Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Consortium: Week 7

The Royal Highness Vs. Charles Barkley's Turrible Decisions

The Turrible Decisions are:

-Phoenix Force Namor
-Argonauts #1-6
-Navy SEAL Chief #3-4, 14-15
-Navy SEAL #15-18, 45-50
-Blue Dragon #106
-Night Sister Sith Witch #15 (she is the apprentice of the clone of Darth Maul).
-Autobot #6
-Metroid #9-12
-The Argo*
*The Argo contains all necessary characters (Watcher discretion).

The Highness is:
-Signalmen #1-4
-Pirate #11-15
-Ninja Pirate #1-2, & 5
-Upgraded Matrix Agent #1
-Wookie Soldier #1
-Looney Tunes Gremlin #1
-Vampire #21-30
-Swift Boat*
*To be seen as the watchers see fit

In a close decision by most, and in a vote of 4 to 1.........


Josh the Commish said...


Phoenix Force Namor is the sole survivor.

David Parks said...

A win and no deaths for Namor? This turned out even better than I had hoped. Nice line up with Godzilla and the ninja pirates, Mike, that had to be a tough one to vote on.

NFG Mike said...

Oh snap! Barkley's bringing the heat! Good win!

Josh the Commish said...

I speak only for myself, and not the whole consortium; but for me it was a near impossible call between Phoenix Force Namor and Godzilla. It was actually The Argo over the hovercraft and swift boat that tipped the scale. But they were both great squads.