Saturday, March 1, 2008

RESULTS: Team Amy Vs. The Outsiders

Team Amy is Megatron (designated leader), Deadpool, Voodoo, Legolas, The Constructicons, horse #1 & 2, & Lala.

The Outsiders are Mace Windu (designated leader), Ares, Beast Boy, & The Predicons.

The Outsiders are already on the battlefield, General Windu instantly orders The Predicons to form PrediKing. Megatron and The Constructicons land ready to fight while Legolas and Voodoo ride up on horse #1 and Deadpool and Lala ride up on horse #2 (Lala is assuring Deadpool that she is loyal to Lolo and that they will not be "hooking up aftet the battle"). Megatron orders The Constructicons to form Devastator. Devastator and PrediKing begin a cataclismic gestalt fight much like they would have done in the cartoon, where they begin to punch each other in an extremely cumbersome fashion (because just like in the cartoon, 40 foot tall robots would obviousely be cumbersome as opposed to 20 foot tall robots who are extremely agile). Beast Boy turns into a T-Rex and knocks over horse #2, he then swallows Lala whole and crushes horse #2 killing them both. Deadpool does a crazy back flip and then just like Head Coach Comissioner Gordon showed them in practice catches Megatron as he transforms into a gun. Deadpool shoots T-Rex Beast Boy three times until he turns back into regular Beast Boy and then Deadpool shoots him again, Beast Boy dies. Deadpool then turns the gun toward Mace Windu and attempts to shoot him, but Mace blocks it with his lightsaber and hits Deadpool knocking him to the ground, Megatron transforms back to robot form. In the mean time Legolas is riding around Ares and shooting him with arrows but they are not having much effect on his armor. Mace takes a run at Megatron but while he is force jumping toward him Voodoo magnetically sucks the lightsaber out of Mace Windu's hand, Voodoo then rips the armor off of Ares. This really pisses off the god of war who exclaims "Who the Tartarus needs armor" as he runs over to Voodoo and kills her with his bear hands. The loss of the lightsaber doesn't slow Mace down as he jumps into Megatron's chest and starts doing that fast punch thing that he does in the cartoon despite the fact that no jedi ever did anything like that in the movies. Devastator begins to take the upper hand in his fight with PrediKing punching him in the stomach and then bringing his fists down on top of them, splitting the Predicons apart. This action kills the stomach part and both of the legs (yes, I am listing them as body parts because I do not know their individual names). Devastator then turns to crush the bird Predicon but ignores the tiger. Ares knocks Legolas off his horse killing it. Legolas flips off the dead horse and begins shooting many arrows into the unarmored Ares. This weakens him but he is finished off when Legolas throws his dagger into Ares' head and the Devastator does a belly flop onto the god of war killing him (yes, this killed him so please don't begin writing comments about how Greek gods are immortal, or this is going to be a really long season). Mace continues to beat the crap out of the much larger Megatron and then force pushes him into the ground breaking him into pieces, killing him. Mace, despite feeling very victorious is exhausted when Legolas grabs the purple lightsaber out of dead Voodoo's hands and throws it to Deadpool who's healing factor has finally fixed his initial wounds. Deadpool then opens the lightsaber and plunges it into the back of the unarmed Mace Windu. The tiger Predicon escapes with its life.


Anonymous said...

Hey all, it's Amy. I just wanted to say I rock. Yea me for winning the first ever FFL battle. From this point forward my team name is...

The Untouchables.

But seriously...awesome story line, judge...I really enjoyed it. Good battle Matt...until we meet again...dun dun dun.

Josh the Commish said...

Great work Amy and congratulations on having the best record in the league.

Artifact said...

Good Work Amy! That matchup took mad skillz!

Anonymous said...

Nice win Amy- it looks like you and I know how to get it done! I like your new team name! Keep up the good work in the water level!!! I hope you and I can both have back to back wins!!!!!!!!