Monday, January 21, 2013

Commandos Final Press Release

Dear FFL,

On this very exciting day for myself and my family, I would like to quickly discuss the meaning behind the title of this post. First off, I mentioned late last year that I would be stepping down as head coach of the Commandos, which is still the case. It has been discussed throughout the team and a new leadership has been decided. From this point on the new Head Coach of the Commandos will be Professor Minerva McGonagall from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As the Head Mistress of Hogwarts, Minerva lead the Battle against Lord Voldemort and has shown herself in the FFL to not only be a fine leader but also a brave combatant as well. Alongside Minerva will be her two newly named assistant coaches, Hermione Granger and Rupert Giles. I believe that this new coaching staff will bring a more intelligent mindset to the team without losing any of it's successful strategies from the past. I for one look forward to seeing where this new leadership will be bringing this team in the years to come.

In regards to the title of this post. The reason I say the 'Commandos Final Press Release' is that as of this point forward the new name of the Commandos will be "President Barack Obama and Taylor Swift's RED army". Now it was not my idea to keep my name in the fore-front of this team but it was voted on with an overwhelming majority to keep it that way. Ms. Swift on the other hand has become quite popular in the locker room and with Miley's continuing struggles with her mental health, it became apparent that she would no longer be able to continue her job in the same capacity as she had before. We hope the rest of the league can respect Miley's privacy in her time of crisis.

I on the other hand will continue to stay with the team but in more of a supporting role then I have been previous to now. I will continue to provide the RED army with any help that they need but will leave the heavy lifting and everyday team operations to the new administration.

In closing (as our luncheon is moments away from starting) I would like to wish Professor McGonagall and her new staff the best of luck in the years to come. The same goes for everyone else in the FFL this season, I hope for nothing but another year filled with strong competition and new surprises at every turn.

I thank you all for your time.


President Barack Obama


Josh the Commish said...

Way to retire on top Mr. President!!

Josh the Commish said...

This picture is probably the hottest picture of Taylor Swift I have ever seen. Granted, she is still only about a 4 out of 10; but better than usual at least.