Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Consolation:Horsemen vs Oblivio

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse are: Harley Quinn

Oblivio are: Zak Saturday w/ blue lightsaber

As the two eliminated AL teams enter the banquet hall of Hogwarts for the battle, Harley Quinn can scarcely believe her eyes as to who her opponent is.

"What the? A kid? With an emo stripe in his hair? Heee hee hee. What're you doing here, kid? This ain't a Hot Topic. Go home, write some crappy poetry and cut yourself because you're so misunderstood before I really put a hurting on ya" she sneers

"I'm Zak Saturday, of the Secret Saturdays lady, and the only thing I'm gonna cut is you" Zak proclaims as he fires up his lightsaber

"Zat so?" replies Harley "Well, I'm about to change you into a Sunday, bloody Sunday"

Harley pulls out her giant mallet as Zak charges her, Zak swings the lightsaber and cuts her mallet in two, destroying the weapon.

"Hey, that was my favorite hammer! No fair" screams Harley

"What's the matter, you have problems hitting a kid?" Zak says confidently

"Oh no, I was just trying to make this interesting. It's not everyday you get to kill a Potterhead in his mecca" Zak again goes to slice Harley with his lightsaber, but she easily dodges his attack, and disarms the kid. Sending his lightsaber rolling across the floor.

"Ok, playtimes over." Harley says "I feel bad for your family, because we're about to have Saturdays mourning. GET IT??!!!"

With that Harley does a wicked cartwheel roundhouse kick that catches Zak in the back of the neck, killing the child.

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Harley Quinn lives

Oblivio: All dead



Josh the Commish said...

Cool match Chris!!

Lickolas said...

I'm loving it! Good stuff dude. Loved the puns.