Sunday, November 6, 2016


Casino-Voyager Room. . .

The red lightsaber glistens in the dimly lit room, filled with the debris of the day’s events. 
Batman:  It’s over Shemalyah!  As you can see, the tales of my demise were grossly exaggerated!

Batman unleashes the full fury of his weapon upon Shemalyah.  The Sith Lord attempts to deflect the ray, but in consumed in the fray.  Her lightsaber explodes and the crystal jettisons from its hilt.  Darth Shemalyah is devastated by the blast the ensues.  She crawls across the broken ground beneath her.  The Sith Lord sees flashes of the Universe Bowl’s events as she replays them in her mind’s eye.  In recognition of what has truly transpired, she utters to the Caped Crusader.
Darth Shemalyah: You. . . were. . .

Darth Shemalyah focuses on the figure slowly advancing from the shadows.   The Dark Knight stands over the Sith Lord.
Shemalyah:. . . never dead.” 

Darth Shemalyah cackles, her guttural rumblings sounding like nails over a chalk board.
Shemalyah: I am Darth Shemalyah.  I am the one.  I am the only.   I will survive this like I have survived before this.  I am eternal.  You are mortal, but a man at the feet of a god.

Batman: The last time I checked, gods don’t bleed.  The last time I checked the gods were but a figment of man’s imagination spawned by those yearning for something more.  You are nothing.
Shemalyah shrieks: I am everything!!!!!

Batman quips: You.  Are. Nothing.  A figment of a man’s imagination.
Batman reaches on his back and pulls out the reason he has been missing.  An enchanted weapon lies in his hands.  He lowers the armament against Shemalyah’s head and presses the trigger.

The mortally wounded Shemalyah crumples to the ground, a hole burning through her bloodied head.