Monday, March 19, 2012

Week Two Schedule

WEEK 2: Arctic
200 Points
Prize: Flamethrower

Horsemen of Apokolips vs Tijuana Taco Benders (Nick)
Better Than All of You vs Former Pop Superstar Hannah Montana and President Barack Obama’s “Best of Both Worlds” Touring Battalion of Commandos (Goof)
Brotherhood of Evil Midgets vs The Transfoamers (Seeney)
Logical Genocide vs George Washington’s Slaves (Josh)
TEAM vs Team Sleeping Pussy (Becks)
Beckerman’s Backyardigans Beeyaatches vs Layander’s Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together To Make a New Family (Josh)
Brock Samson’s Fighting Murderflies vs Michael Vick’s Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Becks)
Griffin’s High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers vs Xavier's Annihilation Squad (Ryan)

1 comment:

The Champion of the Universe- Logical Genocide GM said...

Jim Tebow has authorized me to release the following statement.

"Due to the current situation my cousin Tim currently finds himself in. I, James Everett Tebow or as my friends call me "Jet", will not be participating in this week's upcoming match against George Washington's Slaves. I'd like to thank the staff at Logical Genocide for granting me this personal time to help Tim get his head straight, and look forward to returning and helping lead my team to victory.

May the dark lord Skeletor and his wingman Jesus Christ be with you all.

Cthulu bless."

Obviously, this is a bit of a blow to our starting roster at LG, but the entire coaching staff agrees that Jim can't afford any distractions when going against a team the pedigree of the Slaves.

May the entire Tebow family help Tim through this dark hour, and f**k George Washington's Slaves.

Thank you and good night.