Sunday, June 12, 2011

Consolation Round 2- Team SP vs The Brigade

Team Sleeping Pussy are: S.H.I.E.L.D Agent and a Compy

Le' Napoleon Brigade are: Steve Wiebe, Andrew Laidlaw, and Phil Day (w/ a Sith Lavarouk)

The cage door is slammed and locked, letting the three video game champions know that the only way they'll be leaving this cage is by either slaughtering their opponents or getting slaughtered themselves.

Phil Day levels his Lavorouk at the back of SHIELD Agent Reginald "Butterscotch" McTwivent as he finishes up adjusting something in the corner. Just as he's about to pull the trigger, McTwivent spins and tosses this strange liquid in Day's face. Day stumbles backward then feels a bit of weight on his chest and clears his eye to see the Compy with a strange harness on it's head. The harness holds a large blade that comes to a point right at the Compy's snout. So when the Compy quick brings it's head down to feast on the blood that McTwivent threw into Day's face, he begins getting stabbed repeatedly. Giving the Compy more incentive to repeatedly stab Phil Day in the head.

While Day deals with the Compy, this leaves Laidlaw and Wiebe to tangle with the phenomenal Butterscotch McTwivent. McTwivent quickly evens the odds, by macing both of his opponents and then and handcuffing the Galga champion to the side of the cage, forcing him to stand idly by and watch the horrors that are about to befall his teammate. Blinded but not out of the match yet, Steve Wiebe tries to sneak up on McTwivent as he finishes cuffing Laidlaw, but Butterscotch pivots on his heel and socks the King of Kong in the jaw with a fist full of quarters. Wiebe goes crashing to the mat, spitting blood but in a stroke of lands on the Compy who is feasting on the corpse of Phil Day. Wiebe grabs the little dinosaur and snaps it's neck. He frantically tries to pull the blood soaked harness off of the Compy's head so he'll have some form of weapon to defend himself but it's too hate for him. McTwivent wraps his arms around the leader of Team Wiebe's neck and proceeds to choke the life of of Wiebe, while Laidlaw watches in horror at the fate of his friend.

As soon as Wiebe takes his final breath, McTwivent drops his body to the ground and turns his focus on the final member of the Brigade. Laidlaw doesn't cry, beg or plead for his life. He knows the price of battle and prepares to pay it. Reginald notices that Laidlaw is about to take his medicine like a man, and grants him a quick, honorable death.

Le'Napoloen Brigade: All dead

Team Sleeping Pussy: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Reginald "Butterscotch" McTwivent survives.



Solobeck said...


Lickolas said...