Monday, April 26, 2021

Consortium Week 7: House Elves vs Sith AIDS

House Elves: Ben Kenobi, Soundwave (with all the tapes: Rumble,Frenzy,Ravage,Laserbeak,Buzzsaw,Ratbat,Wingthing,Squawktalk,Beastbox,Glit,Enemy,Howlback,Garboil,Overkill & Slugfest), Omnius, Ron Weasely, Predi-Alien, Enfys Nest (with power staff), Captain Panaka, Finn, Qui Gonn Jinn, Sebulba, Embo, Jar Jar Binks, Batgirl (Cassandra CAin), Sandworm #6-10,Dothraki #2-6 (all with 4 deaths, all riding Dothraki Horses

Sith AIDS: Star killer, Razorclaw, Divebomb, Headstrong, Rampage, Tantrum, Pod racer Anakin(4 deaths), 1-10 baby sandworms, Gnaw, Dinobot, Birdbrain(4 deaths), Brittleback(4 deaths), Icepick(4 deaths), Scowl(4 deaths), Slog(4 deaths), Wildfly(4 deaths), Chop shop, Venom, Ransack, Maxima, and Amon.


Anonymous said...

In a Vote of 4-2 George Washingtons House Elves are Week 7 winners!

Sandworm #6 is the sole survivor

Josh the Commish said...

Sandworms be king of the sand and stuff.