Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Empire Vs. REAL Man's Rabble Rousers

The Empire is:

-Silver Surfer

-Red She Hulk

-Daredevil (w/ Mithril Vest).

-The Blob


-Earth 2 Batman

-Earth 2 Catwoman

-Superman Jr.

-Batman Jr.

-Black Zero (DC)

-Indigo Lantern Sinestro

-Balder the Brave



-Kid Gladiator

-The Orpahn

-Zombie Poison Ivy

-Kaja Sinis

-Lara Croft (w/ purple lightsaber)

-Scarlet Spider

-Hanibal King



-Black Zero (Mega Man)

-Mewtoo (w/ a red lightsaber).

-Vladimir Putin (w/yellow lantern ring).

Real Man's Rabble Rousers are:

-Zombie Optimus Prime

-The Anti-Monitor

-Vampire Galactus

-Beast Wars Collective:

-Optimus Primal










-Depth Charge


-Big Hon

-Big Convoy


-Autobot #3-5

-Vehicle Voltron

-Air Team

-Commander Jeff





-Sea Team

-Commander Kirk





-Land Team

-Commander Cliff





-Darth Maul (w/ darksaber and broken red lightsaber).

-Darth Rage (w/ yellow lantern ring (now, Darth Maul’s apprentice)).

-Duke: Transformers Mech Unit

-Snake Eyes: Transformers Mech Unit

-Scarlett: Transformers Mech Unit

-Roadblock: Transformers Mech Unit

-Spiderboy (Amalgam)

-Hammer Bros. #21-22

In another close call for all involved, and in a vote of 5 to 2....


Josh the Commish said...


Josh the Commish said...

The sole survivor is tbd very shortly.

The REAL Men will go up against George Washington's Slaves in Round 2 for 850 points.

Josh the Commish said...

Empire: All dead.

REAL Men: Anti-Monitor is the sole survivor.

Artifact said...

Congrats REAL man. Aka. My Next Victim.

Ryan said...

C'mon Real Man, do it! Ha.

Ryan said...

RIP: Darth Rage.