Sunday, September 7, 2014

Universe Bowl VII: Kitties Correspondent Post #5

We have been moving now for two days and we have seen not a soul as of yet. It was a quick exit away from the forest but once we left, it did not take long to realize the extent of the destruction. It is obvious that there was once a large body of water nearby, now all that remains is a large hole in the earth, holding nothing but small puddles here and there. There are cracks in the landscape as far as the eye can see. Smoke billows in every way you look, making visibility very difficult.

Our pace has been slow due to the never-ending rain, something that began about one week’s time ago. This place has quickly become uninhabitable for life of any kind. This is the type of place that I have only read about in literature. This is no longer the place that so many stories have been written about; this is now nothing but a tomb. The remnants of a once thriving world are very difficult to come by. Death lives here now.

The constant releases from the ground were startling at first but have now become commonplace. We are using spells at a steady pace for protection but that has been an exhausting exercise in itself. The shape shifters are growing weak despite their stoic nature to stay strong. It is wearing on everyone here, especially on my sister Ariana. She is not used to anything of this nature. I fear for her often, her life still being the one I care for the most.

We are now traveling through what I assume was a city at one time, though it is difficult to imagine how that was once the case. The sun is just coming up I believe, the smoke makes it hard to tell but I believe it to be true. We shall be leaving once again shortly and hope to make contact with anyone in the coming days. I do not know if I will have time to write again so this may be goodbye.

I hope this is still getting to you, as I would like everybody to know what is occurring in this place. If this is goodbye, I must say that I am okay with it. Nobody should have to endure such a contest. It is not good for the soul.

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