Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 6: Better than All of You vs HM&BOTBC

Best of Both worlds is
-Lyra, Pan, Will Perry and Kirjava in the Intention Craft.
-General Grievous, The Colonial Marines, Dr. Doom, Bail Organa, Worf, Lazarus Long, Erasmus, HAL 9000 and Xavier Harkonnen in the Star Destroyer.
-Vorian Atriedes in Ornathopter.
- The crew of the Icarus 2 with the crew inside of it (From the movie "Sunshine")
- Dave Bowman, Buffy Summers, Spiderman, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Agomemnon & Juno (Cymek's), T-3 Terminator, Bryan Beckerman in the Mandalorian Armor with a red and blue Lightsaber, Bizarro, Angel (from Buffy), Willow Rosenberg, The Herculoids, The Acklay, Luminara Unduli & Barress Offee, Xerxes(Cymek), Dante(Cymek), Tlaloc(Cymek), Octane, Trax, Rodimus Prime, Ben Kenobi, Black Adam, Paralax, Iorek Byrnison, Kaja Sinis, Luna Lovegood, Movie Blackout, Dr. Fate, Mary Marvel, Darth Binks, Ginny Weasley, Venom, Ransack, Barrage & Chop Shop, Captain Latin America, Cannon Man, The Bottomless Stomach & Kid Nee, Serafina Pekkala and her daeman Kaisa, Numinus, Movie Devastator which is made up of Demolisher, Mix Master, Long Haul, Rampage, Scavenger, High Tower & Scrapper, Dex-Tar, Zombie Darkseid, Karu-Sil, Fatality, Taa, The Cullen Family from "Twilight" which consists of Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Emmett, Jasper Hale & Rosalie Hale, Bala Repaul, Lady Lindius Frotgus, Shahan Alama, 50 Gungan soldiers, Claire Danes & David Hasselhoff, Fool Killer, Norma Cenva, Nugget, Echo (from "Dollhouse"), Batzarro, Mulder & Scully, Rachel Ray, Swimmell, Captain Tarpals, Dozer #13 & Zombie Dozer #1.

Better Than All of You is
Green Lantern & Astro-Droid #17 in an X-Wing, Storm Shadow, Snake Eyes, The Stay Puft Marsgmallow Man, The Rock, Hulk Hogan (w/Mandalorian Armor & a blue lightsaber), The 4 Horseman: Rick Flair (w/ a blue lightsaber), Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, & Tully Blanchard, The Hart Foundation: Bret "The Hitman" Hart & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, The British Bulldogs: Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid, Skeletor, John Rambo, Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch), Ghost Rider (Jonny Blaze), Doc Holliday, Gandalf the White, Beechead, Macho Man Randy Savage, Megadeth in a Rhino 4 x 4, David Dunn, Triple H, Loki & Bartleby, Smoke, Mr. Mind, Batman (Dick Grayson) & Robin (Damion) in a Snow Speeder, Batman (Jean-Paul Valley) & Astro-Droid #18 in an X-Wing, Batman Beyond in a Tie Fighter, Lonestar in a Tie Fighter, Barf in a Tie Fighter, Tomax & Xamot in an At-ST, Gray Hulk, Abomination, Spider-man (in the black symbiote suit), Yogurt, Stone Cold Steve Austin in a Mail Jeep, Nick Fury on a Ducatti, Baron Zemo, Ninja Pirate #3 & 4 in a Land Speeder, Deathlock, Tombstone, Reptile, Bishop, Sagat, Iron Spider-man, Man-E-Faces, Anti-Venom, Deathklok on JetSkis, Jedi Councilman #1, Zombie Phoenix, Zombie Trinity, Predator X #6-10, Zombie Jedi Master #1, Yellow Lantern #1 & 2, Red Lantern #1, Zombie Venom, (The original) Kung Lao, Predator #4-35, Cobra Viper #1-6, & Doozer #6.

The battle begins as most do. With Calm.

On the Commandos side several weird poofy noises happen at once.

"Aww man, now I'm all dusty AND we're short handed..." said Buffy knocking the dust from her hair and clothes.

"I don't know what those things were, but they were NOT vampires. I mean did you see them sunbathing? SUN BATHING? I mean common!..." said Angel, who was putting away his own stake.

"Seriously, and they were all sparkley... it was giving me the major wiggins. Vamps aren't supposed to do that." said Willow.

"Enough of this" said Black Adam. "The forces arrayed against us are vastly inferior and it should be a matter of minutes before they are all destroyed."

With that, Black Adam gathered together the commandos heavy hitters. Spiderman, Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Rodimus Prime, Ben Kenobi, Paralax, Dr. Fate, Mary Marvel, Venom, Devastator, Echo, Batzarro and of course Bryan Beckerman in the Mandalorian armor.

The Hair at Beckerman's temples began to go grey. A grin, filled with pointed teeth grew across his face. Both lightsabers flashed into life.

Paralax had taken control of Beckerman.

This crew of superpowers immediately threw themselves into the action at the forces arrayed against them.

Green Lantern and Astro Droid #17 managed to avoid Black Adam's assault. Unfortunately the tight formation that the Better Than All Of You pilots were in caused him to collide with Batman and Astro Droid #18, He tried to hold it together but Lonestar, Barf, and Batman Beyond were unable to get out of his way as his X-wing slammed into their vehicles.

Gandalf the White stood to take on the magic users of the commandos. Harry Potter and Dumbledore both stood against him.

The energy from the wands of the two Hogwarts wizards collided with the energy from Gandalf hovering in mid air.
This seemed to go on for ages, the roar of the spells filling the air.

Barely audible above the sound were two simple words.

"Bored now..."

Willow had gone dark... She turned the white wizards staff into a giant serpent which proceeded to strike Gandalf repeatedly. Injecting deadly poison with each bite.

Dark Willow would have chuckled but she had already moved on to her next victim. Or should I say Victims.

"Wrestlers? All oiled up and flexing? that is sooo gay, and trust me, I'd know..."

Willow then gave all of the wrestlers the "Warren" treatment, opening the skin at the bottom of their feet and pulling them apart like fleshy ziplock bags.

"There, now everyone can see all your muscles."

The subsequent simultaneous splorching sound made the Stay Puft Marshmallow man immediately sick. He covered his own team with sticky marshmallow vomit. This froze most of the remaining fighters in their place except for the Ghost Riders whose flames were browning the marshmallow faster than it could stick. Unfortunately those flames also caught the sticky marshmallow on fire, essentially turning it into napalm.

Rachel Ray was commenting on how delish the marshmallow smelled when the flames reached her, her garbage bowl completely unable to protect her this time. Predators 5 - 35 were all consumed by sticky sweet fire. Captain Latin America, The Bottomless Stomach, Cannon man and Kid Nee were all banking on the stomach eating their way out of the mess but he was not fast enough the flames took them as well.

Ahead of the mess The Ghost riders were barreling towards a single opponent. Bryan Beckerlax crouched low, his sinister grin reflecting the light from the riders flaming skulls. "I knew this season was going to be epic.." he said in a truckload of gravel meets a carton of cigarettes a day voice.

Beckerman triggered the rocket on his mandelorian armor, the explosion sending the two cyclists flying through the air towards him. He then fired his jetpack and sliced the two skeletal warriors neatly in two while flying between them.

Meanwhile on water, deathklok was riding the waves and waiting for a fight. This fight, unfortunately, came in the form of Swimmel, who they repeatedly ran over with their vehicles until the water turned a deep shade of red.

"Dude" said Nathan, "I wish we were in the napalm vomit, that's so much more metal than running over one dude with five jetskis... woah, Napalm Vomit, that'd be an awesome song..."

While deathklok was arguing about whether Planet Piss would be allowed to record Napalm Vomit, the body of predator

#4 landed in front of them with a splash. Bizarro and Batzarro had joined forces and decided to see who could throw the lifeless alien the farthest.

"Me am the loser!" exclaimed Bizarro. In response Batzaro murdered Deathklok by shooting them all in the head.

"MALB, MALB, MALB, Me am world’s worst detective, Me solve case by shooting strange musicians!" he shouted.

The rest of the Better than all of you squad was busy trying to free themselves from the now burning and melting

corpse of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, when the gungan soldiers released their boomas at the sticky mess. 50 orbs
impacted the tangled mess of a team all at once, the electric shock killing Storm Shadow, Snake Eyes, Skeletor, John Rambo, Doc Holliday, Beechead, Smoke, Mr. Mind, Batman & Robin, Tomax & Xamot, Abomination, Spider-man, Yogurt, Nick Fury, Baron Zemo, Ninja Pirate #3 & 4 Tombstone, Reptile, Bishop, Sagat, Iron Spider-man, Man-E-Faces, Anti-Venom, Jedi Councilman #1, Zombie Trinity, Predator X #6-10, Zombie Jedi Master #1, Yellow Lantern #1 & 2, Red Lantern #1, Zombie Venom, Kung Lao, Cobra Viper #1-6, and Doozer #6.

Zombie Phoenix shambled towards the gungans, Executing them all in a great gout of flames, burning away the rest of the marshmallow on the field of battle.

Loki and Bartleby swooped in and met Angel in battle.

"Angel? really?" said Loki... mocking the vampire.
"Who does this guy think he is? Grab an arm Loki..." said Bartleby.

The two angles tore the demon in half and scanned the horizon for a new target...

Just as they were setting their sights on Harry Potter an anguished scream erupted from behind them. Buffy launched herself at the angels tearing their wings off with her bare hands and shoving them into the back of Dark Willow.

Willow, annoyed at the interruption, (she was levitating the grey hulk and pulling strips of his skin off to see how mad he would get...) Collapsed the grey hulks skull and welded the two angels armor together with electricity. The now human Angels burned alive in their red hot armor.

Megadeth in their 4x4 attempted to flee the battle but were crushed to death by the giant steel balls of the Devastator.

Inspired by Megadeth's demise Willow turned her attention to Zombie Phoenix, the fleash eater was consuming the fried Gungans voraciously, (apparently they taste like frog legs, which apparently, taste like chicken...) Willow began to read from an ancient text which stripped Phoenix of all of her powers, including whatever mystical force that was keeping her animated as a zombie.

Cryptic Writings indeed.

Hanna Montana and Barack Obama's Touring Battalion of Commandos are Victorious!

The commandos have lost all 50 gungan warriors, Swimmel, Captain Latin America, The Bottomless Stomach, Cannon man and Kid Nee, and the Cullen clan in the battle.

1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

The green lantern ring was given to The Starchild Dave Bowman. Cost is plus 10.