Sunday, August 18, 2013


            Wish Bear, Friend Bear and Bedtime Bear playfully frolic in a flowery field located on the Horsemen of Apokolips compound. 
            “I’m so glad we have the opportunity to participate in the Universe Bowl,” exclaims an excited Bedtime Bear.
            “Me, too,” says an enthusiastic Friend Bear.  “Like my namesake, I sure want to make a ton of new friends!”
            “Maybe if we holds our paws and wish together, it will happen!” states Wish Bear.
            The three Care Bears hold onto each other’s paws, close their eyes and wish with all their might that they befriend new people on the battlefield.
            “You must accomplish this task,” demands One Above All to the High Evolutionary.
            “It is done,” answers High Evolutionary.  “The cloud will achieve our goal.”
            As the bears continue to play in the pansies and daisies, a purple cloud floats through the field in which the creatures amuse themselves.
            “That cloud looks a little scary,” whimpers Wish Bear.
            “Remember Wish, they’re only clouds and clouds can’t hurt you,” says Bedtime Bear.
            “Okay!” says Wish Bear.  “I’ll be brave!”
            The cloud magically settles over the area.  The bears breathe in the vapors contained within the fog and suddenly retch.  All bears scream in agony and throw up as they feel their essences being transformed into something more.
            “What the f#ck kinda sh%t was that?!?!” shouts Friend Bear.
            “Shut your punka$$ mouth, or I’m gonna put a cap in your b#%cha$$,” shrieks Wish Bear.
            The bears begin to fight amongst each other until they exhaust themselves.  They look at one another and laugh.
            “Let’s head back,” says Friend Bear.  “They’re going to call us real soon to the Bowl.”
            The trio head back to the compound and see gas being fueled into the Artrip pimpmobile.
            “This b#%cha$$ ride is gonna be mine and I’m gonna pimp it out,” Friend Bear states. 
            “You can hold shotgun,” instructs Friend to Bedtime.  “I’m driving and Wish can push the pedals.”
            “Deal,” states Bedtime and Wish in unison.
            “I’m going to beef up the tuneage with some block rockin’ beats,” exclaims Bedtime Bear.
            “And don’t forget to strap,” say Wish Bear.
            The three bears hum along to a Black Eyed Peas’ song as they commence their tasks.  They smile and anticipate the forthcoming battle.


Ryan said...

Uh uh uh..... Wow my heart rate just ramped up like ten fold.

Josh the Commish said...

Those crazy bears... Can't keep em down!!

NFG Mike said...

And I just flatlined.

Lickolas said...

Please tell me this is just the spec script for the new series starting on FX this season called, "3 F&@#in Bears". I need more from these three. My vote for the MVP.