Saturday, March 1, 2008

RESULTS: Team Shannon Vs. Hannah Montana & Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos

Team Shannon is The Flash, The Incredible Hulk, Storm, Gold Dragon #11, and Jedi Knight #16 & 17.

Hannah Montana and... is Dumbledore, Buffy Summers, Qui Gonn Jinn, Red Dragon #1 & 2, Capt. Tarpals, Gungan #1 & 2, Azeem, Hannah Montana, Jar Jar Binks, and Dozer #1.

Red Dragon # 1 & 2 take to the air and so does Gold Dragon #11 with Jedi Knight # 16 on its back. As they fly to meet each other the Jedi jumps onto Red Dragon #2's back and shoves his blue lightsaber into the neck of the dragon killing it. The Gold Dragon tries to catch his Jedi teammate but the Red Dragon attacks him and their air battle ensues. Dumbledore then points his wand in the air and says something gay which brings the Jedi down right on his head before he can use his force powers to land unharmed. Storm then clears the clouds and causes the sun to start burning very brightly behind her team which begins to not only blind The Hannah and Barack squad but also affects the 4 gungans greatly as it begins to "do murder to thesa skins". The Hulk jumps into the fray landing on top of Dozer#1, punching Hannah Montana right in Miley Ray Cyrus' face and then turns Jar Jar into orange goo. He is about to punch Azeem in the face but Qui Gonn force pushes him out of the way. It is now Allah's will that Azeem must stay with Qui Gonn until he has returned the favor. Jedi Knight #17 starts to rush toward Capt. Tarpals and the other Gungans, they begin to back up in fear when Buffy jumps in and kicks the jedi in the face, she then knocks the lightsaber out of his hand and shoves a stake into his heart (Capt. Tarpals, as well as Gungan #1 & 2 all have life debts to Buffy). Buffy is then taken off guard when The Flash runs in and punches Buffy about a thousand times at the speed of light, killing her. The Hulk is still going crazy as he turns Gungan #2 into orange goo (yes, I know I already used that joke). But Dumbledore waves his wand and says some other nonsensical thing which turns The Hulk back into Bruce Banner. Qui Gonn and Azeem then simultaneousely stab Dr. Banner (Their joint man-crush on one another is now solidified for life). The Gold Dragon finally comes out on top of the air battle and bites the Red Dragon in the neck killing it. Storm flies down to come to the aid of Flash but it is not soon enough. Flash was running toward Dumbledore, whom he viewed as the biggest threat when Qui Gonn used his ability to see things before they happen and put his lightsaber a couple of feet in front of Dumbledore cutting the head off of Flash. Storm under strict orders from head coach Mike Huckabee to always spare the lives of her team if possible, turns the winds in her favor and escapes by air with Gold Dragon #11 following close behind.

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