Monday, May 12, 2008

Match of The Week: Beckerman's Backyardigans: Beeyatches Vs. TEAM

Beckerman's Backyardigan's: Beeyatches are Darth Vader (designated leader), Boba Fett, Wolverine, Carnage, Doomsday, Black Dragon #4, Green Dragon #26, White Dragon #12, Trident, Sasquatch, Krypto, Capt. Britain, Sharkticon #10, & Nazgul #6 w/ horse.

TEAM is Superman (designated leader), Unicron, God Emperor Leto II, Godzilla, Fortress Maximus & his head, Neo, Seraph, The Evil Paul Atreides Ghola, Bashar Miles Teg Ghola, Luke Skywalker, Jengo Fett, Griffin Poteracki, & Jet Li.

Both of the teams start off in the city and the 2 Fetts instantly both use their jet packs to take to the air. Jengo Fett lands on top of one of the smaller buildings but Boba lands a drop kick right into him which knocks him off of the ledge. Before Jengo can reactivate his jet pack Boba riddles him with bolts from his blaster rifle and he plummets to his doom (yes it happened that quick. What! do you want me to have a fan boy revolt on my hands; I'm trying to run a Fantasy Fantasy League here, give me a break). TEAM falls back towards the far end of the city while The Backyardigans also put room between themselves and their opponents by falling back into the desert. Trident and The Sharkticon fall back even farther and jump into the water where they will be much harder to destroy. TEAM regroups just outside Fortress Maximus while Godzilla starts rampaging through the city streets towards the desert where The Backyardigans have established their stronghold. Vader releases the dragons to begin their attack on Godzilla. TEAM disscusses their battle plan, Superman as their designated leader gives a pep talk about who is going to take who to Neo, Paul, Miles Teg, Spike (Fortress Maximus' head), Griffin, & Jet Li, while Seraph reminds them that the oracle knows what she is doing, and that they are not alone and that back-up is on its way. The back-up that Seraph speaks of, is of course the huge Transformer planet known as Unicron that is slowly approaching the planet's atmosphere to help them out. The 3 dragons swarm the air around Godzilla but Fortress Maximus transforms into his huge robot form and rushes over to Godzilla to lend him a hand. Godzilla bats the green dragon out of the air and then blasts it with his concentrated fire-like breath but the smaller white dragon flies right in front of Godzilla and sprays a huge amount of frost right into the mouth of Godzilla temporarily keeping him from using that form of attack. While Godzilla's fire breath is disabled the largest of the 3 dragons, Black Dragon #4 attacks Godzilla by biting down on his neck and then spraying his concentrated acid breath into the wound. Both the Black Dragon and White Dragon attack Godzilla wildly and amazingly bring down the huge monster but in the process leave themselves open to attack which is when Fortress Maximus grabs the 2 dragons by their necks, pulling them off of the dead Godzilla and smashed them togeather. The Huge and amazingly strong Autobot has to do this action several times but it does eventually kill the 2 dragons. Krypto, Superman's dog; who ended up being a critical part of the Backyardigans victory over TEAM just 2 weeks ago swoops in over Jet Li and delivers a kick with his hind legs that knocks Jet into a nearby building and kills him. The evil Paul Atreides, who was sickened and actually felt physically ill after he witnessed the game film of Superman retreating instead of letting his stupid dog get killed jumps on top of Krypto and despite his hardened skin sticks his ancient Harkonen blade into the dog's gut to cut out its heart. He then thinks to himself that maybe he will save the heart and give it to Superman as a reminder of why winning is all that is important. Superman takes flight and is met by Capt. Britain above the desert sands. Capt. Britain, who despite being powerful flies at Superman at about one one-hundredth of Superman's speed and attacks with about one one-hundredth of Superman's strength. If I were a grade school teacher instead of a Fantasy Fantasy Watcher I would give Capt. Britain an A for effort, but the truth is, in this match he is simply out-classed which is why Superman easily gets a hold of Capt. Britain and snaps his neck. From the corner of his eye Superman sees that Vader has released Doomsday out into the battle. Doomsday moves quickly into the city destroying everything in his path and then jumps into the chest of Fortress Maximus, knocking the metal giant on his back. Doomsday uses his incredibly hard skin and amazing strength to punch right into the chest of Fortress Maximus, where once inside he destroys the powerful Autobot's spark with a flurry of punches. Superman knows that only he is powerful enough to put a stop to Doomsday and that he cannot waste any time or Doomsday will continue his rampage right through the entire team of TEAM. Superman in the blink of an eye flies back to the city and flies right into the chest of Doomsday. He pushes him with so much force that the 2 of them do not stop moving until they are all the way to the arctic area on the other side of the battlefield, which is exactly what Superman wanted. Superman figured that even though he has a much better chance of beating Doomsday with some help that the Backyardigans have a lot more weapons than just Doomsday and that every member of TEAM was going to be needed in this battle. When Sasquatch sees the 2 of them fiercely battling with each other and ripping apart the Arctic environment he takes that as his cue to leave and starts runnning to join the rest of the battle. Nazgul #6 on top of his horse is followed closely by Wolverine as they creep through the desert sands. All of the sudden Wolverine stops as he picks up a strange scent. The Nazgul's horse rears up and then God Emperor Leto II pops out of the sandy ground. The great omnipotent Sandworm knocks the Nazgul from his horse and quickly kills the animal. Leto then dives onto the body of the Ringwratih and with a horrible combined shriek from the 2 of them kills Nazgul #6. The God Emperor than turns his attack toward Wolverine but Wolverine amazingly dodges the attacks from the much larger human brained Sandworm. Leto gains some respect for his much smaller opponent as he thinks to himself that Wolverine would have made a great Fremen with the way he effortlessely moves through the sandy dunes. The God Emperor then grows bored of his own daydreaming and goes in for a viscous attack but the X-Man uses his claws to stick into the side of the worm and swing himself on top. Leto tries to shake him off but Wolverine then sticks his arm into the mouth of Leto and finds the perfect spot to stick his 12" long claws into. Leto bites down with his mouth full of crysknives and in his own death badly severs the arm of Wolverine. As Leto dies and his large body slams to the ground Wolverine is thrown from on top of the Sandworm and lands badly injured as his healing factor starts to work over time and he thinks to himself about how he really is the best at what he does. Many people were wondering what the first match between Vader and Superman would be like but I guess they will just have to wait until next year. It is obvious that it is not going to happen this year as Superman is extremely tied up with Doomsday, which is why it will be up to Neo to stop the Dark Lord of the Sith. Neo was originally going to attack the Backyardigans leader alone but Luke was told by the oracle that it was important for him to go along as well, so Luke and his B.F. Griffin went along as back-up for the chosen one vs. chosen one battle. Superman and Doomsday continue to fight so fiercely that they are the only 2 people on either team who do not notice the sky getting darker and darker with the looming threat of Unicron approaching. Superman is battered and bleeding lying on the ground when he notices that Doomsday is now more interested in returning to the fight to cause more carnage because he must think that Superman is defeated. It is this thought that Doomsday could end up tipping the scales in a battle that Superman truly believes that his team can win without him that energizes the last son of Krypton. Superman pops back up off the icey ground and delivers a punch to Doomsday that would level the Empire State building but unluckily for Superman he isn't fighting the Empire State building, he is fighting Doomsday, who retaliates with a punch that is just as powerful. Both of these ridiculousely powerful fighters hold there ground with each other, one fighter being empowered by the pain he is expierenceing and the other fighting to keep others from having to go through such pain. With both of their bodies fueled by inhuman forms of adrenaline they both rear back and deliver their hardest blow. Unlike the first time these 2 opponents met they are not surrounded by damaged buildings or by cameras and on-lookers anxious to see the outcome but just like the first time, they both die. Sasquatch gets to the edge of the grassland by the water and is wondering if he should try to swim across to help out his team or not when all of the sudden the sky turns black. Everyone on the entire battlefield looks up to see a metal being so large that it dwarfs not only the now dead characters of Godzilla and Fortress Maximus but the entire landscape itself. Even characters who have seen Unicron before are in disbelief at seeing him again. Trident who had believed himself to be safe under the water looks up at the huge planet size Transformer and thinks for a second that maybe he is not the perfect speciman after all. Unicron comes down onto the center of the landscape right over the small sea which now looks more like a swimming pool and pounds his huge fist through it. He displaces about 80% of the water and easily destroys not only Trident and Sharkticon #10 but also the close by Sasquatch. The massive Unicron then rests while he slowly thinks about his next move. Darth Vader who knows in his heart that the ability to destroy a planet, or even be a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force is to tied up at the moment to think about how he is going to defeat Unicron because he has Neo jumping at him at extreme speeds. Fortress Maximus' head which was not destroyed by Doomsday tries to hold his ground against Carnage but is not doing a very good job. Although Carnage is lacking in size he has a definite speed advantage and when it comes down to it he is actually stronger than Spike as well. Carnage covers Spike in black symbiote sticking him to the wall of the building they were fighting next to and then jumps onto the shoulders of the human turned Transformer and makes him the first headless head master by ripping it right off spine, circuitry, and all. Carnage then squares off against The Oracle's personal bodyguard Seraph. The 2 of them jump around each other wildly with Seraph moving as fast as he has ever had to move in order to evade the sticky black alien symiote that Carnage is attempting to cover him with. Seraph pulls out his twin pistols and unloads them into Carnage but the alien suit just absorbs them. Seraph then thinks that although this creature seems unbeatable, he has beat near unbeatable people before. he continues to dodge Carnage's attacks and to shoot him with bullets in an attempt to over work the symbiote. Seraph waits for the split second that would not even be noticeable to a human eye when Carnage's symbiote suit is working so hard that the human underneath it is exposed. Seraph sees this moment, much like he could see the movement of the Agents to deliver a perfectly aimed karate chop to the exposed neck of Cletus Kasady, the human serial killer underneath the alien suit. Lord Vader finally resigns himself to the fact that Neo is faster than him but it does not hurt his confidence that badly, even when his own lightsaber wielding son joins the battle along with Griffin Poteracki, who always has Luke's back. When Darth Vader's right hand man the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett sees Lord Vader in trouble, he blasts in towards him to lend a hand (Is it still O.K. to call Fett Vader's right hand man or is that disavowed along with the Holiday Special that they say that in)? Wolverine is about to go lend a hand as well to even the odds but he sees the 2 gholas heading his way and decides that his homeboys can handle it anyway. Boba Fett begins unloading his blaster rifle at the trio. Luke gets in front of Griffin and begins to block the blaster bolts with his lightsaber but then Neo jumps in front of them and puts his hand up. He stops the blaster bolts in there place and then kicks the shocked Boba Fett down toward Luke and Griffin who finish him while he restarts his fight with Vader. "Impressive, most impressive" says Darth Vader to his opponent. Vader decides that he needs to finish off these kids if he and his only living teammate Wolverine are going to devise a plan to stop the giant metal planet that just joined fight on the side of TEAM. So in an attempt to destroy the will of Neo and Luke he begins to force choke Griffin without even missing a beat in the fast moving battle with Neo. Neo looks over at Griffin who is experiencing his last breath when Vader pulls Neo down to the ground by his left leg and removes his head with his crimson lightsaber. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" screams Luke as he watches his teammates and more importantly firends die before his eyes. He attacks his father with his rage helping to make him powerful, pushing the limit of what a Jedi is permitted to do with the force. Luke then barely dodges a lightsaber swipe from Vader by ducking and then while he is down low cuts off Vader's bionic right leg at the knee. Seraph and Miles Teg look over at him with a look of astonishment that he defeated the mighty Darth Vader, his own father. Luke seems like he wants to be ashamed of how he let himself be controlled by his emotions but when he hears the evil Paul Ghola scream "Finish Him" he listens and then rams his green lightsaber into the chest of his own father. Wolverine refuses to give up as he sneaks up behind the delighted evil version of Paul Atreides and stabs him through the heart with his claws. The ghola of the great Bene Gesserit Bashar Miles Teg uses his super-human speed to try and out do Wolverine but Logan manages to get every part of his body except for his adamantium claws out of the way as Miles Teg runs into him. Wolverine is in full beserker mode as he thinks to himself that he only has 2 more people to gut but that is when Unicron shakes all of the ground for miles when he lands in front of Wolverine. Wolverine is defiant until the end as he does not hesitate for a second to rush the mighty Unicron despite being about 500 times smaller than he is. Unicron crushes the X-Man/Backyardigan with his collossal hands.


Lickolas said...

Damn dude, that was sweet. Great season B2, you put up one hell of a fight. Wow Ed, that team you played in this match is basically unbeatable. The next round should be sweet.

Solobeck said...

To all:
Looks like my B3 team is more like the Patriots after all. . .

Wonderful season to the entire league. Look forward to seeing you all at the Comic Con and End of the Year BarBQ. Give me some dates!

Press Conference to follow shortly.
Look forward to Vice-Vice's Consolation Match this week.
