus, aboard The Heavy Star Cruiser have changed course to head towards the Green Lantern Planet Mogo, while Darkseid has teleported himself directly to the surface of Mogo along with his son Orion and occasional girlfriend Granny Goodness.  Wedge and Biggs in their X-Wings engage in an outnumbered dogfight with Revan and the five Aerialbots.  Wedge hits Revan's ship with a proton torpedo blowing it out of the sky; but Revan manages to eject out onto the snowy landscape (it may take him a while to get back to the battle).  The two X-Wing pilots then kick up the thrusters and get the Aerialbots to follow them through the atmosphere and into space where they plan to corner the flying Autobots back by their capitol ship and commanding officer Admiral Thrawn.  Supergirl, The Eradicator, Megatron, and Ultron take flight to leave the planet as well to rendezvous with their partners on the enemy planet of Mogo.  

Despite the great power of the two about to meet their doom; Neo slices his way through Apocalypse, while Agent Smith sends swords through the chest of Rachel Summers before the two Matrix powerhouses engage each other in a pitched quadruple lightsaber battle for the ages atop the forest's highest valley.  We will have to return to that as well, for neither combatant seems able to gain the upper hand over the other.  Rachel Summer's Phoenix Force left her body and quickly attached itself to the similarly powered Norma Cenva.  

The Underhills have The Horsemen outnumbered in the woods; but Zod and his team cannot help but think The Horsemen are stalling them on purpose.  Zod and Spider-Man square off against He-Man and Battle Cat, while John Stewart and Norma Cenva attempt to catch The Flash.  In the depths of the remaining hills Juggernaut and Shazam are a handful on their own for the remaining members of Excalibur, Hulk, his arch-enemy, and Samwise.  

He-Man leaps off of Battle Cat as the two partners separate but stay close to take on the duo in front of them.  Spider-Man slings a flurry of webs at He-Man; but they barely serve to slow down the Eternian.  He-Man and Battle Cat then move to surround Zod, Spidey leaps into the middle to defend his teammate; but Battle Cat gets a hold of him with his jaws and rips him in two.  General Zod uses the loss of his partner to a tactical advantage and brings a double fist down on the neck of Battle Cat to cracking his vertebrae.  He-Man is now enraged to see the final death of his steed and best friend.  He-Man attacks with bloodlust as he engages General Zod in a pitched battle.  They trade blows that could one shot dinosaurs; but neither one falls.  It isn't until Zod realizes that He-Man is his equal in strength that he takes to the air and takes advantage of his other powers that he gains the upper hand.  He weakens He-Man with an intense blast of heat vision to the upper body and freeze breath to the lower body before coming in at break neck speed to pummel the Eternian and finally finish him off.  The Flash rushes in with the speed force to take out his second green lantern of the day as he blasts through the chest of John Stewart; but Norma Cenva taps into the speed force mentally and with a mere thought sends The Flash into a far off universe where he met a quick death.  
Juggernaut tests his strength against Abomination and finds that his claim of being unstoppable is verified as he mows through the gamma ray monstrosity; but when it comes to The Hulk, the madder he gets the stronger he gets.  The Juggernaut doesn't only get stopped but gets smashed when the Hulk hits his peak strength.  Shazam is taking on Excalibur all by himself.  The British X-Men seem to have the upper hand against Shazam; but none of them are quite powerful enough to put a deadly hit on the young incarnation of Captain Marvel.  But once Hulk becomes available and joins his teammates, they are able to finish off Shazam for good.

The Aerialbots are not able to compete with Wedge and Biggs in the dogfight; but once they get into space The Aerialbots merge to form Superion.  Once the gestalt is created they are able to smack the X-Wing of Biggs into the cosmos; but Superion then finds himself confronted with the heavy star cruiser under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn himself.  The Heavy Star Cruiser, makes a play like it is moving towards Mogo; but it sets its weapons array on the target of Superion instead.  Although Thrawn and Erasmus, despite their tactical military genius, were not aware of the speed Superion could attain in space.  The two military masterminds of The Horsemen's plan, along with their ship and crew found themselves unable to defend against the firepower and sheer brute strength of the Aerialbot Gestalt who blasts apart their ship.  Wedge watches from his X-Wing as he notices a chink in the armor of Superion that he exploits with a perfectly aimed proton torpedo.  This blasts apart the combiner and causes the five Aerialbots to split back apart, killing Fireflight in the process.  The other four planes regain their composure and begin to fly straight; but are met by Supergirl, Megatron, Ultron, and The Eradicator on their way to Mogo that make short work of them.  

Neo and Agent Smith finally reach an end to their epic lightsaber battle as they both reach a point of digital exhaustion and join each other in death with an almost identical dual lightsaber thrust to their mutual chests.  

All remaining members of The Horsemen of Apokolips begin to arrive on the surface of Mogo, as they know that their victory is contingent on the destruction of the green lantern planet.  The primitive natives of the planet Mogo rally together to defend their world and begin to attack Darkseid and his Horsemen; but despite them numbering in the tens of thousands they serve as little more than a nuisance.  Supergirl and the other fliers arrive safely; but Wedge's X-Wing cannot make it through the green energy aura.  Wedge manages to survive after some excellent aerial maneuvers and ejects to safety to join his crew.  

Back on The Playoff Planet:

Four rings are still flying around the closed system of The Playoff Planet (three green and a blue).  The green ring once held by John Stewart calls to the other three as they meet in the sky.  They stop in the vicinity of each other as if they are simply taking a break from their duties to have a casual conversation.  Once together, the rings fly in unison to the only spot they feel appropriate.  They land on the hand of a small unassuming Hobbit, answering to the name of Sam.  

Revan regroups with his fellow Underhills just in time to hear the plan.  They know that the Horsemen intend to use all of their might to destroy Mogo and then return to The Playoff Planet to finish off The Underhills.  But The Underhills are more capable of travel than The Horsemen realize.  With Widget's teleportation powers, and Norma Cenva's ability to fold space they are able to transport the entire squad to the surface of Mogo where the finality of this match will need to be decided.  


The Underhills arrive on the surface of Mogo to be greeted by by a grin from Darkseid and an order with no words to his Horsemen.  Simply a gauntlet covered finger point towards their opponents that his squad understands as a symbol for an all out attack.  Neither side holds anything back as they engage in the final stage of a battle so epic that these words have not done justice to it in the least.  Revan pops his lightsaber for the first time in this match and Force runs in swiftly to remove the head of Granny Goodness.  Zod engages in his third brutal and pitched battle of the day when The Eradicator steps up.  They both take flight and begin throwing down high in the skies of Mogo.  

Mogo is normally far more than a free floating space rock; but since Darkseid's arrival he has been using The Gauntlet and the Infinity Stones to suppress both the natural and the green lantern powers of the planet.  Darkseid plans to test the stones in due time to see if they are indeed powerful enough to destroy this entire living planet with a snap of his fingers; but he is biding his time.  The Underhills believed that they were enacting a surprise attack when they arrived on Mogo; but this is exactly where Darkseid wanted them.  Exactly where he planned to end them for good.  

Wedge pulls out his blaster and takes aim at Shadowcat; but Kitty Pryde phases herself and allows the lasers to travel right through her.  She moves on the rebel pilot grabbing his blaster, phasing it and placing it into his body.  She then unphases the object providing an uncomfortable death for poor Wedge.  

Norma Cenva meditates deeply in a bit of hidden brush.  She taps into the cosmic brain of Orion and simply makes it stop functioning.  

Zod finds himself in a state of utter exhaustion as he stands over the lifeless body of The Eradicator.  As he tries to recover, he assures himself that clones may be tough; but they are no substitute for a real Kryptonian.  

Hulk leaps in towards Megatron and knocks the large Decepticon to the ground; but he composes himself quickly.  Supergirl flies in to defend her partner, grabbing hold of the Hulk and powerslamming him to the ground.  Captain Britain starts delivering some haymakers on Ultron; but he finds that he is hurting himself just as much as he is the vibranium robot.  Sauron enters the skirmish as well; but this fight is far from over as the two sides, like always are evenly matched and won't be resolved quickly.  The Hulk almost gains the upper hand over Supergirl; but their fight gets broken apart by the entry of Sauron.  Ultron and Supergirl end up switching positions, just as Megatron transforms into his gun form and is caught by Ultron.  Ultron imbues his own powers into the already, fully energon charged single shot that Megatron has been building towards.  Ultron takes aim with Megatron in hand and hits The Hulk with a perfectly aimed shot to the temple of the green goliath, shockingly bringing him down.  Supergirl does not miss a beat and gets a choke hold on Captain Britain yelling USA, USA loudly just to taunt the mutant as she crushes out his last bit of life.

Samwise, with his Elven dagger in one hand, a frying pan in the other, and a pair of hands covered in rings bravely runs towards Darkseid; but the master of Apokolips simply swipes his hand left and knocks the halfling away.  Widget and Lockheed fly in next; but Darkseid grabs Widgets with his Gauntlet covered hand to crush the robot into oblivion, while simultaneously grabbing the dragon Lockheed by the throat with his naked hand.  Lockheed opens his mouth and hits Darkseid with a blast of fire, as he is being choked out; but it has no affect on The Horsemen leader whatsoever.  Darkseid knows that the time has come to truly put the limits of his limitless powers to the test.  He drops to one knee and places his hand on the ground as if to feel a pulse from the living world.  He then smirks, looks at his own hand and the weapon attached to it and snaps his finger.......

Instantly the ground starts to quake.  The earth begins to crumble away.  Volcanoes erupt.  The seas begin to boil.  The sky becomes as black as sack cloth.  Not only is the mind that was once Mogo completely destroyed but the corpse planet is on a brutal path of destruction along with it.  The only question is how many minutes people have to possibly get off this rock before this match is declared a draw from nothing surviving this act (even me).  The few remaining members of both squads continue to achieve victory; but they are doing more battling with the unnatural disaster itself than they are with each other.               

Darkseid is reveling in his destructive achievement; but he is still facing an attack from The Dark Lord Sauron that is not to be trifled with.  Zod has finally met his match has he engages in yet another (Becks style) pitched battle with his first true Kryptonian of the day: Supergirl.  Nightcrawler and Shadowcat work their way over to the fight in progress between their friends Norma Cenva and Revan, who are taking on Ultron and Megatron who has reverted back to his large robot mode.  

Norma Cenva looks deep into the optics of Megatron who is being kept busy by the ever elusive Nightcrawler and Shadowcat.  She looks into the shared memories of hundreds of generations of her sisters and back to her own mother.  A mother she did not get along with; but who fought a war with a noble cause to destroy thinking machines like the one before her.  Norma unleashes the Phoenix Force taken from Rachel Summers and attaches herself to Megatron.  She sends them both into a fiery oblivion an incalculable distance away leaving even more destruction in their wake on this already crumbling planet.  Shadowcat phases through Ultron to disrupt his circuitry, while Nightcrawler delivers a drop kick to Ultron's face.  Although it is the great Force wielder Revan who finishes Ultron off by sending a Force aided lightsaber through the robot to slice him into four pieces.  As Revan attempts to turn off his saber he looks down slightly to see a detached robot hand still around his neck.  It is then that he feels his windpipe close for good.  

Supergirl has gained the upper hand over Zod and is pummeling him into the what is left of the ground.  Shadowcat looks at her beloved friend Nightcrawler and speaks:  "Hey Kurt, remember that thing Professor Xavier told us never to do??  That thing he said would never be worth it in any scenario".  

"I remember my friend.  I also remember that he was correct and that we defeated Magneto that day without doing that horrific act".  Replies Wagner.

"I think this day might be worse Buddy".  Says Kitty.

Nightcrawler reaches out for Kitty Pryde's hand and says:  "The Lord is our Shepherd, let him forgive us for what we are about to do".  

A loud BAMF is heard as NIghtcrawler teleports his own body into that of Supergirl.  The phased body of Shadowcat does the same as she unphases herself inside the Kryptonian woman who was finishing off their commanding officer Zod.  

Sauron approaches Darkseid with murderous intent, ready to end this battle once and for all.  The Great Deceiver of Mordor swings his mighty Mace not twice but thrice at the wielder of the Infinity Stones; but Darkseid dodges the first two swings and then catches the spiked ball with his Gauntlet encrusted hand.  Darkseid holds Sauron steady while glaring at The Ring of Power.  Darkseid then blasts Sauron's arm clean off at the wrist and watches as The One Ring falls to the ground.  The massive winds blows the lifeless hand and ring away where they land at the feet of Sam.  Sam looks at The Ring and then looks to the broken body of his team leader General Zod, who lay dying on the broken grounds.  "You cannot wield it Lad.  Don't try it".  Zod says with his dying breath.

Sam picks up The Ring knowing that it may transition him to join with the forces of evil; and puts it onto his left finger next to The Flash's old Blue Ring.  Not invisible to one carrying the reality stone, he approaches Darkseid who asks him curtly:  "Who are you supposed to be"??  

"I'm The Lord of the Rings" replies Sam.  

The commandingly powerful Darkseid asks yet another question:  "Do you intend to fight me Little One"??

Both combatants knowing full well, who would win a one on one fight, Samwise replies:  "No Sir Mr. Dark Side.  I plan to finish what you started".  

With those words.  Sam does not hesitate to take The One Ring back off of his finger and cast it into the fiery chasm below them.  The Ring hits the magma inside the crust of the planet and ushers in the inevitable end of what was once Mogo.  The ground opens up underneath the last few living creatures and swallows them into the abyss of dust as it dissipates in the dark of space.



An indefinite amount of time later, a tiny hobbit awakens in space, concealed by a blue and green aura.  Uncertain of his whereabouts, the small creature looks down at the rings on his fingers and asks them a question:  "Where are you taking me"??

The ring answers telepathically:  "We are taking you to The Universe Bowl Mr. Gamgee". 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

2024 NL Round 1: Washington Redskins vs Sigmaz

Cleveland Indians: Yoda w/ Dwarf Ring #4, Professor Charles Xavier, Sinestro w/ White Lantern Ring (final death), Larfleeze w/ Black and Orange Lantern Rings, Indigo-1, Munk, Saint Walker, Star Sapphire #1, Sodam Yat, Romat-Ru, Dex-Starr, Omega Supreme (final death), Power Girl, Scar and Black Lantern #9-10 and OA Guardian #1-2 in the Leviathan, Tommy Oliver: Green Ranger, Sando Aqua Monster, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Aspen Mathews, Allicon #3, Asajj Ventress in a Fury Class Interceptor, Star Wolf in a B-Wing, Zuko’s Dragon, Zam Wessel and Jedi Master #8 in the Ebon Hawk, Jedi Master #1 (final death) in a Y-Wing, Wolverine (final death)

Sugondese: Malcolm X w/ Vibranium Suit and Green Lightsaber, Barack Obama w/ Helicopter Helmet, Unabomber w/ Ironman Suit, Gurren Lagann w/ Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Grand Moff Tarkin and Crew in the Executrix, Grand Inquisitor in the Xanadu Blood, 7th Sister and ID9 in a Naboo Starfighter, 8th Brother in Bistan’s U-Wing, Master Chief in an Arwing, Vorian Atreides and Seurat in the Dream Voyager, Edrik: Guild Navigator, Manford Torondo, Anari Idaho, Kratos, Atreus, Fenrir, Odin, Guts Berserk, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the Megazord, TMNT w/ Glocks in the Turtle Wagon, Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Snarl, Swoop, Scorponok, Lord Zarak, Link w/ Ancient Armor Set in Master Cycle, Daruk w/ Dusk Claymore, Urbosa, Mipha w/ Bubble Flower, Revali w/ Topaz Rod

It is I, the Doc, who has come to watch over this historic NL playoff match. None of the NL’s esteemed rosters were able to pull off a winning season with 5 of the 6 teams finishing at 4-5. I’m receiving word that #ALisBettaNoCap is now trending on Twitter. After some intense logistical calculations to determine which teams made the playoffs and which did not, it is the Central Michigan Chippewas who face the Skibidi Toilets. Regardless of their unorthodox reception of a playoff berth, each of these teams have full rosters with tricks hidden up their sleeves.

This planet we arrive on is unlike any other due to its ability to forever change. The way it adapts and exchanges biomes almost instantaneously is bewildering to experience. Although, that is a poem for another time. For now, let our eyes gaze to the stars and look upon the arriving star destroyers and their corresponding reinforcements. It is the old republic era Leviathan who faces the empire’s mightiest, Executrix. In the command center of the Leviathan, Scar radios to the opposing ship, “Why does your comm signal show Sugondese?” Grand Moff Tarkin responds, “SUGONDESE NUTS!!!! OOOOOOOOO, GOT EM!!” This one burned so bad that the two Black Lanterns and OA Guardians were instantly vaporized to dust, leaving only Scar to command the colossal ship. Luckily, however, this interaction gave Ebon Hawk the required time to sneak into the hangar bay of Tarkin’s vessel in an attempt to pirate it from the inside. #SWGOHplayersgetit

Meanwhile, a clash of might falls upon the dark void of space. Connecting blows of punches and firing of lasers from the spaceships, lantern bearers, and mechs alike paint the sky with colors resembling fireworks that may even match Gandalf’s expertise. After hours of maneuvering, many of Sigmaz’s transformers have fallen (L bozo metal dudes), many ships float in ruin including each of the inquisitors (weak ass ‘sith’ imposters), and many of the B-class lantern bearers require their ring to find a new bearer. By this time, Ebon Hawk’s crew has pushed their way to the command center doors of the Executrix where Tarkin has realized the inevitable loss of the ship. He takes a page out of Holdo’s book and directs his jump to hyperspace directly at the Leviathan. Too bad, SWGOH rules apply and the Leviathan wins this battle by taking over with just enough time to actually send this ship through Gurren Lagann, instead. Scar takes victory over the opposing star destroyer, however, she was unfamiliar with Master Chief’s game as he had single handedly fought his way to the command center and was able to shoot Scar in the back of the head while taking the Leviathan for himself. That’s a classic snip snap snip snap move.

While giving time for Sinestro and Larfleeze to catch their breath, Omega Supreme’s big bodied slow ass finally makes an appearance in battle. He takes on two guys at once… ayo, bro who’s writing these words?... with both the Leviathan and Megazord attacking. For a minute, Omega Supreme is getting his ass handed to him, but then he finally remembers that he’s GOATED and bodies the feeble Power Rangers. With their death, Tommy Oliver saw no purpose in life anymore and killed himself. Now Omega Supreme had already taken a beating in which the Leviathan was able to send home a final shot to end the large metal foe. Although, enough time had passed for Sinestro to regain strength and end the star ship.

For the first battle, the Chicago Blackhawks take the victory.

Now we dive deep into the planet whose form has taken that of an ocean world. Water could be considered the opposite of space, while at the same time it is quite similar in its vast floating emptiness. Unfortunately for the cousin roster of Sigmas, there was not much water influence for the Sigmaz team. Therefore, it is Scorponok and Lord Zarak who make their stance against the formidable Cleveland Indian water roster… this is in reference to the defunct NFL team rather than the renamed baseball team… who is headed by Namor.

Scorponok’s larger than normal transformer size accompanied by Zarak as his head is the main reason he is even semi-formidable against the Sando Aqua Monster. They are able to thrash through the puny Allicon and Aspen Mathews, but the bigger fish always wins. After the Sando Aqua Monster enjoys his metallic meal, he continues to stay and rest in the water while Namor regroups with his team.

The Florida State Seminoles take round two, as well.

The mighty fantasy world makes another shift as large monstrous trees take form across widespread acreage. Now comes the time of the Sigmaz in which the team up of Dune, Greek mythology, and video games group together around a campfire.

Circling the skies, we can find Druk, loyal mount of the great Firelord Zuko and descendant of the firebending masters Ran and Shaw. Normally, Druk understands the balance of firebending and the need for restraint as to not cause unjust harm, but he knows the Kansas City Chiefs are mightily outnumbered. Therefore, his vibrant breath blows free across these wooded lands. As the trees burn down and the fire grows in strength, many lose their life to the fire including Link and his fellow breath of wilders, a weird looking guild navigator, a zealot for the Butlerian Jihad and his romance, and even a fellow Utah Utes member who strayed too far from the sea. #FireUndefeated. In response, Fenrir takes one large leap and sinks his teeth into the mighty remnant of the original firebending masters. Although, before the massive wolf falls to the ground, Powergirl zips through his chest.

Meanwhile, the father son combo and some dude named Guts… like this dude’s parents must have really hated him from the womb to be given a name like that… have been making a stealthy advance through the tree cover. It’s Atreus who makes the first move as he jumps at Powergirl in an attempt to slice through her, but Wolverine has smelled their approach and thrashes his claws through the kid’s body before he could even reach the god-like kryptonian. Kratos becomes enraged, of course, and lives up to the name of God-Killer as he bears down his hate on the last daughter of Krypton. He then pushes to the one who slayed his child, and even with all his might, Kratos is just another bub for Wolverine. After that is taken care of, Guts basically surrenders his life to Wolverine.

Finally, the world senses this battle’s culmination to be near. Thus, a transformation into a city-scape takes place. Very few remain on either side, and Xavier tries to reason with all to come to a peaceful resolution, but Malcolm X was never one for peace. Unfortunately for Xavier, the arguments in their minds blocked the unabomber’s true intentions as he had placed many bombs across the city before snapping his own neck so that Xavier would not be able to extract the information. And in flawless timing, bombs go off and off and off all over the city causing the death of the mighty telepathic, Larfleeze, as well as Sigmaz’s own Obama.

After the culmination of the last bomb, Sinestro and Wolverine push against Malcolm X and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Meanwhile, the old gentlemen, Yoda and Odin, take a seat to watch this fight from afar. They remark on the battle and make small talk while Sinestro and Wolverine make use of their final death and slay the remains of Sigmaz. Understanding defeat, the ancient god unexpectedly stabs the Jedi Master with Gungnir. Although he stepped against Yoda, he accepts his death from Wolverine.

Monday, June 10, 2024

AL Playoffs Round 1 The Horsemen vs. TEAM

The Horsemen: Darkseid, Supergirl, Superboy - FINAL DEATH, Agent Smith, Poseidon, Seaworms #1 and 2, The Flash w/ Blue Lantern Ring, Shazam, Juggernaut, Megatron, Apocalypse, He-Man and Battle Cat, Ultron, The Eradicator, Nekron and Black Lantern’s #3-5, Ganondorf, Wedge Antilles in his X-Wing, Biggs Darklighter in his X-Wing, Grand Admiral Thrown in a B-Wing, Snickers on a Motorcycle, and Eric Cartmen in the Hulk Buster Iron Man Suit

TEAM: Alex Houslander (w/ Super Scope 6), Unicron, God Emperor Leto, Thanos, Maw, Primus, Ego, Mace Windu in Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle,  Thor, Thunderstrike, The Mandalorian (Beskar Staff and Armour) & Grogu in Razor Crest, Next Generation Enterprise w/ (Jean Luc Picard, Enterprise Pilot, Enterprise Co-Pilot, Enterprise Gunner, Enterprise Crew Member #1-5), Soundwave and tapes: (Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Lazerbeak, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, Overkilll, Slugfest, Squawktalk, Beastbox, Garboil, Glit, Enemy, Howlback, Decepticon Cassettes #1-5, Transformer Cassettes #1-5, Legion Of Superheroes: Mon-El, Triplicate Girl, Phantom Girl, Invisible Kid, Star Boy, & Lightning Lad. Prince of the Cosmos. Kefka, Kyle's Homeboy Frank's Dad, Norm Macdonald, Mr. Boogedy

The Horsemen and TEAM are two formidable teams with a beef that spans centuries.  We may know the winner of this beef now but here are the stories that led to the end of this beef.

In the scorching desert sands, two formidable teams converge, each with their own agenda and allies. The Horsemen, led by the tyrant Darkseid, stands ready to unleash their power upon their adversaries. Meanwhile, TEAM, under the leadership of God Emperor Leto, prepares to defend against the impending threat.

As the sun beats down mercilessly upon the arid landscape, tensions rise between the opposing forces. The air crackles with anticipation, and the desert winds carry whispers of the impending clash.

The Horsemen, consisting of Darkseid, Juggernaut, Nekron, Black Lantern’s #3-5, Ganondorf, and Eric Cartman encased in the formidable Hulk Buster Iron Man Suit, marches forward with unwavering determination. Each member be havin aura, their eyes gleaming with the promise of conquest.

On the opposing side, TEAM stands firm, their resolve unshakable. God Emperor Leto, with his transcendent wisdom and divine strength, leads the charge alongside Thor, Thunderstrike, The Mandalorian clad in his Beskar armor, and the adorable yet powerful Grogu nestled safely in the Razor Crest.

As the two teams face off amidst the shifting sands, the battle begins. Thunderous clashes echo across the desert as each combatant unleashes their unique abilities and weapons upon their foes.

Darkseid, with his unmatched strength and cunning, engages in a fierce duel with God Emperor Leto, their blows shaking the very foundations of the desert floor. Juggernaut charges forward like an unstoppable force of nature, while Thor and Thunderstrike wield their mighty hammers, striking with the force of thunder itself.

Not even like the likes of God Emperor Leto can defend against the unwavering power yielded by Darkseid.  Although the strength of Thor and Thunderstrike are able to defeat Juggernaut.  Thor has to quickly change his attention to Nekron and the Black Lanterns who are engaging in a fierce barrage of attacks.  The attacks became to much for Thunderstrike who took their last breath while laying in the sand.  

Meanwhile, The Mandalorian skillfully maneuvers through the chaos, using his Beskar staff and armor to deflect incoming attacks with unmatched precision. Grogu watches from the safety of the Razor Crest, his small form radiating a mysterious energy that both intrigues and unnerves his adversaries.  Enough to distract Ganondorf while Mando is able to dispose of him from behind.

In the midst of the chaos, Eric Cartman, piloting the Hulk Buster Iron Man Suit with reckless abandon, unleashes a barrage of devastating weaponry upon TEAM. But Alex Houslander, armed with the Super Scope 6, stands ready to counter, his keen aim and quick reflexes proving to be a formidable match for the iron behemoth.  Alex is able to take down Cartman but not before he annihilated Mando and grogu. 

Alex is able to create a distraction by unleashing with his super scope 6 with unmatched precision.  This allows Thor to hastily make his move for Nekron.  Thor tries to save Alex but all is to late as Darkseid has sent him to the shadow realm.  Thor knowing his chances are slim makes his escape to space only to be followed by Dakrseid.

Meanwhile in the Forest….

In the heart of the dense forest, where the ancient trees whispered secrets and the shadows danced with mystery. The Horsemen, led by The Flash wielding the Blue Lantern Ring, comprised of Shazam, Megatron, Apocalypse, He-Man, and his loyal companion Battle Cat. They moved swiftly through the underbrush, their determination cutting through the thick atmosphere of the forest.

Meanwhile, TEAM, under the command of the cunning Soundwave and his legion of tapes, including Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, and many more, stalked silently amidst the trees, their metallic forms blending seamlessly with the shadows.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, the two teams met in a clearing, their eyes locking in a silent challenge. The air crackled with tension as the battle commenced.

The Flash, with the power of the Blue Lantern Ring coursing through him, moved with blinding speed, striking like lightning and incapacitating several of Soundwave's tapes before they even had a chance to react. Shazam's thunderous punches sent shockwaves through the forest, while Megatron's arsenal of weapons laid waste to the surrounding trees.

But Soundwave was no ordinary foe. With his tactical brilliance and army of tapes at his command, he orchestrated a counterattack that caught The Horsemen off guard. Rumble and Frenzy unleashed seismic waves, causing the ground to tremble and disorienting The Horsemen. Ravage and Lazerbeak launched a coordinated assault, unleashing on The Horsemen from above with relentless precision.

Amidst the chaos, He-Man and Battle Cat fought side by side, their bond of friendship and courage unbreakable. He-Man's enchanted sword clashed against the metallic forms of Soundwave's tapes, while Battle Cat's ferocious roar echoed through the forest, inspiring hope.

As the battle raged on, the ancient trees bore witness to an epic clash of titans. Apocalypse unleashed his devastating powers, warping reality itself to his will, while the Legion of Superheroes fought valiantly alongside Soundwave, their combined strength and determination pushing The Horsemen to their limits.

But in the end, it was the will of The Horsemen that prevailed. With a final surge of determination, they overcame Soundwave and his tapes, driving them back into the depths of the forest. As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded.  All that remained were The Horsemen.  The Flash, Megatron, and Apocalypse stood tall among what was remaining of the ancient forest. 

“We must move onward to the city” commands The Flash

Little did they know that Mon El was still alive listening to them.  He is able to warn TEAM of the attack on the city.

A few days later in the city…

In the heart of the bustling metropolis, where skyscrapers pierce the sky and neon lights paint the streets.  On one side The Horsemen led by Flashf, armed with the mighty Blue Lantern Ring, a symbol of hope and courage. Alongside him stood Megatron, the formidable leader of the Decepticons, towering and imposing, ready to unleash devastation. And then there was Apocalypse, the ancient mutant with godlike powers, his presence alone striking fear into the hearts of mortals.

Facing them was TEAM, a team comprised of some of the most formidable villains and antiheroes the universe had ever seen. At the helm was the Mad Titan himself, Thanos, by his side stood Maw, the cunning and manipulative servant, whispering dark secrets into his master's ears. Kefka, the deranged clown-like villain, cackled with glee as chaos unfolded around him. And then there was Kyle's Homeboy Frank's Dad, an enigmatic figure with unknown powers, his motives shrouded in mystery.

The Flash, with his unparalleled speed, darted around the battlefield like lightning, striking his opponents with blinding speed before they could react. Megatron's cannons roared, unleashing a barrage of destructive energy that tore through buildings and sent shockwaves rippling through the streets. Apocalypse, his eyes glowing with power, unleashed a wave of energy that shook the very fabric of reality, threatening to tear the city apart at its seams.

But TEAM was not to be underestimated. Maw's telekinetic powers were a force to be reckoned with, as he hurled debris and vehicles at his foes with deadly precision. Kefka's twisted laughter echoed through the chaos as he unleashed blasts of dark magic, corrupting everything they touched. And then there was Kyle's Homeboy Frank's Dad, his powers a mystery even to his allies, as he unleashed devastation with a mere glance.

Amidst the chaos, unexpected allies and foes joined TEAM. Norm Macdonald, the comedian-turned-warrior, cracked jokes even as he fought with a ferocity unmatched. Mr. Boogedy, the spectral entity, haunted the battlefield with his eerie presence, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. Mon-El, the hero from another world, soared through the sky, his fists raining down like meteors upon his foes. And Mace Windu, wielding his lightsaber with precision and grace, carved through his enemies with the skill of a true Jedi master, his every move a work of art.

As the battle raged on, the city trembled beneath the fury of their clash, buildings crumbling and streets cracking under the onslaught of their power. Megatron caught up with his onslaught of the city is met by Mace Windu is cut down by the powerful Jedi.  Kyle’s Homeboy Frank’s Dad mysterious powers are still to be known, but he is able to stop The Flash allowing Thanos to crush him.

All that remains of the Horsemen in the city of Metropolis is Apocalypse.  TEAM unleashes a fury of attacks as Apocalypse tries to end this battle.  Apocalypse is brought down but at the cost of the majority of TEAM leaving Tahnos, Maw, Kyle’s Homeboy Frank’s Dad, and Mace Windu.  

TEAM retreats to space where the final battle will commence….

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where stars twinkle like distant promises and galaxies churn with unknown wonders, two opposing forces converge.

As the celestial battleground looms before them, the teams prepare for the clash that will echo across the cosmos for eons to come.

As the battle commences, the fabric of space itself trembles with the intensity of their conflict. Beams of energy, bolts of lightning, and waves of telekinetic force collide amidst the swirling cosmos, painting a tableau of cosmic chaos.

Darkseid, with his unyielding determination, leads the charge, his Omega Beams carving through the void with lethal precision. Supergirl and Superboy follow close behind, their fists of fury raining down upon their adversaries with righteous fury.

Meanwhile, Unicron, towering over the battlefield like a malevolent god, unleashes his cataclysmic power, swallowing whole planets and stars in his insatiable maw. Thanos, his eyes gleaming with mad ambition, orchestrates his forces with calculated precision, while Maw manipulates the very fabric of reality to his master's will.

Primus and Ego, ancient rivals locked in an eternal struggle, clash with titanic force, their cosmic energies shaking the very foundations of reality, taking down Thanos and Maw. Thor, his hammer crackling with celestial lightning, fights with valor and determination.

Amidst the chaos, Poseidon summons tidal waves of energy, clashing with the Prince of the Cosmos in a cosmic showdown. Seaworms #1 and #2 engage in a fierce clash with the Enterprise Crew, their aquatic prowess proving invaluable in the vacuum of space.

Grand Admiral Thrawn, recognizing the futility of the conflict, attempts to broker a peace treaty, but his efforts are thwarted by the relentless determination of both teams to emerge victorious.

Ultron, the Eradicator, and Agent Smith coordinate their attack, their digital minds intertwining as they unleash a barrage of calculated strikes against the Next Generation Enterprise. But Picard and his crew are no strangers to adversity, maneuvering the starship with precision of years of exploration and conflict.

Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter swoop in on their X-Wings, dancing through the chaos of battle. Their proton torpedoes find their mark, testing the shields of the Enterprise to their limits, while Kyle's Homeboy Frank's Dad surprises everyone with his unexpected prowess, turning the tide of battle with his unorthodox tactics.

As the clash intensifies, the fabric of space itself begins to warp and bend, reality twisting under the combined might of Agent Smith's manipulation and the Eradicator's relentless assault. But Captain Picard remains undaunted, his voice calm and steady as he guides his crew through the storm.

In a final, desperate gambit, Ultron merges with the Eradicator, their digital essences becoming one in a bid for ultimate power. But the Enterprise crew, with Kyle's Homeboy Frank's Dad at their side, rally together in a display of unity and resolve.

With a blinding flash of light that echoes across the cosmos, the two teams collide in a cataclysmic explosion of energy. Killing The Enterprise team and Kyle’s Homeboy Frank’s Dad, along with Agent Smith and the Eradicator. 

All that remains of the Horsemen are Ultron, Darkseid, Supergirl and Superboy on his last legs.  TEAM still has Primus, Ego, Mace Windu and Thor.

Time and Space itself is warping around the battlefield.  No timeline is able to fix the chaos that has been unleashed.  The teams collide for one final clash. 

The battle commenced amidst the silent void of space, sparks flying as powers clashed and energies surged. Ultron's mechanical brilliance clashed with Primus's divine intellect, each seeking to outmaneuver the other in a cosmic game of strategy. Until Primus reigned supreme.

Meanwhile, Darkseid and Ego engaged in a titanic struggle of wills, the Lord of Apokolips attempting to bend the living planet to his command while Ego fought fiercely to maintain his autonomy and protect the team under his care. Ego’s fierce fight was for none as he was unable to take down Darkseid.

Supergirl and Superboy found themselves locked in combat with Mace Windu and Thor, the clash of Kryptonian strength against Jedi mastery and Asgardian might sending shockwaves.  Supergirl and Superboy found themselves pushed to their limits by the combined might of Mace Windu and Thor.  

Darkseid fought his way through Primus to try and aid the Kyrptonians.  It was to late..  All that stood was Thor among the bodies. 

In one final clash that shook the universe Darkseid was able to eliminate the God of Thunder.