Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Outsiders Vs. Team Fred

The Ousiders are Ares (designated leader), Apollo, Hercules, Kup, Beast Boy, The Predicons, Lord Voldemort, Justin Oblack, Navy Seal #45-50, & Navy Seal Chief Petty Officer #14 & 15.

Team Fred is Namor (designated leader) with his Griffin, Black Manta, Aspen, The Mimic, Vision, Master Mold, Navy Sailor #1-25.

Both teams are dropped into the water. The Mimic takes on the powers of both Namor and Aspen. Ares has all of his team huddle togeather in the water while Beast Boy turns into a fish and swims underneath them. Beast Boy then turns into a whale and rises slightly above the surface with the rest of his team on his huge back. This is quite a bit of weight to have on the back of an animal, even one as large as a whale so Kup jumps back into the water and the Predicons merge to form Prediking and then take to the air. Master Mold along with Namor's Griffin also take to the air and begin to fight with Prediking. While all of this is going on Team Fred's Navy men swim to the tiny island which is the only land mass in the huge body of water. Once they get there they begin to remove some of their scuba gear, pull out weapons and attempt to fortify the island. Beast Boy in whale form begins to move toward the small island but Aspen causes the waves to become so rough that the huge whale has trouble moving due to the fact that he cannot go under water when he has all of his teammates on his back. The 6 Navy Seals led by the 2 Chiefs jump into the water and begin swimming toward the island. They fight the waves but with their superior equipment and training still manage to get to the island and storm the regular Navy sailors. The Seals are outnumbered 4 to 1 but these odds do not scare them. They move quickly and begin attacking Team Fred's Navy sailors. The sailors have the numbers and the mini battle ends quickly with the Seals all dead but they manage to kill an amazing 19 of the 25 sailors (#4,5,9,19,21, & 24 are the survivors) before they meet their demise. Kup, who is very expierenced in all forms of combat and is actually somewhat comfortable in the water is trying to think of a way to attack but Namor gets to him first and with his superior strength and speed in the water has no problem bludgeoning the Autobot until he is completely destroyed. Master Mold and the griffin are working fairly well as a team fighting off the Predicon Gestalt, and doing much damage to it in the meantime, but Prediking manages to get a hold of Namor's griffin and with a forceful pull rips the poor animal to shreds. Now that the fight is just one robot against another one Prediking, despite having taken quite a beating manages to evade a huge lazer blast from Master Mold and get in close to him. Once the battle is one of close quarters Prediking uses his superior strength to crack the neck of the huge sentinal and pull his head right off. Mimic then approaches the body of the sentinal that has just fallen into the water and pulls the arm off of it. He and Vision then swim underneath Beast Boy. Vision grabs a hold of the arm making it intangible just like he is. He floats inside the body of the whale and into its heart, with the arm of the fallen Master Mold still partially sticking out. He then returns the arm to its normal metal state and makes himself as hard as diamond. Then Mimic using Herculean strength pulls both Vision and the arm out of Beast Boy ripping apart his internal organs. Apollo and Ares, although both gods and great fighters are not in any way gods of the sea, and are not going to get any transferred power from their relative Poseiden because he is on another team. So there is very little that they can do as Aspen creates an extremely powerful undertoe which pulls the two of them into the very bottom of the sea, trapping them underneath the muddy surface. Hercules begins to fight with Namor, Voldemort with Black Manta, and Justin with Vision. Vision turns his hand into a substance similar to diamond and kills Justin Oblack, Hercules although even stronger and faster than Namor on land is quite out of his element. Namor manages to get Hercules in a headlock, eventually snapping his neck (I only wish Joe, Pete, Matt, and Ryan were here to see these two ripped shirtless dudes fighting one another, because I know they really dig that sort of thing. i.e. W.W.E.). Voldemort although not at all in his environment manages to cast a spell blocking Black Manta's Lazer beams and shooting them right back into his own helmet killing the water pirate. But Vision, Aspen, and Namor then surround the dark lord. Aspen creates a wave knocking him underneath the water while Vision approaches him in his intangible form and then grabs his wand. Namor then grabs a hold of his foot and starts dragging him down to the bottom off the water, but he drowns before Namor can even get him there. Mimic then pops out of the water and begins flying. He not only has Namor's foot wings but also has grown two huge wings on his back like that of Namor's Griffin and has taken on the fierceness of Ares (the latter two powers are of course beginning to fade due to the fact that Ares and the griffin are both dead). Mimic attacks the already weakened Prediking who is no match for Mimic with the five powers he has taken on. Prediking is destroyed.


Lickolas said...

Congrats Fred on your first victory. Oh yeah, also, pick a name already!

Josh the Commish said...

I must confess that Fred actually did call in a name the very first week. That name just happened to be Team Fred.