Friday, April 11, 2014

The Play-Off Planet: List of Characters

This is not a part of the story; but simply a brief list of some of the new characters being introduced.

Bill Duer: A revolutionary philosopher and author of "Manifeste De Liberte". He is embraced by the radical wing of The Federalist Party and heavily rejected by the larger Populist Party. He is believed to be dead after an explosion in his home several months ago.

Patrick Samuel: Political star and de-facto leader of The Populist Party. He is a pragmatic and well-liked figure who is being discussed by many in the media as being the next Governor of The Play-Off Planet. He believes that The Federalists and the followers of Bill Duer are the worst kind of radicals who are destroying the very fabric of society in The Play-Off Planet.

Governor Morris: Head of The Play-Off Planet government and the first ever Federalist to be elected to the high office of Governor. He is considered a moderate middle of the road Federalist; but perhaps his ideology leans a bit more to the radical Bill Duer faction of the party than much of the public believes.

The Waiver Wire Characters: The true leaders of The Play-Off Planet. They watch over and control the planet while the Watchers are not watching. They act as a police force for the watchers and work in concert with The Play-Off Planet's government.

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