Monday, July 15, 2013


             As I stumble further into the city, I look to my left and see the remains of a skirmish between combatants. A Ferrari lies motionless against a building with the remains of a driver behind the wheel.   I also notice an expanse of robotic limbs and pieces strewn across the area. 

            I walk to a nearby wooden bench which has miraculously withstood the skirmishes that transpired in this zone.  I sit back, exhausted, and look to the sky above.  I search for the blazing emblem and lost participant’s likeness which have intermittently lighted the heavens throughout the match.  I was informed in my locker room that the current Watcher was inspired by an author of teenage dystopian novels and would be adding this dimension to the match.   Thus, when a participant passes away during the Universe Bowl, his or her guise is mirrored in the sky above for all to either amuse, or bemoan. 

            Now that I am the last survivor of this Universe Bowl and have seen all other likenesses in the sky, I only await the ship which will take me back to my team’s locker room.  A locker room where Mysterio will stand alone. . . but triumphant.  


Ryan said...

The suspense has now made my left testicle go numb.

Josh the Commish said...

I was wondering how you were going to have a second prologue in the middle. Very cool!!

NFG Mike said...

Keep on truckin Quentin! Ryan, I don't think that's suspense. See a doctor bro.