Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Syracuse Valley Vs.Better Than All of You

The Syracuse Valley are.. Cosmic Spider-Man, Soundwave, w/ (movie) Laserbeak, Black Lantern Squawk Talk, Black Lantern Beast Box, Zombie Overkill, (movie) Ravage**, Decepticon #1**-3, & Decepticon Decoy #1.& 2,Go-Bot #1 &2, Black Lantern Rob Bartlett, (movie) Megatron**, (movie) Starscream**, Xenomorph #97**, 98**, 99, & 100**, Dash Rendar** & Leebo** w/ Beavis (w/ Rob Bartlett's old halberd and hockey stick), Butthead (w/ a Sith Lavarouk), & Buttchunk in An Imperial Shuttle, Crasher, Young Anakin Skywalker (w/ a blue lantern ring and a blue lightsaber) in a Tie Interceptor, Bucky O'Hare (w/ a green lightsaber), Deadeye Duck (w/ a red lightsaber), Bruiser (w/ a red lightsaber), Willy Duwitt, Pilot Jenny, AFC Blinkie, & (Head Coach) Commander Dogstar in The Righteous Indignation (last use on this ship), Peppy Hare (w/ Darth Maul's old double red lightsaber) in a Tie Interceptor, James McLeod in a Tie Interceptor, Kree Soldier #7-18,Sith Lord #5: Darth Techno (w/ a second red lightsaber), -Dark Side Adept #13 (Darth Techno's new Sith Apprentice), Little Goomba #7**-18

Better Than All of You is.. Predator #5 & 6, Jedi Guardian w/a doozer in an A Wing ,Jedi Guardian, Lonestar and Barf w/Gwar: Oderus, Balsac, Beefcake, Flattus, and Jizmack, Sleazy P in an Imperial Shuttle, Flash ( Wally West), Super Sonic, Red Wing, Triple H, Terry Funk, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Macho Man, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Ole Anderson, Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid, Bret The Hitman Hart,Jim The Anvil Neidhart, Yogurt, Cobra Commander, Lex Luthor, Red Skull, Gandolf The White, Black Suit Spiderman, David Dunn (Unbreakable), One Army Soldier

The Syracuse Valley and Better Than All of You, both had to be teleported together to insure that they reach the same portion of uncharted Space. To keep them from fighting before the match begins we have imprisoned the teams in their own, separate, small shipping containers. Once the shipping containers pass into the playing field they explode, releasing the players. Even though My Middle School science teacher told me there is no sound is Space, I remember hearing this song right before the attack.

In another dimension, another time and space, A parallel universe was fallin' on its face When out of the chaos, who else could it be But the animal adventurers from S.P.A.C.E.? Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare! Mutants and aliens and toads beware! You're looking for adventure? Well, this is it, With Jenny, Deadeye, Blinky, and Willy DuWitt I said Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare! “And now, an update on Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars!” In the battle of the aniverse, you don't know what's next, You only know amphibians have made it KOMPLEX! When you check out your scanner and the evil that it bodes, There's only one course of action: Let's croak us some toads! Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare! He goes where no ordinary rabbit would dare! If your Righteous Indignation has suffered a hit And your photon accelerator's broken a bit And you're losing your mind, and you're having a fit Get the funky fresh rabbit who can take care of it! Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare! You say Bucky? I said Bucky! Bucky O'Hare! Let's croak us some toads!

Then I observed the Righteous Indignation blow Jedi Guardian w/a doozer in an A Wing to pieces. Bucky and the gang then charge The large group of Pro Wrestlers, That were just floating motionless. Deadeye Duck takes aim and quickly vaporizes Triple H, Terry Funk, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Macho Man, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Ole Anderson, Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid, Bret The Hitman Hart, and Jim The Anvil Neidhart. I would be a lot more impressed but having four arms makes you a cheater in my book. Birth defect or not. The one army soldier and Jedi Guardian who actually remembered that we gave them jet jacks to move around with, race to try and help their friends. They do not make it. Megatron squishes them both on his way to violate the White Wizard. Gandolf tries to pull that “You shall not pass” shit but Megatron just transforms into his jet form and has not problem passing right through Gandolf. Black Lantern Rob Bartlett attempts over and over again to rip out David Dunn’s heart, but Rob is unsuccessful. Frustrated, Black Lantern Rob Bartlett Just rips off David Dunn’s FFL space issue jetpack and throws him on what is probably gana be an eternal journey into the depths of Space. The predators use their camouflage and plasma canons to finally score some points. They each blew the head off one off one of the transformers, I couldn’t tell who killed who because they were camouflaged. Megatron manages to pinpoint the location of the Predators from the cannon blasts. He grabs Predator #5 by the legs and pulls him apart wishbone style. Predator #6 is able to hit Megatron with a few bursts of plasma before he is back handed and decapitated. Megatron then reaches out and grabs a hold of the Imperial shuttle carrying Lonestar, barf and gwar. The Leader of the Decepticons then rips the top off the shuttle and lets his four Xenomorph friends feast. The Syracuse Valley then over powers Super Sonic, Red Wing, Yogurt, Cobra Commander, Lex Luthor, Red Skull, and Black Suit Spiderman, Holds them all down and each member takes a turn r***ing each one of them. That’s a lot of robot ji**.


Better than all of you: All Dead except for Super Sonic, Red Wing, Yogurt, Cobra Commander, Lex Luthor, Red Skull, and Black Suit Spiderman who whish they were.

The Syracuse Valley All survive Minus Soundwave, and (movie) Laserbeak

1 comment:

Leroy 11 said...

I would have been better off not submitting a team