Sunday, September 7, 2014

Universe Bowl VII: Midget's Correspondent Post #4

Zufa sent me a recording of her meeting with Governor Morris. I have had the recordings transcribed so I could post them on the site. Every member has been named by us, for which we are 99.9% certain about the identities but to cover ourselves, we wanted to start with that disclaimer. It is a partial transcript as of now, for that I am sorry.

Date: Our best guess is anywhere between 1 hour to 12 hours after Zufa’s message was sent to Governor Morris.
Time: Unknown

(There was a small portion recorded by Zufa before the meeting, this is it)

Zufa Cenva: This is Zufa Cenva, testing this recording equipment prior to our meeting with Governor Morris. Test 1, 2, Test.

(The rest is from the start of the meeting. It does start quite abruptly I must admit)

Zufa: I told you we would find you Governor.

Morris: I still want to know how you found me so quickly.

Zufa: Does it matter! Your planet is going to be destroyed. That is a fact. Unless of course we can work together to stop this thing, a thing that I believe you created after all.

Morris: Look, I am grateful that you two are willing to help us, trust me I am. I just want to know how I was so easy to locate.

Yoda: Easy? Easy you say? Finding you was not an easy task indeed. Searching for you for some time now we have. Transmissions you sent, track them we did. To Zufa you must listen Mr. Morris.

Zufa: I have been listening to this place since I arrived and what I have discovered is a bit of a surprise. The first week I was here I heard a lot of voices, mostly that of the residents of this world but the longer I listened, the more I noticed a constant in the noise. You see, the voices usually change in a highly populated area. The more living beings around, the more voices. The difference here though, was past that first week, the voices stopped changing. Sure, there were plenty of voices to be heard but they were all of the same mind.

Morris: I think I am following you Ms. Cenva.

Zufa: I doubt that Mr. Morris but I will continue. As I was saying, all the voices were of the same mind, meaning, that even though each voice was conversing with the other voices and even sometimes disagreeing, there were still coming from the same person or in this case, thing.

Morris: Are you saying that a Schizophrenic has taken over the planet?

Zufa: Not exactly. You see, from what I understand about your letter to Bill Duer, you ignorant fools tore the power away from a God. Impressive display of scientific ingenuity I might add, along with being recklessly foolish.

Morris: I promise you we understand how foolish it was.

Zufa: Perhaps you do but I still believe you are incapable of understanding how truly foolish of a move this actually was. What we are dealing with here is that power, released without caution into every corner of this planet and somehow being controlled by someone who has no clue what they are doing with it.

Morris: It’s him, isn’t it? (in which he paused) What was, how did he get in here?

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