Monday, April 14, 2008

Beckerman's Backyardigans: Beeyatches Vs. The Outsiders

Beckerman's Backyardigans: Beeyatches are Austin & Tyrone (co-designated leaders), Darth Vader, Sith Lord #3, Boba Fett, The Arc Troopers, Carnage, Ash, Duncan Mcleod, Doomsday, Micheal Myers, Dracula, Nazgul #6 w/ Fell Beast, Wolverine, Gambit, Capt. Britain, Green Dragon #1 & 2, Black Dragon #1 & 2, Dark Side Marauder #1-6, Sentinal #30, & Warg #1-3.

The Outsiders are Mace Windu (designated leader), Galactus & Nova, Ares: god of war, Apollo, Hercules, The Predicons, Sky Lynx, Brandon Inge, Lord Voldemort, Barbarossa, Ajax, Hrrm, Jack Baur, Curtis Manning, Gimli: son of Gloin, Fin Fang Foom, Nightsister Sith Witch #1-6, Dark Jedi #11 & 12, & Dark Jedi Master #31 & 32.

General Austin is leading the troops this week against the majority of The Outsiders but head coach Hanibal of Crete wanted a second Backyardigan there As well to be in command of the attack against Galactus. So Grand Moff Tyrone volunteered to lead the attack against the Devourer of Worlds. Boba Fett comes up next to Vader as they stand in the city streets awaiting the approach of The Outsiders and says "I don't know about this Vader, I hear they have a guy on their team who eats planets". Vader replies with "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force". Vader catches a quick laugh through his bionic ear from Arc Trooper #4. Vader then turns to his apprentice and says "Lord Yardigan, would you care to do the honors"? "As you wish master" Yardigan replies as he uses the force to choke the life out of Arc Trooper #4. Wolverine leans over to Gambit and says "I think they found his lack of faith disturbing, huh Bub"? Austin yells "release the wargs" so the Dark Side Marauders open up the cages and let the 3 Wargs run wild in the dark city searching for prey. They begin to run at the Sith Witches but it seems that they have a bodyguard. The normally savage Hrrm is being controlled by the Sith Witches empathetic powers so they send him out to defend them against the Wargs. Hrrm jumps into action and begins ripping into Warg #2, biting at his neck. Hrrm gets the best of the warg but he the gentically engineered killer is not strong enough to take all 3 of them and the other 2 wargs rip him apart. The 2 remaining wargs continue their run on the Sith Witches, moving at them at incredible speeds. The Nightsisters pull out their red-bladed lightsabers to defend themselves but the Wargs jump into action landing on Sith Witch #4 & 5, biting into their skulls. The other Nightsisters are angered by the loss of their fellow force adept as they cut apart Warg #1 with their lightsabers and blast Warg #3 with Sith Lightning. Galactus pops up in the distance from behind one of the larger buildings. Tyrone has the Marauders bring over another cage. The cage is rather large and uses red crystal lightsaber technology among other fail-safes to keep containment possible. The Dark Side Marauders are already fairly far away from the cage when they remote open it. Opening up this massive containment unit reveals Doomsday, who automatically starts running toward the most powerful force on the battlefield, Galactus. Tyrone then gives the signal for Nazgul #6 to come flying around the side of the building at Galactus while he is being flanked by Sentinal #30. Tyrone thought that since the Sentinal was big and purple that it was perfect for his Galactus fighting squad but he soon found out he was wrong as Galactus uses energy from his hands to blast the sentinal out of the sky. Doomsday does not even seem to slow down when Nova makes the mistake of getting in his way. Doomsday crushes her cosmic power protected body with a simple clap of his hands. Austin then notices that the largest character in the match-up, that is in no way short on large characters is coming their way. Fin Fang Foom is coming up on the other side of them in an attempt to surround them (*because this match takes place on earth, Galactus is not nearly as large as he is while in space; so Fin Fang Foom is almost 5 times larger than Galactus). He takes a second to think about who he will send to face the huge 15 story tall ancient dragon but his 4 dragons are already flying over to combat the gigantic monster. The 2 Sith Lords and Boba Fett lead the 6 Marauders against the force users of The Outsiders, but not before Vader tells The Arc Troopers that it is their job to take out Sky Lynx, and "that it would be wise to not anger me again". Boba Fett lands in front of the 2 Dark Jedi and shoots them both in the head before they even have a chance to pull out their weapons, and Vader and Yardigan easily plow through the 2 Dark Jedi Masters. The Dark Side Marauders rush in towards the 4 Sith Witches who know that it would not be wise for them to try to fight off the Marauders with lightsabers so they begin shooting their Sith Lightning at them. The Sith lightning is fairly potent and it kills Marauder #1, 3, & 6 but the other 3 Marauders use their Sith Rage to run right through the attack and engage the Nightsisters in a melee battle. The Marauders are better with the lightsabers but the Sith Witches are not to bad either. When the battle is said and done only Marauder #2 is still standing (barely). Mace Windu comes running in next. It is not in his nature to come to the aid of Dark side force users, but he is after all trying to be a team player (oops I forgot, Jedi don't try they do or do not there is no try). Boba Fett lands about 20 yards in front of Mace and begins shooting, but Master Windu manages to block all of the shots without even breaking stride. Boba Fett all of the sudden gets a flash back from his youth as he realizes what is about to happen to him. He tries to use his jet pack to get away but Mace does a spin move and chops off Boba's head to end round 2 of the Windu/Fett rivalry. Lord Vader makes no attempt to stop Dark Side Maruader #2 from foolishly attacking the Jedi Master. Mace makes very short work of the exhausted Marauder by finishing him with a lightsaber to the gut. Yardigan initially started to move toward Mace to help the Marauder but Vader held him back and said "They are merely tools to aid are victory, let him do his job; I have learned that it is better if we face the worthy opponent togeather". Vader moves against Windu with Yardigan backing him up. Vader and Windu are very evenly matched and put on a great show of clashing red and purple. Darth Yardigan attempts to aid his master with a swing of his lightsaber but Mace Windu is to fast for the young Sith Lord. Mace moves to the side to dodge the hit and then removes Lord Yardigan's head with a quick swing of his saber. This excellent move turns out to not work in Windu's favor though as it serves to enrage Lord Vader. The Dark Lord of the Sith shows Master Windu the meaning of a true Sith Rage as he barrels through his defenses and cuts the Jedi master in half at the torso. Ares leads Hercules and Apollo into battle. Ares begins to clash with Duncan Mcleod. Mcleod's Katana is easily batted around by the large axe of the god of war which puts the Highlander on the defensive. Apollo starts shooting arrow after arrow at Micheal Myers but the mad man continues to come at him. Myers finally falls to the ground and Apollo walks over to the defeated Myers to analyze what form of being could withstand so many projectiles, but Myers pops back up and grabs Apollo by the neck, lifting him off of the ground. He then does what could only be done by a person truly possessed by the powers of evil as he twists off the head of the son of Zues. Ares puts an axe into the chest of Mcleod but does not pull it out right away. The always arrogant Ares (say that 5 times fast) does not realize that he must remove the head of the immortal in order to kill him. Duncan Mcleod on the other hand knows all about killing immortals which is exactly what he does as he picks up his katana and finishes off Ares by cutting off his head. Carnage and Ash double team Hercules. They back the son of a god into a corner and Ash rushes at him with his chainsaw hand while Carnage leaps above Hercules' head. Hercules knocks aside the chainsaw with his bear hands and then breaks Ash's neck with one hard punch, he does not wish to be to careful though, so he then jumps into the air with a mighty leap in order to land on top of Ash and crush him. But Carnage raps his alien symbiote extension around Hercules neck and head as if it were a noose and catches Hercules on the way down causing a second broken neck in the matter of seconds. Doomsday and Galactus are hitting each other with an amazing amount of power and laying waste to the entire city, while The Nazgul flies around in an attempt to aid Doomsday from the air. A flying brick from the fight hits Tyrone in the head and not only breaks his antlers, but kills him as well. Lord Voldemort senses an evil approaching him that rivals even his own. He knows that even though he appreciates the potencey of this evil it must be destroyed for he is the true Dark Lord. He sees Micheal Myers in the distance and is impressed that this person who appears to be a muggle has dispatched a Greek god. Lord Voldemort waives his wand creating a fire storm of energy which he directs at Micheal Myers and destroys him. Voldemort begins laughing maniacley until he realizes that the force he was feeling was still present just then Dracula comes jumping out of the shadows from the dark alley behind him. Dracula bites the neck of Voldemort and feasts on the blood of his very powerful opponent, reveling in his own abilities of stealth and deception. Capt. Britain grabs Wolverine and Gambit and starts flying towards the Cymeks. Wolverine says "These guys can't be any tougher than Sentinals, just get me on top of them". Capt. Britain throws Wolverine on top of Ajax and then throws Gambit on top of Barbarossa just before the 2 Titans simultaneousely blow him to pieces with numerous forms of artillery. Fin Fang Foom is much stronger than the 4 dragons he is fighting but he is having some trouble catching them because they are much faster than he is. The Green Dragons have hit him with quite a bit of poison and the Black Dragons have hit him with even more acid. These attacks have hurt the 150' tall dragon but not enough to bring him down. Foom then uses his huge hand to swat Green Dragon #2 out of the air and then step on him. The 2 Black Dragons fly straight in toward Foom's head in an attempt to hit him in the face with acid but Fin Fang Foom shoots his own form of concentrated acid at the 2 Black Dragons which proves to be much more powerful then their's as it kills them both. Green Dragon #1 bites Foom in the leg which sends both poison and pain raging up through the Ancient Chinese monster but the mighty Fin Fang Foom returns the favor as he grabs the last remaining dragon and rips him in half with his powerful teeth and jaw. Darth Vader, still in a heated rage after the death of his apprentice and friend Darth Yardigan manipulates his record number of midi-chlorians to cause the two huge skyscrapers that Fin Fang Foom is limping between to come crashing into the huge dragon. Fin Fang Foom is then crushed in between the massive amount of cement and brick from the wreckage, much like his burial home underneath the Great Wall of China. Wolverine uses his adamantium claws to rip open the outer protective casing around Ajax's human brain and then sticks his claws into it killing the huge Titan. He then jumps off of Ajax and lands on Barbarossa to help Gambit who is not having such an easy time breaking through the thick steel protecting the only human part left on the Cymek. Wolverine thinks he has the fool proof way to kill Cymeks but Barbrossa saw what Wolverine did to Ajax and is not going to make the same mistakes. Barbarossa starts flying faster to try to throw the 2 X-Men off but they manage to hang on. Then the Titan begins using his giant metal arm attachments to attack them. Wolverine destroys the arm that was attacking him but Gambit was not quite fast enough. Barbarossa grabbed a hold of Gambit with his extending arm and then in the blink of an eye squeezed Gambit to death. Barbarossa is still having trouble losing Wolverine but Sky Linx comes flying up to help. Brandon Inge, Jack Baur, Curtis Manning, Gimli, and The Predicons are all inside. Sky Linx has been trying to get The Predicons to the desired location so they could form Prediking to help out Galactus, but Galactus, Doomsday, and The Nazgul are causing such havok that they have been unable to find the perfect time. As Sky Lynx and Barbarossa fly in between the buildings Sky Linx is hit by a magnetic grappling hook from on top of one of the taller buildings. It was shot by Arc Trooper Lt. #1 and it is pulling him along with all of the other Troopers on top of Sky Lynx. Once on top The Arc Trooper Heavy Weapons Expert blasts a hole in the top of the Dino Bird and they jump in. They are instantly fired on as Curtis takes out Arc #1 and Jack kills Arc #3 and Lt. #1. The Arc Troopers had a plan though that was fairly simple. They set explosives as soon as they got inside the Autobot and The Arc Trooper Captain instantly used his 2 high powered lazer pistols to take out the Predicon leader, so they would be unable to form Prediking no matter what. The Arc Troopers have every intention of making this a suicide mission so they focus their fire power on the Predicons but only get one more. Before Sky Lynx blows up from the inside The other 3 Predicons fly out of him and Jack Baur and Gimli both jump out, but only Baur had a parachute. Nazgul #6 gets a few hits in with his Morgul blade which have a painful effect on Galactus, who is getting very fatigued by the Attacks of Doomsday. Doomsday on the other hand is hurting but seems to be energized by the pain that has been inflicted on him by the cosmic being. Vader, Carnage, Duncan Mcleod, and Dracula rush up toward Galactus to try to help their teammates. Galcatus swipes at the Nazgul but only kills the Fell Beast he was riding on as the Nazgul himself landed on a roof top only a few feet below him. When Gimli jumped out of the dying Sky Lynx he made an incredible leap (especially for a dwarf) and landed on top of Barbarossa right next to Wolverine. Gimli says "aye all they needed was a dwarf to get you off of this metal dragon". The 2 of them start to fight fiercely on top of the cymek. Gimli gets in a great axe chop to Wolverine's left leg and the 2 of them start to have quite a respect for the other one as Wolverine puts 3 long, bloody scratch marks down the back of Gimli, but it is Wolverine's healing factor that ends up deciding the fight as Gimli's tremendous blood loss slows him down enough to allow Wolverine to stick his claws down into the top of the dwarf's head. Wolverine then jumps off the side of Barbarossa because the 3 Predicons start shooting at him from the air, one of which is holding Jack Baur. As Wolverine jumps on to the building below he does not even realize that the reason they are all flying side by side is because they are following Galactus away from the battle to retreat. Galactus' main weakness is his lack of stamina and in his near omnipotence realized the threat that this team posed which is why he retreated. Outsiders head coach Bill Walsh had instructed the team before that if Galactus were to retreat they should follow, which is why the others followed closely behind Galactus in hopes to fight another day.

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