Saturday, March 13, 2010

Le' Napoleon Brigade Vs. Team S.P.

Le’ Napoleon Brigade is Aquagirl, The shark (from Jaws), The Shark (from Jaws 2), Golden Age Wonder Woman in her invisible Jet, The Lochness Monster, & Pee Wee Herman.
Team S.P. is Namor the Sub-Mariner & his Griffin, Mimic, Aspen Matthews, Black Manta, Ultron, SHIELD Agent #1 & 2, Navy Sailor #1.
Both teams are dropped into the freezing cold water, and the fight instantly ensues. Both teams are anxious to get started, due to the fact that both of them actually have quite a bit in common. They are both teams that have made the play-offs in the past, but have never won their division. They have both been in the league, and under the same management since year 1, they have both been considered water powerhouses since the very beginning, yet this is the first time that they have ever met in battle. Wonder Woman patrols the air in her Invisible Jet, she is both anxious and honored to have been chosen as a starter for the first time ever, and for being Le’ Napoleon Brigade’s first round draft pick this year (although she does find it somewhat strange that she got the start in a water match, when such characters as The Sando Aqua Monster, Namora, & Namorita are sitting on the bench). But the team is happy to have somebody in the air who has their backs. Namor’s Griffin takes to the air as well and begins moving toward Wonder Woman and her jet, while Ultron begins to target the amazon queen from the water. The other fighters begin to pair off into one on one fights. Aspen and Aquagirl square off, while Namor takes on The Lochness Monster and Mimic (who has taken on the powers of Namor, Aspen, & Aquagirl) begins fighting with the massive Great White Shark (the one from the first Jaws). The other Great White Shark almost instantly devours the 2 SHIELD Agents, but then begins battling with Black Manta. The most interesting fight of all, is of course Navy Sailor #1 (the uno, as the call him in the S.P. locker room) and Pee Wee Herman. Jaws 2 is now on a blood-thirsty rampage, the massive shark is shot by some advanced weaponry by Black Manta, including some of his patented eye lasers; but the huge shark just keeps coming and swallows Black Manta whole. Aquagirl, is pretty tough; but she is no match for Aspen who is able to not only become part of the water; but to control it as well. Aquagirl’s swimming ability and strength are great even by Atlantean standards but Aspen still manages to make quick work of her by crushing her in the super-pressurized water that she is controlling. Wonder Woman is anxious to make a name for herself, and she begins to do so almost immediately. She sets a few controls on her Invisible Jet and then jumps out of it all together. She free-falls out of the jet and lands on the back of Namor’s Griffin. The 2 of them struggle with each other in mid-air until Wonder Woman manages to get her powerful arms around the neck of the red griffin and snap it. She is now falling rapidly (If you are strictly a slappy of newer comics, Golden Age Wonder Woman cannot fly like the one you may be used to), but this is no problem because her auto-piloted Invisible Jet comes swooping underneath her and she lands safely in the cockpit to resume her piloting of it: I bet you didn’t see that coming……………… Get it, cause the jet is invisible. Ultron begins shooting numerous projectiles at Wonder Woman, but it is nothing that the Wayne Industries installed counter-measures cannot deflect or evade. Ultron is then a sitting duck for Wonder Woman to target with everything she has got and to blow in to a million pieces in the water (not very green of her I might add). The Lochness Monster breaks away from his fight with Namor for just a minute so he can eat Navy Sailor #1, who had just gotten done drowning Pee Wee Herman. Namor swims back up to finish the fight though and grabs Nessie by the tail. Namor then throws Nessie out of the water and flies out to meet him in the air. Namor then begins to pummel the dinosaur (or is it) so viciously, that it is dead before they both land back in the water. Mimic, with his menagerie of stolen powers is able to use them to first disorient Jaws with his manipulation of the water, and then pull the shark down deep and hold it still. Once the shark is buried in the sands of the water, with Mimic holding it down the shark is unable to filter water thru its gills and in essence drowns when it cannot move throughout the water. Namor regroups with both Mimic and Aspen, and the 3 of them are easily able to overcome the Great White from Jaws 2, despite its major hunger and fierce attacks. Wonder Woman, is now the only remaining member of the Brigade and knows what she must do. This year’s first pick for the brigade and first pick off page F jumps into the water to do battle with Namor, Mimic, & Aspen. Wonder Woman’s strength and fighting ability are only matched by her bravery and honor, but in the end it will be this week’s setting that decides this match as she is simply overwhelmed by Team S.P.’s classic water trio.


Josh the Commish said...

The Mandalorian Armor was given to Roy Batty. No extra cost.

Lickolas said...

Nice win Fred, that's a big one.

Great comments Josh's, funny as usual.