Thursday, March 6, 2008

Where are the comments??

I'm surprised with who we have in this league, that we don't have a LOT more comments being posted. I hope I'm wrong in thinking that not everyone is in to this as I thought. And what's up with the missing team names???


Timmell said...

Josh This is my Team for Water Week.

Team Captain Week 2 Sebastian The Crab (6)

Iron Man (37)

Mega Man & Rush (17)

Mario (16)

Luigi (15)

#1 Naboo Soldier (5) I heard they are good swimmers.

Bear (4)

(4) Jedi Knights (25)

If it 400 points week add

(8) Jedi Knights

Ryan said...

Horsemen of Apokolips's Starting Lineup.

Designated Foreman: Larry Reamer (6)
Sinestro (45)
Polaris (30)
Supergirl (48)
Navy Seals #1-4 (44)
Navy Sailor #100 (free)
9 Dark Jedi Masters (224)