Thursday, February 13, 2025

The 2025 FFL Schedule


Week 1:  The Survivor Series.  Three matches  of six on six in a wrestling ring.  AL Vs. NL.  Hosted LIVE by Jesse "The Mind" Ventura and The Neon Master Pogo
-Prize:  A Stealth X-Wing
-Exactly 3 characters costing no less than 70 and no more than 75 points.

Week 2: Rito Village
-220 Points
-Prize: Rito Bow
-Retreat possible.

-TEAM Vs. The Washington Redskins (Dave)
-Grayson's Goobers Vs. Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas (Josh)
-The Doctor's Madhouse Vs. David Byrne's Meat Suits (SC)
-Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Cowboy Killers (Zack)
-Dolla 49 McRib Vs. The Sigmas (dem)
-The Underhills Vs. The Sigmaz (WC)

Week 3: The Scorched Remains of Wallach IX (Desert)
-475 points
-Prize:  2 Crysknives and 2 Maula Pistols

-TEAM Vs. Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas (Zack)
-Grayson's Goobers Vs. The Washington Redskins (Fizz)
-The Underhills Vs. David Byrne's Meat Suits (WC)
-The Doctor's Madhouse Vs. The Sigmaz (SC)
-Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Sigmas (Josh)
-Dolla 49 McRib Vs. The Cowboy Killers (dem)

Week 4: Cloud City (they better be able to fly)
-600 Points
-Prize: Twin Pod Bespin Cloud Car

-TEAM Vs. The Cowboy Killers (SC)
-Grayson's Goobers Vs. The Sigmaz (WC)
-The Doctor's Madhouse Vs. The Sigmas (Frank)
-Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas Vs. The Underhills (dem)
-The Washington Redskins Vs. Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips (Kyle)
-David Byrne's Meat Suits Vs. Dolla 49 McRib (Josh)

Week 5:  The Playoff Planet
-900 points
-Prize: 2 blasters and a TIE Dagger

-TEAM Vs. Grayson's Goobers (WC)
-The Doctor's Madhouse Vs. Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips (Josh)
-The Underhills Vs. Dolla 49 McRib (SC)
-The Washington Redskins Vs. Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas (dem)
-David Byrne's Meat Suits Vs. The Cowboy Killers (Alex)
-The Sigmas Vs. The Sigmaz (Kyle)

Week 6: Justice League Satellite Headquarters and Surrounding Space
-Prize:  A Jetpack
-450 Points

-TEAM Vs. Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips (Frank)
-Grayson's Goobers Vs. The Underhills (Josh)
-The Doctor's Madhouse Vs. Dolla 49 McRib (dem)
-The Washington Redskins Vs. The Cowboy Killers (Ed)
-Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas Vs. The Sigmaz (WC)
-David Byrne's Meat Suits Vs. The Sigmas (SC)

Week 7: Lake Michigan
-325 Points
-Prize: Jet Ski
-Retreat possible

-Grayson's Goobers Vs. The Doctor's Madhouse (Alex)
-TEAM Vs. The Underhills (dem)
-Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Dolla 49 McRib (Frank)
-The Washington Redskins Vs. The Sigmaz (WC)
-Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas Vs. David Byrne's Meat Suits (Zack)
-The Cowboy Killers Vs. The Sigmas (SC)

Week 8:  The Field at Comerica Park
-200 Points
-Prize: Baseball Bat

-TEAM Vs. The Doctor's Madhouse (WC)
-Grayson's Goobers Vs. Dolla 49 McRib (SC)
-The Underhills VS. Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips (Chris)
-The Washington Redskins Vs. David Byrne's Meat Suits (dem)
-Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas Vs. The Sigmas (Kyle)
-The Sigmaz Vs. The Cowboy Killers (Josh)

Week 9: The Shire
-55 Points
-Prize:  Vampire Bite

-TEAM Vs. Dolla 49 McRib (Josh)
-Grayson's Goobers Vs. Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips (WC)
-The Doctor's Madhouse Vs. The Underhills (Chris)
-The Washinton Redskins Vs. The Sigmas (Dave)
-Cosby and Scar Jo's Trash Pandas Vs. The Cowboy Killers (dem)
-David Byrne's Meat Suits Vs. The Sigmaz (SC)   

1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

Please check this for mistakes and typos. God knows I didn't.