Thursday, April 25, 2013

Prologe3: Rabblerousers vs. The Empire

Season 5: Week 6- The X.A.S Infirmary
Real Man and I appear in the hospital section of the X.A.S compound. NFG Mike is still in a coma, eventhough he is on a new life. Authority members The Doctor, The Engineer, and The Midnighter, along with Professor X, are attempting to diagnose the problem. "I thought the negative effects left when the character died. What is wrong with this guy?" asks The Doctor. "My scans say that nothing is wrong. I don't understand." adds The Engineer. "Enough of this clown. He's going to be the death of us all. I can arrange an "accident". Maybe we'd be better off with a new owner..." offers The Midnighter. Professor Xavier probes NFG's mind. "You may be right Lucas. His mind is an ugly place. Unless... yes... It is faint, but.... it's there." says Xavier cryptically. "Professor?" questions the Engineer. "There is still a chance he can change." explains the Professor. "Well, give him the old mind zap so that we can get on with our lives." suggests Midnighter. "You know I won't do that. It's all up to him." says Xavier. "Chicken." taunts the Midnighter as the 4 leave the room.

"See Real Man, NFG was still a long way from becoming a semi respectable owner in the FFL. He still had much to learn.." I say. "NFG!!! FACE THE WRATH OF REAL MAN!!!" shouts Real Man as he punches a still comatose NFG in the face. NFG suddenly wakes and rises quickly. "F*CK THE HORSEMEN! I WILL DESTROY RYAN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!! SO SWEARS NFG!!!' screams Mike. Real Man cowers and offers up his wallet as he turtles on the ground. "TAKE IT!!! TAKE EVERYTHING!!! NO MORE BEATINGS! SO PLEADS REAL MAN!!!" "Eric, get up. He can't see us. But I gotta admit, that cheap shot was pretty low, even for you. Just watch." I tell Real Man. An enraged NFG is trashing everything in sight. "So, the FFL wants to treat me like some second class owner?!? I'll show them, I'll show them all!!! They think they know what's best for the League?!?" rants the angry owner. He punches a mirror, cracking it. "I'll show those fools what's best for... the... league..." Mike trails off as he glimpses himself in the splintered mirror. He is ashamed of his actions of late. "I'm... I'm not like this... What the hell is wrong with me? Why have I been acting like such an ass lately? Maybe... maybe it's not too late..." says an enlightened NFG as he leaves for his personal quarters.

"I DIDN'T THINK THIS COULD GET ANY BETTER!!! FIRST YOU ARE COMPLETELY ÈMBARRASSED,,, THEN WE WITNESS THE DAY THAT NFG TURNED INTO A COMPLETE PUSSY!!! REAL MAN IS PLEASED!!!!!!" laughs Real Man. "Wow Eric, you're pretty oblivious sometimes. This was a turning point for the X.A.S. This is the day that NFG Mike stopped being a self serving owner, and started giving something back to the FFL." I explain. "IF EVERYTHING WORKED OUT SO GREAT, HOW COME THE X.A.S. IS DEFUNCT??? THIS IS POINTLESS!!! SO SAYS REAL MAN!!!" "I'm beginning to think that you might be right Eric, but Ziggy says that I have one more thing to show you before we leap home..." "ZIGGY?!?" asks Real Man as we teleport further still...


Josh the Commish said...

Dude... You are starting to make me like Real Man; and that is not allowed to happen. Great job so far!!

Real Man said...

I approve the prologues. So says Real Man!

Artifact said...


Ziggy! Hahaha

Dude you have me cracking up. Awesome

NuFaGtu said...

You ain't seen nothin yet... Hey... HEY!!! Eric, get away from that! Sigh... I gotta go...