Sunday, August 14, 2016


Mountain Region. . .

King Richard the Lionhearted flies across the mountainous terrain in a Resistance X-Wing with R2 Unit #11.  King Richard looks from his cockpit to see four First Order Tie Fighters manned by figures, once again, created by q.  The king smiles at the abilities of his q-created teammates as they barrel roll together in perfect formation.  The five ships locate their target, standing on the peak of a mountain; it is the Hydra.
King Richard:  Oh ye beast of many heads, may the members of the Royal Highness rain fire upon your hide!

The tie fighters fire upon the monster simultaneously, causing the Hydra to scream as the lasers rip across its body.  The pilots are careful to fire only upon the body of the beast, knowing that if a head is severed, two shall appear in its place.
King Richard:  Oh ye men of the Ties, your battle hardened guises make my heart sing to the stars above.  Let us finish this Hydra in expedited fashion.

As if in response to King Richard’s plea, the tie fighters use their lasers, once again, to rip into the Hydra.  As the beast bellows, a F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter flies to the scene.
Maverick:  Highway to the Danger Zone, baby!!!!

Maverick uses his mad skills to instantly destroy two of the tie fighters.  The two remaining fighters barely escape another Maverick barrage of weaponry.
King Richard:  This maverick must be placed in his grave by the hands of the Highness!  Focus upon our flying foe!

A dog fight ensues as a cascade of blazing laser fire shoots across the sky.  Although Maverick manages to destroy the two other tie fighters, it is not without a cost as his ship is disabled, leaving him as easy prey for King Richard.
King Richard:  A valiant foe doth thou be; though a dead one you are now, mine enemy!

King Richard miraculously blows Maverick out of the sky.  In reality, King Richard is successful only due to the other tie fighters who managed to cripple Maverick’s fighter.
Although victorious in his first skirmish, he fails to pay attention and King Richard flies too close to the Hydra; one of his wings is clipped.  He gains control of his fighter again and is about to strike when he notices Jadis the White Witch climbing to the peak.  Jadis unleashes a spell and freezes the Hydra in its place.  King Richard flies his fighter and fires at the frozen Hydra.  The monster succumbs to a barrage of fire and shatters in hundreds of frozen pieces.

King Richard:  Jadis my White Queen, you are thanked for your wizardry!
Jadis looks at Richard’s x-wing as it flies onward.


NFG Mike said...

I apperciate King Richard's loquatious dialogue! FOR YON HIGHNESS!!!

Artifact said...

King Richard in an Xwing, dogfighting Maverick and killing The Hydra. Haha. Good stuff. This is FFL.