Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week One


Solobeck said...

Nice 1st week standings.
Don't know how to blog yet. Sorry.
FYI to entire league: I was thinking of holding an "end of the league" bar-b-q at my place if people are interested.
Post and let me know. If not, no big deal, I wouldn't want to visit me either.

Ryan said...

Dude! I would love to do that! We could have the trophy presentation there and such. Amy and myself are definately down.

Anonymous said...

Chris and I are down, too. We love a good BBQ!! Let us know the details when you have them!! Ryan- get ready to engrave my name on the trophy.

Ryan said...

Strong words Julie. I haven't decided on what's going to happen with the winners names though. I think they will somehow be placed on the back of the trophy.

Artifact said...

Evidently this "Julie" person has volunteered me to attend this BBQ thing. Al Dogg and I will be there.

Lickolas said...

It depends on whether or not the actual Backyardigans are going to be there. If they will be, I can bring Hannah and Barack, they are huge fans.