Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Consolation: Round 2

Points: 12
Setting: The very top of The Power Tower at Cedar Point.
Prize: XJ-6 Airspeeder
Squad due date: Friday June 3rd.


-Flop Pooperstar Miley Virus and Barry Soetoro's "Best of Both Turds" Farewell Touring Battalion of Not Much Left Vs. Charles Barkley's I really should write down his new Turrible Name Before he Makes a New Decision (Fizz).

-Layanderletson's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together To Maybe Someday Make the Playoffs Again Vs. The Fakest Man on Erf (John).

-tEAM Vs. The Moist Mafia/ AKA The Grossest Team Name Ever (Nick).

-Brock Sampson's Murdered Flies Vs. The President Obamatrons (Josh).

-Hayley's Tijuana Empire Vs. John and Vader's First Round Choke Artists (Ugh, too soon...... Ooh Sick Burn, GET WRECKED) (Becks)

-Beckerman's Bench-playing Butthurters Vs. Team Resting Vagina (Josh).


David Parks said...

The name is now "Snarls Sharkley's Jaws of Life" in honor of Shark Week.

Josh the Commish said...

That's turrible. In a good way of course.