Dolla 49 McRib is Doomsday, Bizarro Superman, Wonder Woman, The Anti-Monitor (w/ the reality stone), Dr. Fate, The Sentry, Steppenwolf (w/ anti life equation), The Technibots: Afterburner, Nosecone, Strafe, Lightspeed, and Scattershot, Harkonen Soldier #1-10, Atreides Soldier #1-10, Kryptonian #1-3, Sardakur #1-3, Black Lantern Jedi Master, & Blue Lantern #1.
The Cowboy Killers are Sandworm #1A-10A, Aang (w/ Star Sapphire Ring), Paralax, Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch), Mephisto, Homelander, Beast Wars Megatron, Sky Lynx, King Beerus, Ajax, Hecate, & Cobra Viper #1-7.
Cowboy Killers.
Cowboy Killers
This was a tough vote. Conner's team was very very good and made me question home field advantage... almost enough to sway my vote. But I just have to stick with the sandworms... Marlboro Reds
Cowboy Killers
Dolla 49 put up an incredible team here ... but the supporting squad that the sandworms are getting are enough to get the dub.
I vote Cowboy Killers.
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