Friday, August 12, 2016


Plains Region. . .

The letter “Z” sizzles upon the bare chest of Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez.

Ramirez:  Nice move, Zorro, your blue lightsaber left a nice etching that I shall wear proudly.

Zorro:  That is not all I shall do to you with my trusted blade.

The two swordsmen battle one another through the lush and hilly landscape.  The lightsaber and blade never cross as the duo repeatedly dodges and parries.  The men’s movements are both graceful and fluid to the naked eye.  Unfortunately for Zorro, Ramirez, due to his age and experience, gains the upper hand.  The Immortal is about to stab Zorro in the heart when a shriek distracts him.

Greenwell:  HIT ‘EM WITH THE ‘HEIN!

General Manager Mike Greenwell’s battle cry is heard and Zorro escapes certain doom.  Greenwell uses his green lantern ring to lift himself off his Yoshi and fly toward the fight.  Ramirez now faces both Zorro and Greenwell, lightsabers ignited.

Ramirez:  A predicament I may be in, but one that I shall overcome.  PAUL!

The land shakes as Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox arrive at the scene.  Babe squashes Greenwell’s Yoshi beneath its hoof.  Greenwell shouts obscenities at the ox, which has caused the death of his trusted steed. 

Ramirez:  Now whom is overmatched, my friends.

Greenwell: Indeed.  Morgan!!!

Morgan Le Fay walks from behind a knoll.  The magician withdraws Voldemort’s wand from her cloak and unleashes its power upon Bunyan before he can do anything of significance in the battle.

Le Fay: Avada Kedavra!

A flash of green light and a rushing noise accompanies the instantaneous death of Bunyan.  Le Fay is about to cast a spell on the blue ox when Greenwell stops her.

Greenwell:  No, Morgan!  This cow is mine!

Greenwell, still reeling from the death of his Yoshi becomes consumed with causing havoc upon Babe.   He uses his green lantern ring to encase the animal and little-by-little utilizes his green lightsaber to slice off chunks of the cow.  Babe screams at the pain caused by Greenwell.  Greenwell decides to finish the beast off.  The Highness General Manager embeds the lightsaber in the animal’s skull, reaching its brain and killing him.

Ramirez is alone now.  He smiles and raises his blade, knowing his ultimate fate.

Zorro:  Goodbye, valiant warrior.

Ramirez is set upon by Greenwell, Le Fay and Zorro.  It is only a matter of moments before Ramirez is beheaded.

1 comment:

NFG Mike said...

Yoooooshiiiii!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! This time The Slaves have gone too far!!!